Liuyu relied on one hand and one hand seal to complete the scattered throw to Mikazuki Munechika, and the next moment was her killing.

After throwing Mikazuki Munechika dispersedly, Ryūha seemed much calmer. Relying on Mikazuki Munechika's teleportation ability, even if he couldn't destroy all the enemies in front of him, the opponent would still have to work hard to capture him.

After Liu Yu threw Mikazuki Munechika, the Iwagakure ninja who had previously spit out stone bullets had also been killed, and Liu Yu didn't even care about the enemy's attack that was about to hit him.

However, the next moment Liu Yu's face changed drastically, because she tried to teleport in space, but found that the resistance she encountered was extremely huge, just like the first time she performed reverse summoning, and at this time the enemy's rock fist had already hit in front of her.


In a hurry, Liu Yu put the short blade of his right hand across his chest and held his right wrist with his left hand to block the blow. The Iwa Fist was blocked, and the Iwa Ninja took the opportunity to spin around and kick Liu Yu's undefended abdomen. The huge force directly sent Liu Yu's body flying backwards. An Iwa Ninja behind Liu Yu also took the opportunity at this moment. He took out the kunai and stepped forward.

In the process of retreating, Liu Yu barely turned sideways to avoid the blow of the Iwagakure ninja. Looking at the Iwagakure ninja passing side by side, Liu Yu summoned Mikazuki Munechika's body back with a move of his left hand. At such a close distance, The Iwagakure ninja had no time to react before his body was penetrated by Ryūha.

After finishing off the Iwagakure ninja, Liu Yu stood with a knife in his hand, coughing out two mouthfuls of blood and breathing heavily. The strength of the Iwagakure ninja just now, coupled with the effect of the rock transformation, caused great damage to Liu Yu's body.

Fortunately, the obstacles encountered by the forward summoning of Mikazuki Munechika were not as serious as the reverse summoning, and Ryūha successfully recalled Mikazuki Munechika into his hands.

"Is it a problem with this barrier?"

Liu Yu glanced at the earth-yellow boundary walls around him and thought to himself. I thought it was just an ordinary barrier, but I didn't expect it to have the effect of hindering teleportation. In order to deal with himself, Iwagakure really spent a lot of money! Since the reverse summoning is blocked, it is very likely that the passage to the ancestral temple space within the barrier will also be blocked. Moreover, the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas who are eagerly watching will not allow Liu Yu to open the passage and escape.

In just a short moment, a lot of thoughts flashed through Liu Yu's mind. Before Riuyu could take a break, the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas gathered around him again, and Riuyu could only pick up Mikazuki Munechika to barely parry.

An Iwagakure ninja who looked like the leader on the periphery nodded slightly as he looked at Ryuyu in the center of the barrier who was busy parrying.

"Boundary---Ten Rock Wall Boundary" was originally developed by Iwagakure Village specifically to deal with Konoha's Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. One of the reasons why Iwagakure Village signed a peace agreement with Konoha is one of the most important. The reason is because they are afraid of the enemy's yellow flash.

Faced with Namikaze Minato's flying thunder god technique that came and went without a trace, Iwagakure seemed extremely helpless. The best way to deal with time and space ninjutsu is to also use time and space ninjutsu, but Iwagakure does not have any time and space ninjutsu. Therefore, in order to deal with Namikaze Minato's teleportation ability, Iwakakure gathered a large number of ninjas to start research on barrier techniques.

Ordinary barrier techniques cannot block space movement, but with Iwagakure's painstaking research, they really found a breakthrough. Within the barrier developed by Iwagakure Village, the space is reinforced in a special way, and it will be extremely difficult to move through space. This is also the reason why Liu Yu's previous attempt to reverse summon failed. However, this function has no impact on people who have not mastered the time and space ninjutsu.

This barrier is not perfect yet, otherwise it would be more difficult for Ryūha to summon Mikazuki Munechika in the right direction. After the peace agreement was signed with the Leaf Village, research on the barrier slowed down. After the Fourth Hokage died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the research on this barrier technique was infinitely slowed down. After all, apart from its miraculous effect on those who mastered time and space ninjutsu, this Ten Rock Wall Realm is not outstanding in terms of barrier strength. After the death of the Fourth Hokage, there is no need to spend a lot of time on research.

However, Iwagakure's top management soon restarted the research plan of the Ten Rock Wall Realm, because the harassment operation at the border of the Land of Fire suffered a major blow, and the leader of the enemy team was the second user of time and space ninjutsu in Konoha.

Based on Ryuha Kusanagi's performance, it is very likely that he will become the next generation of Hokage in Konoha after the third generation of Hokage. And Iwagakure and Kusanagi Ryūha still have a feud for genocide. If Kusanagi Ryūha really becomes the leader of Konoha, it is likely to bring greater trouble to Iwagakure. In this case, the attack on Ryūha The battle plan was put on the table of Iwagakure's top brass. The "Ten Rock Wall Realm" originally used to deal with the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was also used on Ryūha.

However, there is still another problem before Iwagakure's senior management, and that is the whereabouts of Kusachi Ryuha. In this case, it was the Iwagakure Intelligence Department that achieved results. They discovered a Konoha spy lurking within their own side. What surprised them even more was that this Konoha spy actually had contacts with Kusachi Ryuba.

After learning of this situation, Iwagakure's side immediately formulated a battle plan and prepared to take advantage of the situation, which led to the scene that Liu Yu encountered today. As for the spy lurking on our side, someone will naturally deal with it.

Under the cold moonlight, an Iwagakure boy stood quietly, the chakra scalpel in his right hand penetrated the chest of an Iwagakure ANBU, and there were several corpses of Iwagakure ANBU scattered around the two of them.

"You, your family"

Before the Iwagakure Anbu could finish speaking, Kabuto withdrew the chakra scalpel in his right hand, and the Iwagakure Anbu lost his support and fell to the ground.


After dealing with the last enemy, Kabuto took a few breaths. His identity as a spy has been exposed, and these Iwagakure ANBU are here to eradicate him. However, they may not have thought that the exposure of their identities was intentional, in order to expose Ryūha's whereabouts, and all of this was an order from Danzo. As for that information, it doesn't matter at all.

When Ryuyu told Kabuto that Danzo had sent Nonou to eradicate him, Kabuto was not only shocked but more suspicious. How did Ryuyu learn this news? What was her purpose in telling herself this news?

Intuition told Kabuto that Ryūha's information was accurate. In order to repay Ryuu, Kabuto once planned to tell Ryuu about Iwagakure's ambush, but in the end he gave up the idea due to various considerations.

At this time, a dark cloud covered the moon, and it became dim for a while. In the darkness, a figure flashed out quickly, and the kunai in his hand flashed a cold light, pointing directly at Kabuto, who was defenseless.

The sharp kunai penetrated Kabuto's body without any accident. However, what shocked the attacker was that the kunai did not splash blood after entering the body, but instead sank deeper and deeper like mud.


Kabuto's body suddenly exploded, turning into a large amount of extremely sticky wet mud. The wet mud seemed to be active, wrapping the attacker until only his head was left.

When the dark clouds dispersed, Kabuto walked out slowly, looked at the face in his memory and said softly:

"Dean, stop fighting, it's me."

Looking at this strange yet inexplicably familiar Iwagakure boy, Nonoyu also slightly put down his murderous intention and said softly:

"Who are you"

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