[Chidori], is a ninjutsu original by Kakashi Kiki, a Konoha technician and copy ninja, with the morphological changes of Chakra and the nature of Chakra.

"Sasuke, you should have heard about Chakra's 'nature change' and 'form change' at Kakashi-sensei, right?"

Sasuke nodded after hearing Sakura's question.


"The [Chidori] that Kakashi taught me has exactly these two changes."

Sakura nodded when she heard this.

"And you have also successfully cultivated the nature change of Thunder Chakra because of your cultivation [Chidori], so you can continue to practice on the form change on [Chidori]."

"[Chidori] is formed by concentrating the high-intensity current formed by the thunder chakra on the hand, but it needs to be sealed."

"So, in the first step, I want you to give up the seal, and directly condense into [Chidori] in your hand by manipulating Lei Dun Chakra."

Sasuke looked shocked when he heard Sakura's words.

"Give up the seal?"

"That's right!"


"Sasuke, use [Sharingan]."

Although Sasuke didn't know why Sakura asked him to use [Sharingan], he still did as he was told.

Sakura stretched out her slender white palm and said to Sasuke.

"Use the [Sharingan] to see clearly that I control the flow of Chakra!"

As soon as the words fell, Sakura manipulated the water chakra on her meridian system to converge on her slender fingers.

Shui Du Chakra quickly condensed and rotated on his fingertips.

Then a high-speed swirling water vortex of bullets is formed.

It is a reference to the ninjutsu of the [Hard Vortex Water Blade] between the second generation Hokage Senjutsu, but it is miniaturized and turned into a bullet-sized shape, and Sakura called this move [Hard Vortex Water Bomb].

"Xiu..." The

high-speed spinning bullet shot out from Sakura's fingertips and directly through a nearby tree trunk.


Sasuke's blood-red eyes widened, and his mouth opened slightly.

"That's amazing..."

Sakura said with a smug expression as she looked at the surprised Sasuke.

"By manipulating the water chakra and changing its form, it will become like this."

"Sasuke, you have completed the change in the nature of the Thunder Chakra, and then you only need to highly concentrate on controlling your own Thunder Chakra, and converge into your hands to make [Chidori]."

"Then you can use [Chidori] to study other morphological changes."

"I'm sure you can do it!"

Sasuke showed a serious look and said with a slightly excited look on his face.

"Hmph... I'm a man with the title of the Uchiha clan!

"This little thing, it's hard for me!"

In this way, Sasuke, with the help of Sakura, began to perform the Seal Ninjutsu on [Chidori] and evolved into Muji Ninjutsu.

Sakura saw Sasuke excitedly begin to further cultivate [Chidori], and she herself began today's cultivation.

[Shadow Doppelgänger Art! ]

Sakura summoned a shadow doppelganger with both hands, and then pulled out the medical books from the Shinobu package, having been helping in the hospital lately and had no time to ingest medical knowledge.

Using the special effect of the shadow avatar, the shadow avatar will feed back to the ontology at the end, and the memories or experiences of the shadow avatar will be fed back to the ontology at the end, but the only drawback is that the duration of Chakra is not enough, and it will cause a certain degree of mental pressure on the ontology.

However, for Sakura's current situation, a shadow avatar for a long time is enough.



How long ago did that be.

At the age of four, he was taken to the battlefield by his father.

All that came into view was a corpse, and when I looked up into the distance, there was also a corpse, and there were corpses everywhere.

The battlefield, corpses, originally these words should not be remembered by children, should not be seen.

And now once his hometown, the village of Konoha in the Land of Fire was also in the midst of a war not long ago, and this country has always been a country of many disasters.

"Itachi, is this Konoha Hidden Village? It looks like the environment is really nice. "

Standing beside Uchiha Itachi is his companion's dried persimmon oniko.

"Although I escaped destruction, I still seem to have suffered a lot of damage."

"It's pitiful that the originally prosperous village has been hurt like this."

Uchiha didn't respond to Dry Persimmon's words.

Seeing that the ferret ignored him, the dry persimmon ghost mackerel said jokingly.

"I really miss you... Even you will have some nostalgia for your hometown

..." "No..."

said Uchiha Itachi, still maintaining an expressionless and indifferent expression.

"I'm not nostalgic at all."

Uchiha Weasel and Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish, both wearing the same red cloud robe of the "Xiao" organization, and wearing a cloak on their heads.

Seeing the security of Konoha Hidden Village as nothing, he sneaked directly into the village.

The long running also made them feel a little tired, and Uchiha Weasel came to a ball shop with dried persimmon oniko.

How long it had been since he had been here to eat his latest favorite balls, he couldn't remember exactly.

Since officially becoming a ninja, I have come here less and less.

Since entering Xiao, I can't eat my favorite food, even if there is the same food in other places, eating it in my mouth is not the taste I remember.

Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Sat down.

The ferret kept carrying the cloak and said to the hostess.

"Trouble to get two three-color balls."

"Okay, no problem!"

The hostess replied in a loud voice.

After a while, the hostess was carrying a wooden plate with two three-color balls and two cups of hot tea.

"Two three-color balls! Two objective please use slowly!

"Weasel, you really like to eat this kind of stuff."

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel said with a grumbling.

In the years he was with Uchiha Itachi, he often saw Itachi eating these things, and he really didn't understand what was delicious about this thing.

Uchiha Weasel picked up a string of three-color balls and said to him.

"Don't eat?"

"If you don't eat... Just drink tea. "


said the dried persimmon ghost mackerel as he picked up a three-color ball.

"Eat, after all, it's not me who treats."

The two of them sat in the ball shop in Konoha Hidden Village and ate like this.

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