Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 181 Entrustment

Namikaze Minato and Kushina blocked Kyuubi's final blow. Although Kyuubi's claws penetrated their bodies, Naruto did not receive any damage.

"I clearly said this is my father's duty!"

Looking at his wife in front of him, Minato Namikaze said painfully that as a husband, he failed to protect his wife, which made him blame himself.

"As a mother, it's even more important!"

Seeing the apology on Namikaze Minato's face, Kushina forced a smile and said. Then he used the chakra in his body to once again strengthen the strength of King Kong's blockade, and the shrinking chakra chain also firmly bound the Nine-Tails again.

"Damn it!"

Kyuubi, unable to move, said angrily in his heart.

After suppressing the Nine-Tails again, Namikaze Minato used a psychic technique to summon Gaadama and gave him the key to the seal for safekeeping, and asked him to immediately notify Jiraiya to perform the Tibetan entry ceremony.

Although he was very confused about what all this was about and worried about Minato's situation, Gao Yin also knew that the current situation was very critical, and immediately used reverse channeling to leave after receiving the key.

"Sister Kushina"

At this time, Liu Yu also led Mikazuki Munechika to the front of Kushina and his wife. Looking at Kushina in front of him, he choked and spoke intermittently, his voice full of reluctance.

After coming to Konoha, Kushina always took good care of her. It was also Kushina's care that allowed Ryūha to get out of the pain of genocide as soon as possible. For Ryūha, she had long regarded the Minato couple as her own family, otherwise she would not have made arrangements before this crisis in an attempt to stop Obito. However, he failed, which made Liu Yu feel very guilty.

"Don't worry Ruyu, everything will be fine."

Seeing Ryuyu coming in front of her, Kushina smiled softly.

But Kushina's comfort made Liuyu feel even more uncomfortable, and tears began to flow uncontrollably. Seeing this, Kushina gently stretched out her hand to wipe away Ryūyu's tears. Liu Yu regarded her as a relative, and how could she not regard Liu Yu as her biological sister?

"Kushina, I don't have much life left. It's almost time to seal the Eight Diagrams. I also want to keep some chakra in Naruto's body. I won't be able to see you in a short time. What do you want to say to Naruto? If so, say it now!”

Although Namikaze Minato was reluctant to interrupt the last exchange between the two, he still interrupted them. Time was running out and he had to seize the time to seal the Kyuubi.

"Minato-sensei! Seal the Kyuubi inside my body!"

Hearing Namikaze Minato's words, a trace of determination flashed in Liuyu's eyes, and then he said calmly. Letting Naruto have a complete and beautiful childhood was the only thing she could do for Kushina and his wife. As for how the plot of Naruto losing the Kyuubi will develop, this Liu Yu no longer thinks about it, and can change the trajectory of the original work from now on!

As soon as Ryūha said this, Namikaze Minato, Kushina, Kakashi and the Third Hokage present were all shocked. Many people shun the identity of a jinchuriki, but they didn't expect that Ryūha actually asked to take the initiative to be a jinchuriki.

But if you think about it carefully, Ryūha, who has strong physical recovery ability and a large amount of chakra, is indeed the most suitable candidate to serve as the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki except Naruto, who has the blood of the Uzumaki clan.

Moreover, Ryūha is only twelve years old and is already an extremely outstanding jounin. Ryūha's Bamboo Release Blood Successor even has the ability to suppress the Nine-Tails. She has great potential. In the future, she may even completely suppress the Nine-Tails and become a perfect Jinchuuriki.

Thinking of this, the Third Hokage also seemed a little moved. It is two completely different concepts for a baby who knows nothing to act as the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki and for an elite Jonin to act as the Jinchuuriki. And Minato and Kushina have made too many sacrifices for Konoha, and it would be a good thing if their children could be kept away from the jinchūriki identity.

However, to the surprise of Ryūha and the Third Generation, Kushina and Namikaze Minato shook their heads at the same time, actually rejecting Ryūha's request to serve as the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

"Why? Why do you have to make such a big sacrifice? You should know what the identity of the Jinchuuriki will bring to this child?"

Seeing the two shaking their heads, with red and swollen eyes, they shouted out again, their voices mixed with endless sorrow.

"You are such a kind boy."

Kushina stretched out her hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of Ryūyu's eyes and said softly. However, as soon as Kushina finished speaking, Ryuyu couldn't stop her tears from flowing down again.

"I believe in my child. I believe that he is the son of prophecy mentioned by Teacher Jiraiya. I believe that he will prevent the disaster in the ninja world and that he will create a new future as a jinchuriki. I don't know why I am so convinced. Maybe this It’s just my instinct as a father!”

Looking at the choking Ryūha, Namikaze Minato said softly that he believed his child was the child of prophecy mentioned by Jiraiya.

"From now on, Naruto will be looking after you!"

After listening to Minato Namikaze, Kushina gently touched Ryūha's head and entrusted Naruto to her. The Third Hokage on the other side saw Kushina entrusting Naruto to Ryūha and wanted to step forward to say something, but in the end he stopped himself.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Seeing the determination of the two, Liu Yu choked and nodded. History took a turn here, and Naruto was entrusted to Ryūha instead of the Third Hokage.

"Naruto... no matter it's delicious or not, don't be picky about food, you must eat more, so that you can grow strong."

"You should take a shower every day, go to bed early, and don't stay up late. Remember to make friends. It doesn't matter how many you have. As long as you can make true friends... the closest people you can trust, that's the best. Even if it's just that. A few are enough..."

"You have to study hard. I have never been good at Ninjutsu. Maybe you can do it. Everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at, so if you can't do something well, don't be discouraged... "

"Listen carefully to the words of teachers and seniors, and remember - there are three taboos for ninjas (money, alcohol, sex). Don't borrow money from others unless absolutely necessary, and the rewards from missions must be kept well; alcohol can only be drunk after the age of 20 , and don’t drink too much, it’s not good for your health.”

"Finally, it's women... As for women... Mom is also a woman, so I don't know too much... But, there are only men and women in this world, and you will find a girlfriend sooner or later. Mom hopes you won't find someone too weird, just Just find someone like me..."

"Finally, be careful Mr. Jiraiya... (starts to cry) Naruto, you may encounter many difficulties in the future... you will bear a lot of pain, but you must believe in yourself, clarify your goals and dreams, and move forward courageously. Never give up in the end! I still have...and...and...there are still many things I want to say to you...I want to be by your side all the time...Mom loves you!"

Kushina spoke her mother's last words to Naruto intermittently. Namikaze Minato felt extremely warm about everything in front of him. If what happened today had not happened, maybe this would be what their family of three would look like in the future!

"I'm sorry, Minato, I'm the only one talking."

At the end of the story, Kushina couldn't help but cry. She really couldn't let go of Naruto.

"No, it's okay!"

In response to his wife's apology, Namikaze Minato just shook his head slightly, then turned his head and looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto, what dad wants to say is the same as nagging mom!"

"Gossip seal!"

After saying his farewell words, Minato used the Bagua Seal with a hint of nostalgia.

As the final sealing technique was completed, Nine-Tails' huge body instantly turned into a stream of light and entered Naruto's body, while the pattern of the Bagua seal also appeared on Naruto's abdomen.

PS: These chapters were very painful to write. I wanted to save Kushina and his wife, but I didn’t know how to write after that.

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