The main body is now in a very dangerous situation, and information is constantly being fed back. It is that the shadow clone used to distract the enemy's pursuit forces has been caught up and solved by the enemy.

Feeling the feedback information, the shadow clone became anxious. 'He' was in such a dangerous situation, but he couldn't do anything. But soon, the originally anxious shadow clone suddenly calmed down.

"Lord Liuyu, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a Konoha ninja who took over Ryūyu's night duty rushed over and asked in confusion as Ryūyu's expression changed rapidly while he was leaning on the tree.

But unexpectedly, Liu Yu, who had always been gentle to others, ignored him. Instead, he took a deep breath and then summoned a long sword.

The long sword in Riuyu's hand, this Konoha ninja also recognized, was the Mikazuki Munechika whom Riuyu relied on to become famous. Now in the ninja world, the popularity of this sword has a tendency to overshadow Kirigakure's seven ninja swords.

However, what happened in front of him in the next moment made the Konoha ninja's eyes widen, because Ryūha disappeared in front of him, leaving only Mikazuki Munechika who had just been summoned.

Looking at Mikazuki Munechika who fell from the tree and stuck sideways on the ground, the Konoha ninja seemed at a loss what to do. How is this going? Why did the captain disappear?

"Found it, over here."

A sharp shout came, and then a large number of Iwagakure ninjas chased after them. Looking at Ryū Yu who was covering the wound on his right shoulder in front of him, the leader of Iwagakure raised a sneer on his lips. This girl's threat is too great. They have lost more than twenty people in tonight's interception operation. They must not let her go back today.

"I have no choice but to escape from the ancestral temple space."

Looking at the Iwagakure pursuers who were once again surrounding him, Liu Yu took a deep breath. Now that he was seriously injured, he couldn't outrun these Iwagakure pursuers. And because of the blood dripping from his body, Iwagakure's pursuers could be traced. In this case, let's just open the passage to the ancestral temple space and leave here! If they dare to catch up, I don't mind taking them to Konoha for a while.

Just when Liu Yu held Mikazuki Munechika and planned to use the blood as a guide to open the passage to the ancestral temple space, Mikazuki Munechika disappeared without warning in her hand.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Mikazuki Munechika disappearing from her hand, Liu Yu was stunned for a moment. The only ones who can summon Mikazuki Munechika are himself and his shadow clones, and weren't all the shadow clones just killed by Iwagakure's pursuers? The Iwagakure pursuers on the opposite side were also stunned for a moment, wondering why the weapons on the opposite side disappeared at this time.


At this time, Liu Yu also remembered that he still had a shadow clone left at the northern border of the Land of Fire. Could it be that there was another situation there?

But at this time, this side is more important, Liuyu thought, and planned to summon Mikazuki Munechika from the other shadow clone. After all, if the main body is gone, everything will be over.

But the next moment, Liu Yu was stunned again. The shadow clone at the northern border of the Land of Fire independently released its existence and at the same time transmitted "her" thoughts to this side.

"Haha! Why didn't I think of this method?"

Feeling the thoughts coming back from the clone, Liu Yu couldn't help but laugh to himself. The Iwagakure ninjas who gathered around looked at Liuyu's stunned and smiling expressions and didn't know why, thinking that this little girl had been beaten silly.

Looking at the "smirking" Ryūha, the leading Iwagakure ninja rushed forward. This troublesome enemy must not be allowed to return to Konoha. However, to his surprise, when faced with his rock fist that hit his vital point, Liu Yu in front of him had no intention of dodging or blocking, and instead a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this guy really scared to death?"

Looking at Ryyu who was not evading, this Iwagakure ninja couldn't help but have this thought flashing through his mind.

The rock fist is getting closer and closer to Liu Yu, so close that Liu Yu can already feel the wind of the enemy's fist on his face. At this time Liu Yu finally spoke:

"Bye now!"

Just when the Iwagakure ninja's rock fist was about to hit Ryūha, Ryūha disappeared completely. Seeing Liu Yu disappearing in front of them, the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas were stunned for a moment, wondering what was going on?

Seeing his rock fist hitting the air, the Iwagakure ninja's face was so gloomy that he didn't expect that Liu Yu would escape in the end. At this time, he finally understood what Liu Yu meant by saying "Goodbye!"

Seeing the disappearing captain, the Konoha ninja who came to take over Ryūyu's night shift panicked. Just when he was about to turn around and leave to tell others the news, there was a slight fluctuation near the Mikazuki Sect, and Liu Yu appeared in front of him again.

"Lord Liu Liuyu"

Seeing Liu Yu who reappeared with injuries all over his body, the Konoha ninja was shocked and didn't know what was happening in front of him. Why did Liu Yu disappear and appear suddenly? And he showed up with injuries all over his body? No matter how you look now, Liu Yu looks like he has gone through a hard battle.

"Huh------it's Soyu! Hurry, help me heal my wounds."

After returning to a safe place, Liu Yu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Looking at the stunned Konoha ninja next to him, he knew that he was here to take over his night watch, so he shouted hurriedly. It just so happened that this ninja named Kusanagi was the medical ninja accompanying the team this time.

"Ah! Oh! Here it comes!"

After hearing Liu Yu's call, the ninja named Kusanagi realized that instead of wondering why Liu Yu suddenly disappeared and reappeared, he should heal Liu Yu first.

"much better!"

Feeling the treatment of the Palm Immortal Technique, Liu Yu let out a sigh of relief. This mission is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, your life may be spared.

This time, the shadow clones who stayed on the northern border of the Kingdom of Fire sensed the danger to their true form and quickly figured out how to deal with it. First, summon Mikazuki Munechika in the hand of the main body to the shadow clone's hand, and then release the clone state to remind the main body to reverse summon Mikazuki Munechika back to his side.

To be honest, Liu Yu's main body didn't think of this method, it was completely thought of by the shadow clone who stayed at the northern border. Seeing this, Liu Yu had to sigh, even though they were all the same person, why could the shadow clone think of a way but not the main body?

However, this also allowed Liu Yu to unlock a new use of Mikazuki Munechika, that is, through Mikazuki Munechika as a medium, the main body can reach the clone, or the clone can reach the location of the main body.

"Lord Liuyu, what are you doing?"

At this time, Kusao Yuya finally remembered to ask Liu Yu what was going on. Liu Yu pursed her lips, gestured to the top-secret scroll on her waist, and then said.

"Confidential tasks, it's better to ask less questions."

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