Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 203: Interception

The morning fog has not yet dissipated, but a convoy has already set off slowly. The size of the convoy is not large, there are only three carriages in total, and there are only about ten followers.

However, judging from the splendor of the carriage in the middle and the sophistication of the accompanying escorts, the people in the carriage in the middle must be either rich or noble.

"Creak, creak -----"

The wheels slowly rolled over the gravel road.

"Narima, how long will it take to arrive at Tokisugi City?"

At this time, the curtain of the carriage in the middle was lifted, and an old-looking middle-aged man stuck his head out and asked softly.

"Sir, please don't be anxious. According to our current speed, we should be able to reach Shishan City tonight."

When the guards who had been around the carriage heard this, they immediately stepped forward and said respectfully.

Liu Yu stood on a tree, placed his right hand on the tree trunk and felt it carefully for a while, then opened his eyes and said softly: "You are so cautious, you really spent a lot of money!"

According to Liu Yu's perception, there are four people in the entire convoy who have extremely strong chakra. Three men and one woman. They seem to be very strong. They should be the four ninjas sent by Kumogakure Village to protect Jiuguang Toki Castle mentioned in the intelligence.

As for the luxurious carriage among them, Liu Yu couldn't sense what was inside. It was obvious that the carriage was made of special materials, which could effectively block outside perception, or that a small protective barrier was installed inside.

"It's time to get down to business!"

Feeling that the convoy was gradually moving away, Liu Yu whispered to himself, and after speaking, he disappeared in an instant.

Time passed slowly, and soon the team arrived at a mountain top.

"Almost there! Cheer up, everyone."

Looking at the mountain in front of him, the ninja named Narima couldn't help showing a hint of joy. As long as he crossed this mountain, Tokisugi City would be right in front of him.


However, accidents often happen when everyone is relaxed. Just when Cheng Ma was about to take a sip of water to moisten his throat, the ground began to shake violently.

Throwing the kettle away, Naruma turned his attention to the direction where the vibration came from. What he saw were dozens of huge rocks rolling down the hillside, pointing directly at the convoy at the foot of the mountain.

Facing the boulder, the horse at the front of the convoy neighed, as if it was frightened and wanted to run away. The other followers in the team also panicked. After all, they were just ordinary people.

Seeing this, Chengma jumped up, came to the frightened horse, twisted the reins suddenly, and subdued the frightened horse with violence.

After subduing the frightened horses, Chengma loudly ordered: "Beigen, Xingdou, you two go stop the rolling rocks and freezing rain, and protect the adults with me. []"

After formulating an emergency response plan, Narima and the only female ninja in the team quickly ducked to the carriage in the center and were ready to protect them.

"Sir, don't worry, we will protect your safety."

After arriving at the carriage, Chengma comforted the people in the carriage softly, and his words were full of confidence in his own strength. The remaining two guards rushed towards the rolling boulders side by side, Beigen on the left and Xingdou on the right. The two of them continued to form seals quickly while running.

"Thunder Escape, Lightning Chain Extreme"

After completing the seal, Xingdou's left hand and Beigan's right hand struck lightly, and then separated again, and a lightning chain appeared in their hands. After the lightning chain appeared, the two quickly distanced themselves and rushed towards the rolling stone. The lightning chain also became thicker and longer as the two continued to stretch. The thick and long lightning chain saw through the rolling stone easily, and the flashing electric light on the lightning chain smashed the rolling stone into pieces.

However, a sudden change occurred at the next moment. A boulder that was supposed to be shattered by the lightning chain suddenly exploded in advance. Liu Yu, who was hiding among the rolling rocks, also took advantage of the situation and detonated several smoke bombs, forming a large sheet of smoke that enveloped the two of them.

Then Ryūha took advantage of the smoke to block his sight and threw several kunai to both sides. The burning detonating talisman could be clearly seen at the end of the kunai.


Several loud noises were heard in the smoke, and the lightning chain pole used by Beigen and Xingdou was interrupted by the detonating talisman thrown by Liu Yu. When the protection formed by the lightning chain failed, Liu Yu also stood out from the smoke and pointed directly at the carriage guarded by Cheng Ma and Liang Yu.

Seeing Ryuyu rushing towards him, Narima said nothing, took out a kunai and rushed towards Ryuyu, trying to stop Ryuyu.

Facing the charging Narima, Ryūyu swung his right hand and threw the Mikazuki Munechika in his hand. Naruma tilted his head slightly, and with the kunai in his right hand, he blocked upwards and blocked the Mikazuki Sect.

And this was exactly the effect Ryūyu wanted. The next moment, Ryūyu directly passed Naruma through Mikazuki Munechika's reverse summons and came to a distance of less than ten meters from the carriage, and the only remaining enemy was Liang Yu.

"How can this be?"

Naruma was shocked by the sight of Ryūha disappearing from in front of him and reappearing behind him in an instant. In the current ninja world, the only one who can do this is Konoha's Kusanagi Ryuha, but if it was Kusanagi Ryuha, how could he come to intercept and kill us?

However, Liu Yu didn't notice Naruma's shock. She had already completed her Indian preparations when she came to the carriage.

"Bamboo escape, dragon tooth thorn."

Several slender sharp bamboos burst out of the ground, pierced into the carriage from the bottom, and then broke out from the top of the carriage. During this process, a scream came from the carriage, and then it became quiet. Liu Yu could clearly see that the top of the sharp bamboo that broke out was stained with traces of blood.

Leng Yu, who was guarding the carriage, was busy fending off Rui Zhu who burst out of the ground, and had no time to worry about the carriage. By the time she reacted after dodging Rui Zhu's attack, it was already too late.

From Liu Yu breaking out of the stone, using the detonating talisman to defeat Bei Gen and Xing Dou's lightning protection, to then Liu Yu jumping over the horse and launching a fatal kill on the target person in the carriage, all of this happened in just a few breaths, almost four people There was no time to make any effective protection.

Seeing the blood slowly oozing from the carriage that was jacked up by Ruizhu, Liu Yu knew that the main target of this mission, Jiuguang Tokijo, had been eliminated. Kumitsu Tokijo was not a ninja, so there was no way he could have survived the Ryuga's sting. All that's left now is to get rid of the others. After all, this mission stipulates that no one can be left alive to leak information.

Looking at the bloody carriage, Cheng Ma, Leng Yu, Bei Gen, Xing Dou and the remaining followers who had just escaped from the detonating talisman were all stunned, as if they couldn't believe that the person they were protecting was killed in front of them. died.

After the main target was dealt with, Ryūha turned around and held Mikazuki Munukin across his chest, locking Narima with murderous intent. She had performed this kind of mission many times and was now used to it. If you don't kill, you will only be killed. This is the fate of ninjas.

"The great Daimyo is dead!"

Looking at the bleeding carriage, one of the attendants finally recovered from the shock, trembling and screaming, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

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