Xiao Yun

didn't dare to stay longer, in case this guy called for help, it would be troublesome, don't look at the process of Xiao Yun repelling the masked man just now was very easy, in fact, only Xiao Yun knew that almost all the hole cards were used just now, except for Mu Dun.

If you don't repel the masked man, the consequences are really unimaginable.

After running a full 50 kilometers on his back, he finally stopped in a forest.

"Lord Jiraiya, I'll treat you first!" Xiao

Yun put down Jiraiya and immediately cast the Earth Rejuvenation Technique on him.

Three hours later, the dying Jiraiya finally had a trace of blood on his face.

"Xiao Yun, thank you for saving me, if it weren't for you this time, I might really die there"

Zilai also said weakly.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade has always regarded you as a big brother, her eldest brother is my eldest brother, why are you polite to me? Besides, I'm the fifth generation Hokage, and it's not a matter of course to save my own villagers"

Xiao Yun smiled faintly.

"If the three generations of Hokage knew your growth speed and the will of fire, Jiuquan would also wake up with a smile, the masked man just now was I couldn't hurt him at all, you actually seriously injured him, it's unbelievable, you are really the most powerful genius I've ever seen in my life, I'm afraid even the four generations of Hokage can't compare to you"

Looking at Xiao Yun in front of him, he also admired and admired in his heart, how long has it been, Xiao Yun has grown from a shinobi to such a terrifying point.

"It's just luck, it's just luck"

Xiao Yun was a little embarrassed to be praised, where could he compare with the four generations of Hokage Storm Watergate?

The reason why he was able to repel the masked man was because he knew his details, and the masked man despised him, which gave him a chance to take advantage of.

"Jiraiya, how could you be so seriously injured this time, did the masked man do it?"

Xiao Yun looked at Jiraiya suspiciously.

"Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama has just woken up, although there is no worry about his life for the time being, but he still needs further treatment, if he is not treated in time, it may leave future troubles, I suggest that we go back to Konoha and wait for Jiraiya to recover and then talk slowly and in detail"

Hinata Baijie on the side said.

"That's reasonable, let's go now, I'll carry it"

After speaking, Xiao Yun walked to Zilaiye's side.

"No, I'll carry it, Lord Jiraiya"

Hinata Baijie stopped Xiao Yun distressedly, she could see clearly in the battle with the masked man just now, Xiao Yun almost exhausted all the chakra, although the battle lasted for a very short time, but it was very depleting to Xiao Yun's body.

"Let's do it with me"

Xiao Yun shook his hand

, he is also a famous pervert, at this moment, Xiao Yun found that although this thing was seriously injured, the corner of his eyes still sprinkled the tights button of Hinata Baijie from time to time that was about to break the tights.

"The quality of this chick's clothes is really good, and the merchant is really lacking in virtue,"

Zilai muttered to himself.

"Alas, Xiao Yun, what are you doing, no...... Ahem, I don't want you to hug me, I want Hinata Baijie to carry me!"

Along the way, Hinata Baijie kept peeking at Xiao Yun, and there was a trace of sweetness in his heart: Could it be that Xiao Yun didn't want me to have contact with other men, so he deliberately

rushed back with me? Is that so? It

shouldn't be?

It should be?

Along the way, Hinata Baijie finally rushed back to Konoha with doubts.

As soon as they entered Konoha, the two of them immediately settled Jiraiya in Konoha Hospital.

"Bai Jie, you've worked hard during this time, go back and have a good rest,"

Xiao Yun said with a smile.


Hinata nodded but never left.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Yun looked at Hinata Baijie suspiciously.

Hinata Bai Jie was silent for a long time, but her face became more and more red, and finally, she seemed to have made up her mind, her red lips opened lightly, and said: "Hokage-sama, there is something I want to ask you, when I go back to Konoha, you won't let me carry ......

" "Xiao Yun, you are back, I want to kill you"

At this moment, a gentle voice came, and an incomparably beautiful figure threw herself into Xiao Yun's arms, needless to say, it was the child's mother Tsunade.

Seeing this, Hinata Baijie suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart, her nose was sore, and she quietly left the two.

A few days later, Jiraiya finally recovered, but Tsunade had back pain and leg cramps, and even the short journey to the hospital to see Jiraiya was carried by Xiao Yun.

Fortunately, it was late at night and no one saw it.

"Tsunade, why do you even have to carry Xiao Yun on your back for a walk, is the reaction of pregnancy so big?"

"Maybe, it's not all to blame this dead ghost" Tsunade pinched Xiao Yun on the side fiercely, and Xiao Yun grinned in pain.

"Oh, then you have to take care of the fetus, the child you and Xiao Yun gave birth to must be a genius, you don't know, Xiao Yun's performance this time is really beyond my expectations"

Zilai also said excitedly.

When Xiao Yun heard this, he was speechless for a while, Zilai also looked bohemian, but in fact, he was still a virgin, and he didn't know anything about women.

If Tsunade is so full of qi and blood, and his face is like a peach blossom, where can he see that he looks like a woman with a big reaction to pregnancy?

If Xiao Li or Maitkai were here, they would definitely know that Tsunade was the result of being nourished by the essence of heaven and earth.


, pitiful, one of the three ninjas, is still a forty-year-old virgin, and I will take him to fire the first shot in my life another day.

"By the way, Jiraiya, what happened to you in Tangying Village this time, why were you so seriously injured"

Tsunade stood up with his hand on the chair, but he didn't expect his legs to be weak and almost fall, but fortunately, Xiao Yun helped her in time.

Tsunade gave him a blank look, and pinched him again, this guy is an animal, and returning to Konoha is two things, cultivating during the day and tossing at night.

It seems that there is an inexhaustible amount of energy, and no matter how good the land is, it can't be cultivated like this, right?

It is said that there is no bad field, only tired cattle, and now it seems that the rumors are wrong.

"Tsunade, you better sit down

" Jiraiya paused, and said with a scared face, "I'm ...... Yuying this time


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