Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 150 Shadow Guards

After several months of busy work, Konoha has finally completed most of the tasks that had been backlogged due to the war. Under this situation, Liu Yu also had more free time.

In the early morning, Liuyu originally planned to take advantage of his rare free time to guide the training of the children of the Caoqian clan. But before Riuyu could gather the children, Kakashi from the ANBU came to remind him to gather on the rooftop of the Hokage's office building.

Originally, Liuyu wanted to ask more about what was going on, but Kakashi ignored him at all and left immediately after the message was sent.

Although he was a little confused about what this sudden summons was, Liuyu did not dare to neglect, so he could only give up his plan temporarily and go to the Hokage's office building.

When Liu Yu came to the rooftop of the Hokage's office building, he found that there were already three people waiting, and the three of them were talking about something there. Looking at these three people, Liu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, because Liu Yu knew all three of them.

"Shiranui strings, footsame, and Iwahi."

Liu Yu whispered the names of several people. Looking at these three people, Liu Yu had already guessed the purpose of Namikaze Minato coming to find him today.

In the original work, in addition to being Kakashi's contemporaries, the three Shiranui Genma also have another identity, that is, members of the Shadow Guard of Namikaze Minato.

If his guess was correct, then today is the day when Minato Namikaze's Shadow Guards were officially established. But he didn't expect that this time he would be selected into the Shadow Guards by Minato Namikaze.

In the original work, Namikaze Minato has the shortest tenure among all the Hokages, only less than two years. Therefore, the existence of Namikaze Minato's Shadow Guards was extremely short.

Under normal circumstances, as a guard of a village's shadow, one's strength must at least reach the level of the village's elite Jonin. At this time, the three of Shiranui Genma, Mingzu Raido, and Tie Iwashi were only at the chuunin level. It can be said that the strength of the three of them at this moment was not enough to become a member of the Shadow Guards.

Why did Namikaze Minato choose Shiranui Genma, Mingzu Raido, and Dai Iwashi to be his shadow guards?

The Shadow Guards, as the guards directly under the Hokage, are usually made up of people whom the Hokage can trust. Just like when Danzo participated in the Five Kage Conference, Yamafaze and Aburame Takene, who were accompanying him as bodyguards, were both members of the Roots.

As a civilian ninja, Namikaze Minato didn't have much of a team before he became Hokage. Otherwise, the third generation would not have let Namikaze Minato serve as the acting chief of the Sosen clan to help him increase his team.

From the current point of view, Ryuha and Kussenfudou have made great achievements in the war, and Namikaze Minato, as the acting leader of the Kussen clan, has his first team.

As for the selection of the members of the Shadow Guard, it would be best for Minato Namikaze to select outstanding talents from the new era and train them. Besides, with Namikaze Minato's current strength, it doesn't matter how strong the members of the Shadow Guard are.

Most of the famous and powerful people in the village are from major families and belong to their own factions. Letting him join the Shadow Guard rashly may affect the political balance of the village.

Just like in order to maintain the political balance of the village, the third generation, Danzo and the two major advisors had previously prevented the Uchiha clan members from joining the ANBU.

It turns out that Minato's three disciples were all excellent young members of the Shadow Guard. Obito, as a member of the Uchiha clan, could very well ease the relationship with the Uchiha clan, which had always been at odds with the village. Lin was also an extremely good medical ninja. , Kakashi is even more famous as a genius in Konoha.

However, Lin and Obito were killed one after another in the war, and Kakashi closed his heart because of this, so the members of the Shadow Guard could only choose others.

"Yo! You're here too!"

Just when Ryuyu was thinking about the problems behind these, Shiranui Genma, who was chewing a Senbon, looked at Ryuyu who appeared on the rooftop of the top floor, and raised his hand to say hello.

Although Ryūha was not a graduate of Konoha's orthodox ninja school, after all this time, both parties still had a certain understanding of each other. In particular, several of them also participated in the barbecue banquet for Riyu's successful promotion to Jonin at Asuma's invitation, so they would still say hello to each other when they saw each other.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

Hearing Shiranui Genma's call, Namashi Raido and Tie Iwashi also turned around and said hello.

"Good morning everyone."

Liu Yu came back to his thoughts and responded to a few people with a smile, and then came to a few people.

"Do you know why Hokage-sama summoned us here?"

Seeing Liu Yu coming over, Shiranui Genma turned to ask. Hearing Shiranui Genma's question, Nazu Raido and Tie Iwashi also cast doubtful eyes on Ryūha. Several people have discussed this issue before, but no reliable conclusion has been drawn.

Everyone present knew that Namikaze Minato was not only the Hokage, but also the acting head of the Sosen clan. Except for the Hokage's office, Namikaze Minato and his wife lived with the Kussen clan in their daily affairs. As the true clan leader of the Kussen clan, Ryūha might know some inside information.

"Sorry, I don't know anything. I thought you knew the reason why we were called here."

