"Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine thirty-five, there are thirty-five left!"

Liuyu didn't pay attention to the surprise of the people around him, but kept counting the number of Kumogakure ninjas in the encirclement. Thirty-five! This was the first time for Liu Yu to face so many enemies alone. But after so many battles, she has become much stronger.

"Let me see what you are capable of, how dare you break into our encirclement alone."

Seeing the other party's behavior of not taking his side seriously, the leading Kumogakure ninja smiled instead of getting angry. After saying that, he raised his right hand slightly. As the leading Kumogakure ninja swung down his right hand, the surrounding Kumogakure ninjas rushed forward instantly.


Seeing the Kumogakure ninjas rushing forward again, the young man gritted his teeth and said harshly. Now everything can only be relied on by oneself. Kill one to get enough, kill two to make a profit, and the remaining three Konoha ninjas are also ready to fight.

Ignoring the nervousness of his companions and looking at the Kumogakure ninjas coming up from all around, Ryūha just gently raised the Mikazuki Munechika in his hand.


The next moment, Liu Yu disappeared just like she came, and no one knew how she did it.


The next second, Liu Yu appeared next to a Kumogakure ninja, and the Mikazuki Munechika in his hand penetrated his heart from behind, and the sound of the sharp blade entering the body was heard softly. Without a trace of defense, the Kumogakure ninja didn't know when the enemy would appear until his heart was pierced by a sharp blade.


Next to the killed Kumogakure ninja, another Kumogakure ninja shouted loudly, and then rushed towards Liuyu with his sword.

Looking at the Kumogakure ninja rushing up with a sword, Liu Yu curled up into a sneer. Looking at the enemy's long sword slashing down, Liu Yu had no intention of dodging. The next second, just when the Kumogakure ninja's sword was about to hit Ryū Yu, Ryū Yu's figure disappeared again.

When Ryūha appeared again, the Mikazuki Sokon in his hand had already reached the neck of another Kumogakure ninja.

“You are too slow”

Looking at the Kumogakure ninja who was trembling slightly, Liu Yu said coldly. Then his right hand slashed across the enemy's neck without hesitation, and moved to another place to continue killing before other Kumogakure ninjas could react.

"This, this, this, this"

Seeing Riyu kill a Kumogakure ninja every time he appeared, the four people in Konoha in the middle of the clearing couldn't help but open their mouths!

"So handsome!"

The only female ninja in the team looked at Liu Yu who was flashing and killing on the field with bright eyes, and kept muttering. When she heard that the only reinforcement was Riyuha, she almost thought that her ninja career would end here. But unexpectedly, Liu Yu suppressed Kumo Gakure's side by himself.

"Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Seeing Liu Yu's unscrupulous killing in the battlefield, the Konoha jounin couldn't help but wonder. He had seen Namikaze Minato perform the Flying Thunder God Technique on the battlefield, so he naturally knew how lethal this ninjutsu was, but he did not expect that there would be a second person in Konoha who could use this technique.

As Ryūha kept teleporting and killing on the field, the pressure on the other Konoha ninjas was greatly reduced, and almost no one came to trouble them. The remaining Kumogakure ninjas were all on guard against Ryūha who would come out of nowhere. I don't have time to care about them.

Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen

Under Riyuha's continuous blows, the number of Kumogakure ninjas who could only barely parry two attacks continued to decrease, lacking the means to deal with them, and soon more than half of them were lost.

"Be careful. This is a time and space ninjutsu. The enemy will teleport to those swords. Be careful of the swords around you."

Listening to the screams that kept ringing around him, the leading Kumogakure Jōnin finally realized that this was not a teleportation technique at all, but a time and space ninjutsu. After reacting, Kumogakure Jōnin loudly reminded his companions, and took the lead to stay away from the surrounding clones of Mikazuki Sokon.

But isn't Namikaze Minato the only one in Konoha who masters the Flying Thunder God Technique? When did Konoha have a second ninja who mastered the flying thunder god technique?

