Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 190: Danzo’s Little Hands and Feet

Three days later, Liu Yu led people to the village. At the gate of the village, Liu Yu dismissed everyone directly, and then went to the Hokage's office to submit the mission report.

After submitting the report on this mission, Ryūha went to Konoha Hospital for detailed examination. After all, Kusanagi is just a medical ninja accompanying the team, and his medical level is not very high. He can only do emergency treatment. Liuyu didn't want to leave any hidden dangers due to this mission, so he rushed to the hospital immediately after finishing the report.


After completing a series of examinations, Liu Yu looked at Mu Yulan in front of him and asked softly: "How are you doing, Sister Lan? Is there no big problem?"

Looking at Liu Yu's medical examination form, Mu Yulan stepped forward and hit Liu Yu on the head with a bang and said: "You don't have any big problem. That boy Cao Yu handled it in a timely manner. Plus, You have such perverted recovery ability, just go home and rest for a few days."

"But why is this?"

After rubbing the big bump on his head, Liu Yu said with slight dissatisfaction.

"You haven't come to see me for months, are you still embarrassed?

Seeing Liu Yu's aggrieved expression, Mu Yulan chuckled.

The fight with Mu Yulan was just a small episode. After making sure that his body was fine, Liu Yu returned home and prepared to deal with the family affairs that had been delayed while performing tasks outside.

Returning home again, Liu Yu could clearly feel that everything had changed. The documents and other things that the Minato couple left at home were sent by the Third Hokage to pick them up. There were also a lot less ANBU directly under the Hokage lurking around in the past. There are only two ANBU left now. These two people should be here to monitor Naruto!

"Sister Liuyu, you are back!"

Back home, Kusachi Yuta, who was taking care of Naruto, replied softly, as if he was afraid of waking Naruto in his arms.

Liuyu stepped forward gently, took Naruto from Kusachi Yuta's hands, and then asked: "Nothing big happened when I went out to perform my mission, right?"

Kusasen Fudou was busy with his ANBU mission, so when Ryūha was out, he had to entrust the affairs of the clan to Kusasen Yuta. This is also the current helplessness of the Caoqian clan. There is no adult in the whole family, so they can only bear the burden of the clan on a group of children.

In fact, after Namikaze Minato was killed in battle, the Third Hokage once considered finding an acting clan leader for the Kusasen clan again, but gave up after thinking about it carefully. Firstly, Ryūha's strength has now reached a very astonishing level, and his status and strength are enough to serve as the leader of the clan. At the same time, the Kusasen clan is not what it was when they first came to Konoha. Secondly, there is no one who can surpass Liu Yu in terms of strength and has sufficient status.

"After the third generation came back to power, they took great care of us, and there were basically no big problems. However."

Kusachi Yuta replied softly, but at the end he seemed hesitant, wondering whether to tell Riuha about this.

"But what?"

Seeing Kusachi Yuta's hesitant look, Ryūha asked.

"The roots of Lord Danzo once came here. They wanted to take Naruto away, but they were stopped by the ANBU directly under the Hokage."

Seeing Liu Yu's unyielding expression, Kusachi Yuta spoke softly. After all, Danzo is a high-ranking member of Konoha. As a ninja who has not been in Konoha for a long time, Kusachi Yuta really doesn't know how to handle these things.


After listening to Kusachi Yuta's words, Liu Yu frowned tightly. She didn't expect that Danzo not only attacked her on the front line, but also wanted to take Naruto away. If he was really left behind by the guys from Iwagakure this time, maybe Naruto would really be taken away by Danzo.

Seeing Liu Yu's frown, Kusachi Yuta wanted to say something, but finally gave up. In fact, in addition to sending people to take Naruto away, Danzo also came to him personally and invited him to join the roots directly under Danzo. Faced with Danzo's tone that he could not refuse, Kusachi Yuta could only say that he would think about it first and give Danzo a reply after a while.

Ruiyu once told him about the roots of Danzo. Ruiyu seemed very afraid of this organization that obliterated his own emotions, name, past and future. Under the influence of Ryūha, Kusachi Yuta was naturally very resistant to Danzo's roots.

But after all, Danzo was a high-ranking official in Konoha. He personally invited him, and it was hard for Kusachi Yuta to refuse. After all, the Kusasen clan is a family that has just arrived in Konoha, and has a shallow foundation. In addition, Kusachi Yuta also wanted to share some of the pressure for Ryūha.

"Is there anything else you're hiding from me?"

Liuyu, who was thinking about Naruto, also noticed something strange about Kusachi Yuta, and then asked.

“Nothing, nothing”

Looking at Liu Yu's questioning gaze, Kusachi Yuta subconsciously replied.

"You can't fool me!"

Seeing Kusachi Yuta's panic and trying to cover up, Liu Yu couldn't help but sigh softly, and then said. After all, Kusachi Yuta is still a child, and she can't hide anything in front of someone like her who has a mental age of almost forty years old.

Seeing that he could not avoid Ryūha's question, Kusachi Yuta could only tell Danzo about Danzo's invitation to join the Roots.

"No, absolutely not."

As soon as Yuta Kusachi finished speaking, Ryūha sternly replied that she would never allow Yuta Kusachi to join Danzo's roots. Not to mention what kind of organization Danzo's Roots is, those who join will be stamped with the Tongue-Eradicate Seal by Danzo. Just because Danzo intends to attack them, she will not allow any clan members to join the Roots.

According to the current development of the situation, we cannot rule out the possibility that the conflict between her and Danzo will one day intensify to the surface in the future. When the time comes, she will not be willing to attack her own people.


Yuta Kusachi wants to say something else. Danzo is one of the top leaders of Konoha. If he joins the Roots, he will be of great help to the family. I heard that the old families in Konoha, such as the Yamanaka Clan and the Aburame Clan, have sent their clan members to join the Roots. If the Kusasen Clan and Danzo's Roots are in such a stalemate, it will have a lot of bad effects on the families.

"I will apply to the Third Hokage tomorrow. After you graduate from the ninja school, you will directly join the ANBU directly under the Hokage."

Seeing Kusachi Yuta's hesitant expression, Liu Yu couldn't refuse and said that no matter what, she would not let her clan brother join the root.

In this mission report, Ryūha wrote about her secret mission of being sent by Danzo to the border of Earth Kingdom to hand over intelligence. He even wrote about the attack on the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Grass. It also specifically noted that the Iwagakure Village had mastered the barrier to counter the time and space ninjutsu.

Although he did not write down his guess, Liu Yu believed that the old fox Sandai would understand what he meant. If his memory is correct, the Third Hokage should have been assassinated by Danzo on his way to the City of Fire. Although Danzo said, "You are Konoha bathing in the sun and I am the root in the darkness," the struggle for power between the two has never stopped, but most of the time Danzo is at a disadvantage.

Although the third generation reached a reconciliation with Danzo after returning, the current third generation should also be thinking about weakening Danzo's basic strength, and would not refuse Yuta Kusachi's request to join the ANBU directly under the Hokage.

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