Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 156: The so-called protective nin

After staying in the City of Fire for two days, the most grand festival of the Fire Country - the Fire King Festival was finally ushered in. On this day, Namikaze Shuikou, the Hokage, and the Daimyo of the Land of Fire attended a grand celebration together.

When the first ray of morning light shines into the earth, it means the celebration officially begins. Before the celebration started, Namikaze Minato had already gone to the daimyo's palace, preparing to participate in the parade with the daimyo. As members of the Shadow Guard, Shiranui Genma and the others naturally followed Namikaze Minato.

"Hokage-sama, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing Namikaze Minato, the daimyo greeted him cordially. In any case, Konoha had won the Ninja World War after all. As a victorious daimyo, he must be very satisfied.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome."

Namikaze Minato replied officially.

"This is the name of the Fire Country!"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him who was obviously old in Chinese clothes, Mingzu Lei whispered quietly to one side. This was the first time he saw the name of the Kingdom of Fire.

Liuyu turned around and glanced coldly at Bingzu Leitong behind him, signaling to Ningzu Leitou to remember his responsibilities.

The procession soon began, with the daimyo slowly moving forward on a huge palanquin at the head, and Namikaze Minato accompanying him. Following behind were members of the royal family. The Third Young Master whom Liu Yu had met two days ago and the unruly Princess Himeko were also in the accompanying team. The unruly Princess Himeko seemed to have a bit of a royal air after putting on her festive attire. Then came the various dignitaries and foreign envoys from the Fire Nation, flanked by the people of the Fire Nation who kept cheering.

Ryūha did not pay attention to the official greetings between Namikaze Minato and the daimyo, nor did he pay attention to the various celebrations on both sides. Instead, he focused his attention on the guards around the daimyo.

There are four guards around the daimyo, three men and one woman. Unlike the rest of the team who were relaxed during the festival, they all looked very serious and looked at everything around them with vigilance.

The man at the front was wearing a monk's robe, he was almost fifty years old, and he was also the oldest among several people. He always had his eyes half closed. The man behind him was about twenty years old, with silver hair and always holding a Senbon in the corner of his mouth. He looked a bit like Shiranui Genma.

Liu Yu had met the remaining two people once, they were the brother and sister who accompanied the Third Young Master to look for Princess Himeko last time, but he didn't expect that these two people were actually the Daimyo's bodyguards.

The solemnity of the four people was in sharp contrast to the relaxedness of the people around them, but these people were undoubtedly extremely qualified as guards, and the daimyo trusted them very much. This could be seen from the daimyo's eyes that glanced at a few people inadvertently.

Perhaps they were stimulated by their peers. At this moment, Shiranui Genma, Hamashiri Dou and Tie Iwashi acted very seriously. As the Hokage's bodyguard, he naturally cannot lose to the Daimyo's bodyguard.

"Very strong!"

At this time, Liu Yu had his first impression of several people. The people were of different ages and dressed up, but they had one thing in common, that is, all four of them had a loincloth with the word "fire" hanging around their waists.

"A nurse directly under the Daimyo's command?"

Looking at the loincloths with the word "fire" around their waists, Liu Yu couldn't help but guess.

The "Twelve Guardian Ninja" are the twelve elite ninjas responsible for protecting the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. They are a private, independent force directly under the command of the Daimyo. The original work didn't mention much about this organization. It was only known that Asuma and Jilu, the abbot of the Fire Temple, once belonged to this organization.

When Asuma was still guarding the Twelve Ninjas, the Twelve Guardian Ninjas split into a moderate faction headed by Asuma and a radical faction headed by Kazuma. Kazuma failed to assassinate the daimyo and confronted Asuma and his party, eventually causing a large number of casualties and the "Twelve Guardian Ninja" were completely disbanded. However, this disbandment should refer to the disbandment of Asuma's twelve guardian ninjas.

In the original work, Nara Shikamaru was invited to join the "Twelve Guardian Ninja" after Asuma's death, but Shikamaru himself refused. However, this also shows that the personnel of the "Twelve Guardian Ninja" organization are not fixed, but can be supplemented and replaced at any time.

After the civil war between the 'Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors' ended, Asuma and Chiriku chose to leave. At that time, the daimyo should have started to form a new generation of guardian nin. After all, the job of guarding the daimyo could not be left unfilled with the departure of Asuma and Jilu.

Since the Guardian Ninja is an organization with replaceable personnel, it means that Asuma is not the first member of the Guardian Ninja. It is not surprising that there are several Guardian Ninja members at this time. It is even possible that the Guardian Ninja at this time are not twelve at all, nor are they called the Twelve Guardian Ninja.

As for the sources of the guardian ninja, they come from various places within the Land of Fire. There are ninja monks from the Fire Temple that have been passed down for thousands of years, and there are also elite jounin from Konoha, but most of them come from people scattered throughout the Land of Fire. Other ninja families.

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara ushered in the era of Ninja Villages, and major families gathered together to form Ninja Villages. But not all ninja families have chosen to join the ninja village organization in their country. There are still some ninja families who live independently in various places (such as the Earth Spider family).

However, the rise of Ninja Village is inevitable. Ninja families that have not joined the Ninja Village quickly decline. They have no choice but to devote themselves to the daimyo of various countries and become an important fighting force in the hands of the daimyo. These ninja families that rely on the daimyo also become daimyo. An important force that checks and balances the ninja village to which it belongs.

Just like the twelve guardian ninjas of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire in the original novel, except for Asuma and Jilu, who have clear origins, where did the remaining ten guardian ninjas come from? The only thing Liu Yu could think of was the various ninja families attached to the Fire Country.

Just like the clothes the siblings wore, there was a black six-pointed star painted on the back. If the guess is correct, it should be the emblem of the family to which the siblings belong.

As for the elite ninja guards like the "Twelve Guardian Ninjas" who are directly subordinate to the daimyo and are responsible for the personal safety of the daimyo, Ryūha believes that they also exist in the other four major countries.

Noticing that Liu Yu was sizing them up, the old monk who was suspected to be from the Fire Temple remained unmoved. The brother and sister they met last time smiled back at Liu Yu, and the one holding the thousand books in his mouth snorted slightly. He glanced at Liu Yu coldly.

"Is this the beginning?"

Noticing the man's attitude, Liu Yu couldn't help but frowned. Unexpectedly, some of the guardian ninjas at this time were dissatisfied with Konoha ninjas. It was not a matter of time for the twelve guardian ninjas to split into two factions in future generations.

"Forget it! What does this have to do with me? Let Asuma deal with this kind of trouble!"

Thinking of this, Liu Yu no longer paid attention to the Daimyo's guardian ninja, but instead observed the cheering crowd around him. Not to mention, this really made Liuyu find an acquaintance. Among the crowd, Liuyu saw his first client after becoming a jounin, Bang Hima.

Feeling Liu Yu's gaze, Bang Rijian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled back at Liu Yu.

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