Looking at the Kumogakure Jōnin who was giving orders not far away, Ryūha teleported to the nearest clone of Mikazuki Sect, and then slashed past him with a knife, trying to capture the thief first.


After all, he was prepared. This time, Ryūyu's attack did not succeed like before. Kumogakure Jōnin held a sharp knife and resisted Ryūyu's attack in time.

Missing the attack, Liu Yu hurriedly jumped back, and in the process of jumping backward, he threw the Mikazuki Munechika in his hand towards the enemy, and at the same time quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Bamboo Escapes the Thorn of Dragon Tooth"

Just after the Ryūha Seal was completed, several sharp bamboos suddenly appeared from the ground and attacked Kumogakure Jōnin.

Kumogakure Jōnin hurriedly jumped to avoid the first wave of strong bamboo attacks, and threw a shuriken while jumping backwards to avoid the Mikazuki Munechika thrown by Ryūha. Liu Yu controlled the strong bamboo to continue to grow and move, and continued to attack Kumo Gakure Jōnin.

On the other side, while Ryuyu was temporarily entangled by the leading Kumogakure jounin, the surrounding Kumogakure ninjas began to try to evacuate. Facing Ryūha's teleportation, the Kumogakure ninjas felt powerless. It was estimated that only the Fourth Raikage who had mastered the "Thunder Armor" to the extreme could catch up with the enemy.

Liu Yu, who possesses the "Flying Thunder God Technique", has already established an invincible position. If they continue to fight like this, their casualties will only be higher.

"Want to run?"

Sensing the actions of the Kumogakure ninjas, Liu Yu frowned slightly, then gave up dealing with the Kumogakure ninjas in front of him, and turned to deal with the Kumogakure ninjas who were trying to escape.

"Take this opportunity and let's all come together!"

Seeing the Kumogakure ninjas who could no longer hold on and were about to escape under Ryukyu's continuous killing, the Konoha jounin shouted loudly, and then took the lead in killing them. Seeing the situation on the battlefield reversed, the remaining three Konoha ninjas followed their teacher and rushed forward.

"damn it!"

Seeing Ryuyu abandoning him and focusing on other Kumogakure ninjas, the former Kumogakure jonin said with an ugly expression. By now, he also knew that this mission was a complete failure.

"Disperse and retreat!"

In desperation, Kumogakure Jōnin could only issue such an order. If he continued to struggle like this, let alone completing the task, everyone would probably be stuck here. After giving the order, the Kumogakure jonin took the lead to leave the killing place, and everyone in Kumogakure who received the order also scattered and fled.

Looking at the Kumogakure ninjas running away, Ryūha recalled Mikazuki Munechika, and then threw him at a Kumogakure ninja who was eager to escape. The Kumogakure ninja subconsciously dodged sideways, but the next moment Ryūha once again teleported to him through Mikazuki Sokon.


Ryyu appeared and whipped his leg, kicking the Kumogakure ninja who was unprepared. Under the heavy blow, the Kumogakure ninja's body was kicked away by Ryūha.

"Grass Escapes Thousand Leaves Binding"

As soon as the Kumogakure ninja landed on the ground, Ryūyu quickly formed a seal and used Qianye Fu, summoning countless blades of grass to wrap around him. Looking at the remaining Kumogakure ninjas who were running away and away from the Mikazuki Sect's teleportation range, Liuyu said to himself coldly: "I'll let you go this time!"

The Kumogakure ninja who was restrained by Ryūha struggled helplessly as he watched his companions scatter. Looking at the struggling prisoner, Liu Yu frowned slightly, being such a dishonest prisoner. Then Ryūyu clenched his right hand suddenly, and the grass blades wrapped around the Kumogakure ninja shrank instantly, making the Kumogakure ninja inside unable to breathe.

"Being a prisoner means acting like a prisoner!"

Arriving next to the Kumogakure prisoner who was tied into a rice dumpling, Liu Yu said coldly.

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