Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 186 Medicine Master Kabuto

Two days later, Liu Yu crossed the Land of Grass and came to the border of the Land of Rock.

According to the instructions of the mission, Liu Yu came to a mountain in the border of the Land of Rock. There was a waterfall at the foot of the mountain, and the place where the information was scheduled to be handed over was in front of the waterfall.

The scheduled time for handing over the information was midnight, but Liu Yu came to the waterfall early to wait. After arriving at the waterfall, Liu Yu split a shadow clone and stayed in front of the waterfall, while the main body rushed to the back of the mountain. Liu Yu didn't want to expose the main body.

Liu Yu always felt that this mission seemed very strange. What on earth did Danzo have in mind to let him perform this mission. Although it is true that his ability to hide is the most suitable for this mission at the moment as Danzo said, Liu Yu felt that the mission was not that simple.

Under the cold moonlight, time passed slowly, and Liu Yu was waiting quietly.

On the back of the mountain, Liu Yu sat on the grass, hugged his Sangetsu Munechika, and closed his eyes to rest. Since the Nine-Tails attacked Konoha, family affairs, border patrols, and Danzo's secret missions have kept her busy. It was only now that she finally had some free time.

Looking at Sankazuki Munechika in her arms, Liu Yu fell into deep thought. The last time she was able to break free from Obito's unique illusion, it was all thanks to Sankazuki Munechika.

Just after she was completely trapped in the illusion, Sankazuki Munechika suddenly began to emit a strange rhythm, and then a strange chakra came from Sankazuki Munechika, which also disrupted the chakra flow in Liu Yu's body, thus helping Liu Yu to remove Obito's illusion control.

After Sankazuki Munechika removed Liu Yu's illusion, Liu Yu did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly used Sankazuki Munechika to open the door of the ancestral shrine space, and returned to the family with the help of Sankazuki Munechika.

Fortunately, Obito's illusion was solved, otherwise Liu Yu might become a puppet in Obito's hands like the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura.

This was exactly the same as the last time he removed the illusion of the Rain Village rebel ninja, and both relied on the autonomous rhythm of Mikazuki Munechika to remove the illusion. However, the feeling was not obvious that time for the Rain Village rebel ninja, but this time in the Kamui space, Liu Yu clearly felt the chakra flowing out of Mikazuki Munechika.

That chakra was very strange, and Liu Yu was sure that she had never seen it. But she felt an inexplicable warmth from that chakra, which made her feel inexplicably at ease, which made her very confused about where this strange chakra came from?

"How many secrets do you have?"

Looking at Mikazuki Munechika in her arms, Liu Yu murmured subconsciously.

Time passed little by little, and for a long time, the moon was in the sky. Liu Yu's clone in front of the waterfall frowned. The hour of Hai had passed, and now it was already midnight, but the root spy who came to hand over the intelligence had not appeared yet.

"What's the problem?"

Liu Yu thought to himself, the spies of the root should not have such low-level problems! Did something happen, or was the root spy discovered and dealt with by the people of Iwagakure?

Liu Yu opened her perception and sensed the surrounding situation in detail. However, she was disappointed. She still could not sense anything around her. It seemed that the Root spy did not appear.

"Wait a little longer."

Finally, Liu Yu made up her mind. If the Root spy did not appear at the hour of the Ox, she would consider his identity exposed and dead and evacuate here.


Two crows cried in the woods next to the waterfall.

"It's the hour of the Ox. It's time to go."

The Root spy did not appear after all. Liu Yu was helpless and planned to leave this place. After all, it was not peaceful now.

"Wait! Something is happening!"

However, Liu Yu felt something was wrong before she took two steps. A chakra wave broke into her perception range and was rushing to the waterfall at full speed.

"Finally here!"

A boy wearing a reddish-brown Iwagakure ninja uniform and round-framed glasses was running to the waterfall at full speed. When he arrived at the waterfall and saw Liu Yu standing in front of the waterfall in Konoha uniform, the boy stopped suddenly.

"The faint thunder, the cloudy sky, but I hope the wind and rain will come, so that you can stay here." The Iwagakure boy came to the waterfall, took out a kunai and looked at Liu Yu warily, and then said such a nonsensical sentence. This was the code to confirm the identities of both parties in this intelligence handover mission. If Liu Yu couldn't match the code, he would immediately launch an attack. "The faint thunder, the cloudy sky, even if there is no rain, I will stay here." Looking at the Iwagakure boy who took out a kunai and looked wary, Liu Yu smiled lightly and responded. The boy's words proved that he was indeed a spy of Konoha. However, even if he didn't match this code, Liu Yu could confirm the identity of the Iwagakure boy opposite him as a Root spy, because Liu Yu was familiar with this person. "Yakushi Kabuto!" Liu Yu read out the name of the boy in front of him in his heart. What Liu Yu didn't expect was that the Root spy who handed over intelligence to him this time was actually Yakushi Kabuto. If you ask who is the most successful spy in Naruto, it is undoubtedly Yakushi Kabuto. After leaving the orphanage and joining the Root, Kabuto was sent by Danzo to various ninja villages to collect intelligence. He had lurked in all four major ninja villages.

After surrendering to Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi served as a spy between Akatsuki, Orochimaru and Konoha. It can be said that Kabuto's achievements in espionage have surpassed those of the wandering shrine maiden Yakushi Nono.

However, it was Kabuto Yakushi's outstanding achievements in espionage that brought him a fatal disaster. Danzo would not allow a spy who had mastered too much confidential information to exist. In Danzo's opinion, a dead man who cannot speak is the best choice for keeping secrets.

"I'm sorry, Lord Liuyu, I'm late this time. Iwagakure has already noticed my presence, and it's very troublesome for me to find time to come out."

After confirming Ryūha's identity, Kabuto put away his kunai, took off his guard and said apologetically. Kabuto, as the best spy in Genbu, guessed Ryū Yu's identity as soon as he saw her. He also didn't expect that the person coming this time was actually Ryū Yu.

However, even though he had already guessed the identity of the opponent, Kabuto still got the password right as usual. As a spy, making any small mistake may lead to death.

"Where is the information?"

Ryūha waved his hand to show that he didn't care, and then asked, Kabuto is an extremely good spy, who knows if his apology is true.

Seeing Liu Yu asking for information, Kabuto didn't say much. He took out a scroll from his waist and threw it at Liu Yu. Liu Yu reached out and caught it steadily. Seeing Liu Yu catching the scroll, Kabuto was about to turn around and leave. As a spy, he didn't have much time to go out.

"Wait a moment!"

However, as soon as Kabuto turned around, Liu Yu stopped him. Hearing Liu Yu call him that, a flash of panic flashed in Kabuto's eyes, but it was quickly hidden. Immediately afterwards, Kabuto turned around and asked with a harmless expression: "Do you have anything else to tell me, sir?"

"You must be Danzo's subordinate!"

Liu Yu asked casually.


Kabuto replied softly, since Liu Yu was sent to hand over information, he naturally knew the identity of his spy. There was nothing worth hiding.

"Did you know? The value of a spy lies in the intelligence he can collect. The more and more confidential the intelligence he collects, the greater his value. But the greater the value, the greater the threat he poses, whether it is To the enemy or to one’s own side.”

After putting the information away, looking at Yakushi Kabuto in front of him, Liu Yu smiled softly and then spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Kabuto put his right hand on the ninja bag behind his back without any trace, and then calmly asked back: "Sir, what do you mean?"

The air suddenly solidified, and if Riuyu's answer was even slightly wrong, Yakushi Kabuto would take action.

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