Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 188: Attacked

There are many roads back to Konoha from the Kingdom of Earth, and the closest one is through the Kingdom of Grass. Returning from this road, you must pass through the Rock-Eating Valley at the junction of the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Grass.

After getting back the information, Liu Yu quickly rushed to the Rock Devouring Valley. After arriving at the Rock Devouring Valley, Liu Yu didn't stop much and chose to go straight through. She had also passed through the Rock Devouring Valley before coming here, and she didn't notice anything happening at that time. Moreover, she had always turned on her hidden perception ability, and there was no one around at all. Liu Yu didn't think anything unexpected would happen here.

However, accidents often happen inadvertently.

Just when Liu Yu reached the middle of the canyon, several "boom" explosions were heard from the rock walls on both sides, and a large amount of rock debris fell and hit Liu Yu.

After the explosion, there was a flurry of space on the rock tops on both sides. Two barriers appeared on the originally empty rock top, and there were actually a large number of rocks hidden in the barriers. Hidden ninjas, counting carefully, there are no fewer than a hundred.

After appearing, several rock ninjas who had maintained the hidden barrier untied the original barrier, and then began to move backwards, quickly forming seals as they moved.

"Boundary---Ten Rock Wall Boundary"

After arriving at the predetermined position, the ten Iwa ninja slapped the ground almost simultaneously. As the ten rock ninjas slapped the ground, a larger barrier began to rise with the ten people as the fulcrum, centered on the rock pile that had just been blown up.

When the Iwagakure ninja who was responsible for casting the barrier retreated, the remaining Iwagakure ninjas rushed towards the newly formed rock pile. They knew that the explosion alone could not destroy Ryūha.

After the barrier was formed, Liu Yu and nearly a hundred Iwagakure ninjas were trapped under the rock pile in the barrier.

When the explosion just happened, Liu Yu felt something bad. Almost out of instinct, Liu Yu used the Thousand Bamboo Shield to protect himself. Neither the explosion nor the gravel caused by the explosion could hurt him. Liuyu.

After blocking the first wave of attacks, Liu Yu was shocked to find that hundreds of figures appeared directly within his range of perception.

"How is this possible? Is it a time and space ninjutsu?"

When she sensed the figures appearing around her, Liu Yu immediately thought of time and space ninjutsu. After all, only time and space ninjutsu could suddenly appear within her range of perception.

But then Ryūha ruled out this conjecture. After all, in the current ninja world, apart from himself, the only existing time and space ninjutsu are Kumogakure Village's Heavenly Sending Jutsu and Obito's Kamui. I haven't heard that Iwagakure Village also has them. Time and Space Ninjutsu. How on earth did the guy from Iwagakure suddenly appear within my range of perception?


Before Liu Yu could think about this problem clearly, she found that the range of her perception suddenly became extremely small, as if there was some boundary wall blocking her perception. The current range of perception was only about a hundred meters in diameter, and at the same time, the range she had just sensed There are also fewer enemies.

However, Liu Yu also knew that now was not the time to focus on this issue. The top priority now was to deal with the enemies that had come over.

Several Iwagakure ninjas had already rushed to the rock pile just now, but before they could make any move, the gravel in the rock pile suddenly bounced around.

Liuyu in the rubble pile controlled the bamboo to bounce the rubble outside. Several Iwagakure ninjas who were unable to dodge were even hit by the bounced rubble.

After the bamboo bounced the gravel away, Liu Yu's field of vision finally became wider. The nearly a hundred Iwagakure ninjas around did not surprise her. What surprised her was the khaki transparent barrier on the outside.


Seeing this earth-yellow barrier, Liu Yu said solemnly in a low voice, now she finally knew what all this was about. Not surprisingly, these Iwagakure ninjas should have hid here in advance, using a barrier to block their perception, and then emerged from the barrier to launch a sneak attack when they arrived, and then set up this barrier to trap them. Live yourself.

I just don’t know what level the barrier that trapped me this time is. Will it be able to trap the Third Hokage like Orochimaru’s Four Purple Flame Formation?

But was the timing of these Iwagakure guys' appearance too coincidental? How did they know that I would pass by at this time? The only reasonable explanation is that his whereabouts were leaked. At this moment, Kabuto's hesitant expression flashed through Liuyu's mind.

"Damn it, it's Danzo."

At this moment, Liuyu turned the object of suspicion to Danzo. Although Liuyu did not have conclusive evidence, she had already determined that Danzo was the mastermind behind this incident.

It's okay that this mission for him to retrieve information is basically a conspiracy. Danzo, that old fox, simply wants to use this to get rid of him. In this way, it makes sense that Kabuto did not arrive at the handover location at the scheduled time. He had been betrayed. In an instant, Liu Yu's face became extremely ugly, and he looked very angry inside. He never expected that he would be tricked by Danzo.

However, the peripheral Iwagakure ninjas didn't care about Ryūyu's inner anger. After they saw Ryūyu emerging from the rubble, they all attacked Ryūyu.

"Earth Release·Rock Fist Technique"

The leading Iwa nin rushed straight towards Ryūha, with a layer of hard rock attached to his forward right fist. Under the control of Liu Yu's mind, the giant bamboos around Liu Yu formed a protective wall in front of Liu Yu.


With a muffled sound, the rock ninja smashed a big hole in the defensive wall formed by the giant bamboo, and then rushed out of the hole.

Looking at the aggressive rock ninja, Liu Yu pulled out Sankazuki Munechika from behind and swung his sword to chop him.


The collision between the rock fist and Sankazuki Munechika made a sound of metal clashing, and then in the collision of power, the rock fist technique of the rock ninja directly knocked Liu Yu back.

"What a strong force!"

Liu Yu couldn't help but sigh in the process of retreating, but this was not the time to sigh at the opponent. Before landing, Liu Yu stabilized his body, and as soon as he landed, he threw Sankazuki Munechika up, and then began to make a seal.

The rock ninja in the other direction saw Liu Yu being knocked away and began to make a seal. As soon as Liu Yu threw Sankazuki Munechika into the sky, he sprayed several stone bullets from his mouth to try to interrupt Liu Yu's seal.

The speed of the stone bullet was very fast, and Liu Yu was forced to take out the short blade with his right hand to block the stone bullet. However, Liu Yu's left hand did not stop the action of making seals, but showed the people in front of the Iwagakure a one-handed seal. After the seal, Sangetsu Munechika, who was thrown into the sky before, instantly split into a large number of clones and attacked the people below.

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