Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 206 Defection

Liuyu and Cao Qianfudang looked at each other, and they could see a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes. At this point, there is only one way left for the Caoqian clan - defection. And this time the defection is not the defection of a few people, but the defection of the whole family.

The last time the Kusanagi clan came to Konoha from Kusagakure Village, it could be said that it was the result of a political game, and Konoha only took in a group of children whose worldview had not yet been finalized. Before coming to Konoha, these children had not yet achieved success. Being a ninja is not a defection.

Most of the adult ninjas of the Kusagakure clan died in the Kusagakure Incident. Coupled with Konoha's victory in the Third Ninja War, Kusanagi was actually on the wanted list of Kusugakure. There is only one person in the tribe, Cao Qiannaizi.

But this time it was different. This time the defection was carried out proactively under the leadership of Liu Yu, the clan leader. And the current Kussen clan is different from when they came to Konoha. Not to mention the two jonins, Ruiyu and Kussen Fudo, even among the ordinary clan members, there are about ten people who have graduated from the ninja school and become genin. .

A dozen ninjas defected at a time. Such a serious defection had not happened in Konoha for so many years, and the leader of the defection this time was a war hero of Konoha. If the Sosen clan really defected, the negative impact of this defection would most likely be more serious than that of Orochimaru's defection. After all, Orochimaru was only defecting alone.

If he really takes his clan members out of Konoha this time, the clan will definitely be considered a traitorous ninja, and the Kusakuin Village, which is already dissatisfied with the Kusanagi clan, will definitely respond positively to Konoha. The Third Generation may not send anyone to take the initiative by then, but Danzo's roots will definitely not let the clan go.

If possible, Riuyu would rather bear the responsibility of assassinating the daimyo and defect alone, but Riuyu doesn't trust his own people, or in other words, Riuyu doesn't trust Danzo.

Judging from Danzo's layout this time, his goal is to wipe out the Kusachi clan in one fell swoop. In addition, during this sensitive period, the Third Hokage is not in the village. As the most powerful person in the village, Danzo is very likely to deal with the Kusachi clan before the Third Hokage returns.

Even the Third Hokage Ryū Yu couldn't completely believe it. In Ryū Yu's view, the Third Hokage was too weak. When the time comes for him to defect, if the newly succeeded daimyo becomes angry with the Kussen clan and demands Konoha to hand over the Kussen clan, the Third Hokage will most likely choose to compromise and sacrifice the Kussen clan.

As for the aftermath, Danzo will most likely be fine and will continue to assist the Hokage. The Third Hokage chose to hand over the darkness of Konoha to Danzo, which also made the Third Hokage too tolerant of Danzo. For Orochimaru who participated in taboo human experiments, the third generation in the original work once made a ruthless decision to eradicate him. However, for Danzo, who was Orochimaru's partner and also participated in human experiments, the third generation chose not to interfere. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

Even after Danzo attempted a coup and the third generation was assassinated, he still chose to forgive Danzo. In Ryūha's opinion, the third generation was too weak. At this critical period, Liu Yu could not and did not dare to risk the lives of his clan. It was his father's last wish to carry forward the clan, and Liu Yu would not allow the fate of his clan to stop here.

Although the powerful relationship between them has been clearly understood, Liu Yu still seemed very hesitant. Ordering to gather a clan to prepare to escape Konoha, this decision was extremely difficult for Ryūha.

From now on, all ties between her and Konoha will be severed. Teacher Haiyi, Hong, Asuma, Mu Yulan, Kakashi

"Make a decision, clan leader!"

Seeing Liu Yu's hesitant look, Cao Qian Fu Tang whispered. This time he didn't call Liu Yu's name, but the clan leader. As the clan leader, Liu Yu must shoulder this responsibility.

This time things happened very suddenly. Although when the root ninjas gathered, Cao Senfudang knew that something big must have happened, but when he heard Liu Yu said that she had killed the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, Cao Senfudang was still Shocked.

The consequences of assassinating a country's daimyo, Kusanagi Futou, who has been working in the Anbu for many years, naturally know. The Daimyo of the Fire Country was killed, which meant that Ryūha no longer had a place in Konoha or even the entire Fire Country. Ryūyu's defection was only a matter of time.

If Liuyu defected, what would the remaining members of the Caoqian clan do? It was impossible to continue to stay in Konoha. Just like Ryūha didn't believe in Konoha's top management, Kussenfudou also couldn't believe in Konoha's top management.

He has been working in Konoha's ANBU over the years, joining the ANBU at the age of twelve, and then becoming the youngest ANBU captain in Konoha at the age of fourteen. He has performed too many shady tasks for Konoha, so he is more We know how the village's top management will make decisions when encountering such a situation.

The Kusachi clan is not a big clan. Although he is the youngest ANBU captain and Ryūha is the most outstanding ninja of Konoha's new generation, when it comes time to sacrifice the clan, Konoha's top brass will never be soft-hearted.

How should the Kusanagi clan make a decision? From Kususen Futou's point of view, there is no other choice but to flee Konoha as a whole. Although he, like Ryūha, was unwilling to sever his connection with Konoha, the roots had already forced the Kusachi clan to the point where they had to flee. This is a heavy decision, but for the future of the clan, it is necessary.

"Calling the clansmen to come to the ancestral hall!"

After a while of silence, Liu Yu closed her eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the various emotions in her heart. When Liu Yu opened his eyes again, his eyes no longer hesitated, and he turned to speak solemnly. After saying these words, Liu Yu felt a lot more relaxed. Since he had already decided, he should not worry about it anymore.

"We still need to get rid of these annoying flies outside!"

Seeing that Liuyu finally made up his mind, Cao Qianfutang looked outside the ancestral hall and said coldly. For Danzo and his root organization who pushed the clan to this point, Kussenfudou will not give them good things to eat.

Under the setting sun, the originally quiet Caoqian Clan camp suddenly became lively. After receiving the urgent notice, the Caoqian Clan members scattered everywhere left their residences and went to the family ancestral hall.

"Wait a minute, is there something strange happening to the Kusachi clan? Report it to Lord Danzo immediately."

Seeing the strange movements of the Cao Qian clan, a root who was hiding in the dark and monitoring the Cao Qian clan whispered to the teammates around him. Regarding this mission, they had actually vaguely guessed the final result. Although many of them were puzzled by it, this was not within their scope of consideration. They only needed to complete the mission assigned by Danzo.

"Where do you want to go?"

Before the root ninja could send out the message, a cold question came softly in his ear. When the ANBU heard these cold words, he felt a chill from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

The root ninja trembled and wanted to turn around to see if the person who was coming was the person who shouldn't have appeared. But before he could turn around, he felt a sharp pain coming from his back. He lowered his head and looked at the slow movement from his chest in disbelief. With the blood slowly oozing out, the root ninja quickly lost consciousness.

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