In the dim underground space of the Root Base, Danzo looked at the Root Ninja lying on the ground with a gloomy expression. This Root Ninja was the member of the Yamazaka clan whom Ryūha had spared.

After the reinforcements from the Roots arrived, not a single member of the Kusachi clan was found. There were only corpses of Root ninjas all over the ground. The only one who was still alive was holding his head in his hands, rolling on the ground and making loud noises in pain. moan.

When they took off the mask of this ninja who was the root of the mountain clan, they found that his mouth and nose were split, blood was constantly oozing out, and his eyes were dull. It was obvious that he had suffered severe mental trauma. In this state, he couldn't ask for any valuable information at all, so he had no choice but to take him back to the root headquarters.

After being brought back to the Roots headquarters, a diagnosis by the Roots Medical Ninja revealed that he had suffered backlash while performing the secret technique of the Yamanaka Clan, causing severe mental damage. It would take at least a month to recover.

However, Danzo, who was eager to know the details of the matter, naturally did not have the patience to wait for a month, so under Danzo's forced order, he invaded the brain of the ninja of the mountain clan and obtained details about what had happened before at the Kusachi clan's station. intelligence.

As for this ninja who is the root of the mountain clan, if his brain is invaded to obtain information under such circumstances, he may need to recuperate for half a year, or he may become a permanent vegetative state.

However, Danzo was obviously not in the mood to care about his subordinate. He was currently thinking about why Ryūha appeared in the village. She should be performing an assassination mission outside the village. Liuyu now appears in the village, and has not found a member of the Kusanagi clan, which means that his plan this time has failed.

Before Danzo could think of what to do, a root ninja flashed in front of Danzo, half-kneeling and handed over a secret letter, and disappeared again after Danzo took the secret letter. This secret message was sent back by Danzo's spy placed in the daimyo's team. The Whistlehawk hurriedly sent the message back after dark.

Danzo's original plan was to take advantage of the situation to control the Kusanagi clan staying in Konoha Village after the news was conveyed back. However, the successive annihilation of two groups of root ninjas and the news of Ryūha's appearance in the village obviously interrupted Danzo's deployment.

Danzo glanced at the secret letter, and then ordered in a cold voice: "Kusaki Ryuha colluded with outside village forces, betrayed village secrets, assassinated daimyo, killed many ninjas in the village, and attempted to attack high-level officials. He has now defected."


The long whistle sounded suddenly in the night of Konoha. The villagers of Konoha who heard the whistle couldn't help being stunned, put down the things in their hands, and looked out of the street in confusion. On the street, a team of ANBU ninjas passed by from time to time. Not long after, even the Uchiha clan's security forces took urgent action.

Liuyu, who was completely hidden under his black robe, couldn't help but be startled when he heard the whistle. Looking at a group of ANBU speeding past not far away, he couldn't help but secretly thought: "This guy Danzo really looks up to me. "

This highest-level alarm will only be sounded when a major crisis occurs in the village or when an external force invades. The last time it was sounded, it was because the Kyuubi broke the seal, but he didn't expect that this time, in order to arrest him, Danzo would directly With this level of alarm activated, I don't know whether to feel lucky or sad.

"How can this be?"

Asuma and Kurenai looked at the notice that had just been issued in shock. It said that Kusachi Clan's superior ninja Kusachi Ryuha had colluded with outside village forces to kill the Fire Nation daimyo, betrayed village secrets, and was suspected of assassinating high-level village officials. He has now defected. Officially classified as an S-class traitorous ninja.

"how come?"

Looking at the announcement in front of her, Hong gently covered her mouth in disbelief. As Liu Yu's teammates, the two of them knew what Liu Yu was like and knew that Xin Liu Yu would not do such a thing.

On the other side, Yamanaka Haiichi frowned as he looked at the notice that had just been posted in front of him. As a member of the Yamazaka clan, his experience is naturally not comparable to that of Asuma and Kurenai, and he thinks about problems longer than others.

At the critical moment when the Third Hokage was not in the village, it was definitely abnormal for something like this to happen in the village, especially since this order came from Danzo's root.

If the crime of assassinating a daimyo is proven, even the Third Hokage might not be able to save Ryūha, but where does Ryūyu's reason come from to assassinate a daimyo?

"Haiichi teacher Ruyu, she can't be serious"

Seeing Yamanaka Hai's frown, Asuma asked worriedly. Although he usually has a cheerful personality, it is impossible to calm down when faced with such a big event as the defection of an important companion.

"do not think too much"

Seeing the worried looks on their faces, Yamanaka Haiichi could only comfort him.

Scenes like this are also happening in other places in Konoha. Everyone who knows Liu Yu can't believe it when they learn that Liu Yu has defected. As a war hero of Konoha and the captain of the Shadow Guards of the Fourth Hokage, how could Ryūha do such a thing?

Now that the third generation of Hokage is not in the village, Danzo, as the Hokage's assistant, is currently the most powerful person in the village. Now that such a big thing has happened in the village, it is natural that he has the power to temporarily mobilize ANBU. At Danzo's special request, families who are good at tracking such as Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hinata all joined the manhunt. In particular, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, who possess the reclusive Byakugan, are the main force of the search team.

The whole of Konoha has become turbulent because of the defection of the Kusame clan. First, Orochimaru, the third-generation direct disciple and one of the legendary three ninjas, defected, and then Konoha's war hero, the captain of the Fourth Hokage's guard, Kusanagi. Qian Liuyu's entire clan defected. This can’t help but make the villagers wonder, “What is happening to the village?”

Running through the forest, Ryūha kept passing over thick trees, and behind her, the Leaf Village was getting smaller and smaller. Although Danzo made multiple preparations to hunt down Ryūha, he still could not find any trace of Ryūha.

Liu Yu often goes out to perform confidential tasks for the village, and is very aware of the sensory barrier and the distribution of sentries outside the village. Coupled with his extremely strong anti-perception and perception abilities, he had already avoided Danzo's pursuers before they even surrounded him. As for the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, they can deal with the ordinary Kussen clan members, but if you want to find Ryūha, you must have the extremely pure Byakugan of the clan.

Suddenly, Liuyu stopped, stood on a tree, took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said: "Come out, Kakashi, you can't hide from my perception."

As soon as Liu Yu finished speaking, Kakashi, wearing a silver vest and an ANBU mask, turned around and walked out of a tree. After coming out, Kakashi took off his mask directly and looked at Ryūha intently. The three Magatama Sharingan in the socket of his left eye kept turning.

For a moment, the two fell silent. At this moment, they are no longer companions. One of them is an S-class traitor wanted by the village, and the other is a member of the hunting team.


After a long time, Kakashi asked softly.

"If I could, I wouldn't want to go to this point."

Ryuyu did not answer Kakashi's question directly, but sighed to himself.


Kakashi said the same thing.

"Do you still remember the assassination that happened when the third generation went to the City of Fire to meet the daimyo?"

Ryūha did not answer Kakashi's question, but instead asked Kakashi if he still remembered the assassination.


Liu Yu's rhetorical question directly caused silence between the two parties again. No one should know about the assassination planned by Danzo except the person involved.

"I see!"

After a while, Kakashi lowered his head and whispered helplessly, then stepped aside without any intention of taking action. Liu Yu's hint is already obvious, she is just a pawn trying to resist fate.

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