Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 212 Bounty Hunter

In the following days, Liu Yu led his clan to temporarily live in a forest in the western part of the Land of Fire. There are few people here, which is suitable for the clan to live in seclusion and to avoid the pursuers sent by Danzo.

However, Liu Yu still often goes out to purchase some necessary items for daily life. In order to prevent others from being recognized and exposed, Liu Yu bought himself a new outfit. He was wrapped in a black robe, and a bamboo hat was often covered by a hat. top of head. Dressing like this is not uncommon in this world. There are always people who don't want to be recognized for various reasons.

While out shopping, Ryūha also found a wanted notice for himself and Kussenfudo on a notice board in a nearby town. Seeing that the two of them were close to the 50 million tael bounty, Liu Yu had to complain that Danzo had really made a big deal. How many S-level missions would it take to earn back the money?

Inspired by Sossenfudo, in order to support the family's expenses, Ryūha also started to become a bounty hunter, and obtained a task list from the underground exchange in a nearby town.

In addition to exchanging bounties, the underground exchange also accepts various task commissions. The last time, Ryūha asked Kussenfudo to come here and issue two messages to inform Kusanako and Oniden Gengetsu. Because there was no difficulty in this kind of commission, it only cost several hundred thousand taels.

At first, the staff of the underground exchange did not recognize Liu Yu's true identity, and just gave Liu Yu a list of low-level tasks.

Liuyu did not look at the task list, because the tasks above were too simple, and the small reward was not worth her effort. Instead, her eyes focused on the few people who were also in the exchange.

Those people were drinking in the bar attached to the underground exchange. After all, they had to relax after killing too many people.

When he was in Konoha, Ryūha had carried out many missions to assassinate traitorous ninjas in the Land of Fire, so even without information on the mission list, he could still get a rough idea of ​​the identities of the people in front of him.

These guys are not Konoha ninjas. They all defected from other ninja villages and came to the Land of Fire to avoid the pursuit of ANBU in their own country. Previously, Konoha had not made great efforts to clean up these people because of its lack of strength. As long as these people don't cause trouble, Konoha will not take the initiative to wipe out the rebellious ninjas of other countries, and the ones Riyuha assassinates are some budding elements.

"What? Do you want to die?"

Looking at Liu Yu's gaze like he was sizing up a fat sheep, a big man wearing a Iwagakure ninja forehead protector replied viciously. Having been dealing with underground exchanges for a long time, he naturally knew what Liu Yu's look meant. When the big man shouted, the eyes of several other people were also attracted, looking at Liu Yu with a hint of evil.

These people are quite different. Although they come from different ninja villages, they have put aside their prejudices and formed a small rebel ninja organization. With the cooperation of several people, many bounty tasks were completed.

Liu Yu didn't pay attention to the looks of several people, but felt a little secretly happy in his heart. Now I am worried that I can't find my target. These people are not of high rank, but their total income is nearly 10 million, which can greatly alleviate the recent financial pressure.

However, just to be on the safe side, Liu Yu still asked the staff if they could kill those guys. The staff said that as long as it does not cause problems to the operation of the underground exchange, feel free to do anything else.

After all, the guys who go to the underground exchange to take orders are all extremely vicious. These guys who lick blood on the tip of a knife don't like to be restrained, so the underground exchange will naturally not do anything unnecessary. As long as it doesn't affect their work, it doesn't matter what you want to do? They have seen a lot of people seeking revenge and selling goods near the underground exchange. When killing people, they must be prepared to be killed. In short, this is a place where strength speaks for itself.

Besides, these people were wanted rebel ninjas. After they were killed, the victor would often exchange their heads for money on the spot, which was of great benefit to the underground exchange.

Liuyu's words were not concealed, allowing several other people present to hear them clearly. This naturally made them unhappy, and at the same time they secretly prepared for a fight, wanting to take down the woman covered by the black robe in front of them to see who was the guy from the village who was so arrogant.

Seeing that there were signs of war between the two sides, the staff of the underground exchange sat down with interest, ready to enjoy a good show and see what the arrogance of this woman who came to the underground exchange for the first time to accept a task was like. capital.

After receiving a positive answer, Liu Yu showed a smile. Seeing Liu Yu's hand reaching for the ninja bag on the side of his thigh, the big man at the beginning rushed over first. Although this big man was strong, his speed was not slow. Before Liu Yu took out the short blade, he had already arrived in front of Liu Yu. He raised his huge rock-shaped fist and smashed it down, hoping to smash Liu Yu into pulp. .

Seeing this scene, several other people showed a trace of disdain in their eyes. They thought this was such a powerful character, but they didn't expect that he would just talk nonsense. The staff on the other side was also ready to notify the cleaning staff to clean.

However, the next moment, to the surprise of several people present, Liu Yu suddenly disappeared before the rock fist hit him. When he reappeared, Liu Yu had already circled behind the big man, with the short blade in his hand exuding light blue. Chakra light penetrated the big man's body.

"Whoosh whoosh----"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several kunai were fired at him. Liuyu took advantage of the situation and flipped backwards to avoid the kunai. All the kunai were pierced into the big man Iwagakure who had just been dealt with. Liuyu rolled over to dodge and at the same time drew out the short blade and threw it at the attacker with his backhand.

At the same time, the remaining few people also rushed forward. They have cooperated many times, and they have a relatively clear understanding of the strength of the Iwagakure rebel nin. None of them can defeat him as easily as Riyuha. The moment the Iwagakure traitor fell, they knew that they were going to be in trouble today.

If you want to survive, you can only kill the woman opposite who is trying to exchange their heads for a bounty.

Take it off the exchange

A few minutes later, Ryūha used the Rasengan to kill the last enemy.


Seeing Liu Yu's relaxed look, the staff of the underground exchange widened his eyes. Relying on mutual cooperation, these people are somewhat famous in the nearby rebel ninja circles. Ordinary ninjas are no match for them, but they didn't expect that they would fall into the dust here today.

"Please exchange the bounty for these people!"

Liuyu didn't pay attention to the shocked look of the staff, stabilized the bamboo hat that had been tilted due to the fight, and then said.

"Ah! Oh! Okay, please wait."

Seeing Liu Yu's face due to the tilt of his hat, the staff member opened his eyes wide and was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that he was attracted by Liu Yu's appearance, but that he recognized Liu Yu's true identity.

Isn't this the same Kusachi Ryuha who successfully assassinated the Fire Country Daimyo not long ago and then defected with his clan? When did she get here? And he actually just gave this evil star a list of low-level tasks.

What happened in the underground exchange was just an episode. In the following days, apart from helping the children of the clan to practice, Liuyu would go out as a bounty hunter the rest of the time.

Liu Yu has already made plans in his heart to build his own Ninja Village, and the most indispensable thing to build a Ninja Village is money. Now Liu Yu has started to make advance preparations.

PS: This chapter was written with my mind buzzing and I don’t know how to describe it.

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