The eyes looked even more suspiciously at Uzumaki Gaoyi, who was holding the knife again.

By the cow, the invisible internal force is transmitted to another person's body, leading to crazy destruction.

This is the essence of cows that cross the mountains.

I didn't know that this red tiger, which did not belong to the tricks of this world, was hurt again.

The damage that was initially suppressed suddenly increased a little.

So I couldn't help but vomit blood.

But the old general is not a normal person after all.

After the sudden outbreak, the Red Tiger suddenly left the attack range of Vortex Gaoyi.

Look at Uzumaki Gaoyi, but he is considering this countermeasure.

Vortex Gaoyi lacks the ability to follow up attacks after the internal power continues to be overloaded, and must use this opportunity to slow down.

"Since I became famous, giant, you are the first person to make me vomit blood, very nice, very good.

It seems that the second form is not used.

It's really hard to kill you!"

Vortex Gaoyi obviously doesn't feel good.

Then in the sight of Uzumaki Gaoyi, the red tiger changed again.

Compared to before, the red tiger is like a person again, but an orc.

"Some of the beasts?" Uzumaki Gaoyi couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I'm not going to use it, but your power makes it mandatory for me to use it.

After the Red Tiger ended, he rushed to the whirlpool Gaoyi again.

To Uzumaki Gaoyi's surprise, the speed at which the Red Tiger hurried to come again slowed down significantly.

Flashing directly, Uzumaki Gaoyi suddenly laughed.

While continuing the chase, Red Tiger shouted: "Giant, be so funny to me?

Unexpectedly, Uzumaki Gaoyi did not expect that Red Tiger would care about this.

But Uzumaki Gaoyi is not a smile.

"Grass, this is the second form, lie to Lao Tzu, the beast is the first part of the beast, all, compared to the part, completely, can exert more powerful combat power, only speed, and the current speed can fully prove this.

And you actually gave up the complete state, why can't I laugh at this stupidity, I trust you to keep up with me, methodical paws I admit it's hard to avoid, I'm wrapped up, I guess this possibility of being killed by you is true.

It's huge.

But, can you catch up with me? Lao Tzu has a hidden weapon!"

Before the voice fell, Uzumaki Gaoyi backhanded, two black lines had already appeared, and went straight to the red tiger chasing him.

Flashed, and the explosion immediately sounded.

The distance between Uzumaki Gaoyi and Red Tiger did not shrink, but Uzumaki Gaoyi consciously opened it.

Perspective, both forms have their pros and cons.

The complete form is a bit frustrating for melee combat, after all, the structure of the body has changed.

For this kind of guy, the chances of playing it are greater, but the half-finished form can't be played, the speed of the full form.

He wanted to be close to him, he wanted to.

The giant suddenly saw it, so he kept a considerable distance from himself.

If the speed at which the form can change can be as rapid as a giant, it still needs to be deliberately stopped and changed.

Damn, I can't find a quick solution to the battle.

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