Tsunade's house.

It was already very late at night.

After chatting for a while.

The Great Elder, Setsuna, and Senju Orange Water left.

A lot of things happened late at night.

Uchiha Yakumo reshaped the body of Rope Tree and killed four Root Organization ninjas.

Tsunade, unable to resist the feelings in her heart, directly broke the window paper and expressed her feelings to Yakumo.

That night, Uchiha Yakumo and Tsunade officially established a husband-and-wife relationship.

At night, they no longer distinguished each other when they went to sleep.


The next day, early in the morning.

In the office of the Third Hokage.

Because four Root ninjas were killed last night.

Shimura Danzo came to the office early in the morning to complain to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Fearing that he could not convince Sarutobi Hiruzen,

Shimura Danzo specially brought Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En.


"Uchiha Yehuo, that brat, actually dared to openly kill the Root Organization Ninja"

"And in front of four elite jonin"

"You have to take care of this matter."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his pipe and frowned slightly:

"Danzo, I warned you"

"Don't monitor Uchiha Yehuo"

"You are also responsible for the current situation."

Utane Koharu stood up with a stern face:

"Hi! Sarutobi"

"Even if the Root ninjas monitor Uchiha Yakama,"

"Uchiha Yehuo has no power to kill Root ninjas."

Mitomon Yan added:

"Now this matter has spread throughout the village."

"In front of four elite ninjas, he openly killed a Root ninja in Konoha Village."

"This matter is a great challenge to the authority of our Konoha high-level officials."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and remained silent.

This matter seemed to be very difficult.

If it was not handled properly, the impact on Konoha Village might be great.

It might even further stimulate the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha Village high-level officials.

This was something Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, did not want to see. Sarutobi Hiruzen was racking his brains and thinking hard about how to deal with this matter...

Suddenly, an Anbu ninja came in to report.

"Hokage-sama, this morning, the news that four Root ninjas were killed by Uchiha Hellfire last night spread throughout the village."

"And public opinion has been formed"

"Many villagers have strong dissatisfaction with the head of the Uchiha clan!"

"Some villagers even said that the Uchiha clan would threaten the safety of the village."

"Demand that the Uchiha clan be driven out of the village."

The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at him, thinking:


"What happened just last night"

"How come...the whole village suddenly knew about it?"

"How could the news spread so quickly?"

Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo.

"Hmm? I see."

Shimura Danzo, staring with a pair of dead fish eyes, twisted his mouth, and showed a sinister smile.

The moment he saw Shimura Danzo's micro-expression.

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, instantly understood in his heart that this was all Shimura Danzo's trick behind the scenes.

Uchiha Yaka killed four Root Organization ninjas.

As the boss of the Root Organization, how could Shimura Danzo let Uchiha Yaka go easily?

Faced with such public opinion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little helpless for a while.

Shimura Danzo, continued to chatter.

"Sarutobi, you should send the Anbu to arrest Uchiha Yakashi!"

As for Shimura Danzo's request to arrest Uchiha Yakashi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent and did not rush to express his opinion.


Early morning, Tsunade's house

""Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Early in the morning, there was a knock on the door.

Uchiha Yehuo:


"Haven't gotten enough sleep yet."

"Who is knocking on the door so early in the morning?"

Tsunade got up, walked out of the living room, went to the yard and opened the door.


""Grand Elder, Setsuna, why are you here?"

In addition to the Grand Elder and Setsuna, there were also Yashiro, Inahime, Tetsuka and others standing behind them.

Tsunade was curious as to why so many people came all of a sudden.

After inviting everyone into the living room and having them sit down, the Grand Elder frowned and said anxiously:

"Chief, this is not good."

"Last night, the whole village knew that you killed four Root ninjas."

"Now, public opinion has formed in the village, which is very unfavorable to our Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Yehuo and Tsunade were both confused.

After all, they had been together all morning and had not gone out.

Then, the elder recounted the public opinion in the village that morning.

Uchiha Yehuo frowned slightly.

"Shimura Danzo, he's pretty quick."

"These negative opinions were probably spread by Shimura Danzo.

Uchiha Setsuna had a sinister look on his face and frowned.

""Clan leader, what should we do?"

Uchiha Yehuo thought for a moment.

"Shimura Danzo, then let's hurt each other"

"Great Elder, Setsuna, you guys spread the news in the village"

"Why didn't Konoha Village lend a helping hand when the Whirlpool Country was destroyed? This was all Danzo's idea!"

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

In fact, the villagers of Konoha Village were all wondering why Konoha Village didn't lend a helping hand when the Whirlpool Country was in trouble.

Could it be that the demise of the Whirlpool Country was really the responsibility of Shimura Danzo?

Everyone hesitated.

The elder's eyes flashed and reported

"Patriarch, there is one more important thing!"

"This morning, when our tribe was building houses, we dug up many bones and corpses at the site of the Senju clan."

"This morning, I went to the scene with Setsuna and others to check"

"The skeletons and bodies found at the site of the Senju clan were from the Senju clan."

"And the number is astonishing"


However , these skeletons and corpses all seem to be from unnatural deaths.���Old report.

Uchiha Yehuo, Tsunade, pupils shrank slightly:

Tsunade, frowned tightly, anger in her heart rose rapidly

"Last night, we got information from the Root Ninja."

"Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru are conducting human experiments at the Root organization's secret underground test base."

"The human bodies they experimented on were the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

"It seems that these skeletons and corpses of the Senju clan are all from failed human experiments."

"Abandoned by Shimura Danzo at the old site of the Senju clan."

As she spoke, Tsunade clenched her fists in anger.

After hearing what Tsunade said, the Great Elder, Setsuna, Yashiro, Inahori and others were all horrified.

"Conducting human experiments?"

"Damn Danzo!"

"He actually did such a dirty and filthy thing behind the scenes."

"No wonder our Uchiha clan sometimes has missing persons."

"It turned out that he was captured by Shimura Danzo for human experiments."

Everyone was furious.

Uchiha Yehuo looked at the angry people and ordered:

"In addition to spreading the rumor that the destruction of the Whirlpool Country was caused by Danzo,"

"You also spread this news in the village."

"Let's say... Shimura Danzo secretly captured people from the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan for human experiments."

"Study the blood of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan in an attempt to gain eternal life."

The angry elder, Setsuna, Yashiro, Inahiro and others followed the instructions of the clan leader and began to create public opinion in Konoha Village...

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