Looking at the confused looks of several people, Liu Yu shook his head helplessly. Although she had already guessed the purpose of Minato Namikaze summoning several people, she really didn't know what the inside story was. Moreover, Namikaze Minato's formation of the Shadow Guards was just Ryūha's guess. If he guessed wrong, it would be a big problem.

Although Minato Namikaze lived with the Kusachi clan, after becoming Hokage, Minato Namikaze often worked early in the morning and late at night busy with Hokage affairs, and Ryūha himself was also busy with various tasks. After Minato Namikaze returned home, Ryūha became more and more embarrassed to disturb the young couple. Therefore, Ryūha had never seen Minato Namikaze a few times in the Kusachi Clan's residence, and there was no way to tell the inside story.

Seeing Liu Yu shaking his head, Shiranui Genma sighed, and then said: "Okay, stop guessing, why you summoned us, the Hokage will explain it when the time comes."

With things like this, a few people could only wait for the arrival of Namikaze Minato.

"Are you curious about why I summoned you here this time?"

At this time, a bright voice came, and the eyes of several people were instantly attracted by the source of the sound. They saw Namikaze Minato walking towards them with a smile on his face wearing the Hokage God's robe.


Namikaze Minato came in front of him, and Ryuyu and others said respectfully in unison.

"Haha! No need to be so formal."

Looking at the children in front of him, Namikaze Minato said gently. After Gao Bo Feng Shui Men said this, several people felt relieved and no longer so nervous.

"Okay, let's get to the point! Do you know why I called you here this time?"

After laughing, Namikaze Minato became a little more serious and asked softly. The three of them, Shiranui Genma, shook their heads, indicating that they did not know.

"It seems that Hokage-sama hasn't formed the Shadow Guard yet, right?"

Liu Yu asked back, but his doubtful tone was mixed with a hint of certainty.

"Well, you guessed it right. The purpose of summoning the four of you this time is indeed to form my own Shadow Guard."

Hearing Ryuu's seemingly questioning but actually affirmative answer, Namikaze Minato smiled softly, she is really a smart little girl!

Hearing Liu Yu's words, Shiranui Genma and the other three couldn't help but roll their eyes. Didn't you guys say you don't know the inside story? But soon several people were shocked by Namikaze Minato's confirmed words.

"Shadow Guards! Did I hear you right?"

Shiranui Genma couldn't help but shout excitedly. As the direct guard of the Hokage, the Shadow Guard has a higher status than the Anbu directly under the Hokage.

"He was actually selected into the Shadow Guard!"

Bingzu Leitong and Dieyiwaxi could not suppress their inner joy and shouted excitedly on the side. As the personal bodyguards of the Shadow of a Village, the Shadow Guard will often follow the Hokage to various diplomatic occasions, but it is an extremely important position.


Liu Yu coughed twice, signaling the others to pay attention to the impact. After all, she had guessed Namikaze Minato's plan in advance, so she didn't appear as excited as the others. However, as a part of Konoha ninja, Liu Yu still showed a hint of joy at the right time. After all, serving as the Hokage's guard is not something that just anyone can do. It is an honorable position.

Seeing the excitement of the people in front of him, Namikaze Minato smiled softly, and then continued: "From today on, the four of you are members of the Shadow Guard directly under me."


Several people answered in unison.

"So, who should be the captain of the Hokage Guards?"

Seeing the energetic expressions of several people, Namikaze Minato felt a hint of amusement and asked with a slight smile.

Hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Shiranui Genma, Namatsu Raidou, and Dai Iwashi shot out blazing flames from their eyes. After all, they are all young people. They are young and energetic and want to be the captain of the Shadow Guard.

The smile on Liu Yu's face disappeared, and he glanced at the three people around him coldly. The warning in it was self-evident. He seemed to be telling them, "I am determined to be the captain of the Shadow Guard. If you don't accept it, I’ll beat you until you are convinced.”

Feeling the warning look in Liu Yu's eyes, the few people who were so ambitious just now couldn't help but quiet down. After all, Ryūha is a real jounin, but he is not comparable to those of the other chuunin.

"As the only Jonin in the Shadow Guards, Riyuha-san is the strongest, so I propose that Ryūha be the captain of the Shadow Guards temporarily."

After knowing that as long as Ryūha was around, he could not obtain the captain of the Shadow Guards, Hinashiri immediately changed his tune and wisely expressed his support for Ryūha to be the captain of the Shadow Guards. However, he still kept it in mind and said "for now."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Shiranui Genma and Tie Iwashi also knew that they couldn't compete with Ryūha, so they had no choice but to agree to Nazakuri's proposal. Seeing that a few people were quite sensible, Liu Yu smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay! Then the captain of the Shadow Guard will be Jounin Kusanagi Ryuha."

Seeing that several people had unified their opinions, Namikaze Minato immediately announced that Ryūha would be the captain of the Shadow Guards. Seeing Ryuha 'seizing' the position of captain of the Shadow Guards with an almost 'threatening' approach, Namikaze Minato smiled softly, he was really a strong kid.

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