"Father, isn't this bad? After all, Ryuha Kusachi is now a super "S" level traitor wanted by the village?"

After Liu Yu left, the former ANBU captain suddenly appeared in front of the Third Hokage, took off his ANBU mask, looked at the Third Hokage and said with a slight worry. Judging from the face, this ANBU captain is quite similar to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Not long ago, Ryūyu made a request to the Third Hokage to see Naruto, and the Third Hokage agreed to Ryūyu's request without much thought. At the same time, an ANBU was sent to accompany Liu Yu to where Naruto was to avoid conflict with the ANBU responsible for taking care of Naruto. (Mainly to prevent those Anbu from being killed by Liu Yu without anyone noticing)

"Shinnosuke, after all, Konoha has failed their clan in this matter, and she is still the person entrusted to the Fourth Generation before her death. I have no reason to stop her!"

Looking at his son, the Third Hokage replied calmly. This son of his is also a good prospect, but unfortunately he is still unable to assume the responsibility of Hokage and is only suitable to assist Hokage.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke wanted to say something when he saw this. His father's position as Hokage was not secure. Danzo, who was the Hokage's assistant, had been keeping an eye on this position. Although Ryuyu's defection was helpless, Ryuyu's identity as a super S-class rebel nin is real. If it is rumored that the contemporary Hokage has a connection with the super S-class rebellious ninja who defected from the village, it is very likely that there will be other high-level officials in the Fire Country. idea.

"Don't talk about this issue anymore!"

However, before Sarutobi Shinnosuke could finish speaking, the Third Hokage interrupted Shinnosuke's words.

"Yes! Hokage-sama!"

Seeing this, Sarutobi Shinnosuke could only respond helplessly. At this time, the third generation no longer discussed with him as his father, but gave orders as the Hokage.

"By the way, after today's duty mission is over, you go to Hinata's house and tell Hinata Hizashi that the ANBU staff needs to be expanded."

Sandai picked up the document that needed to be corrected again, and said calmly while browsing. This happened today. At this time, the members of the Hyuga clan are being recruited to join the ANBU. It seems self-evident what is going on. The Third Hokage didn't want to intensify the conflict with Ryūha, but he didn't like the feeling of being able to find the enemy just under his nose.

On the other side, Liu Yu followed an ANBU member to a courtyard in the west of Konoha Village.

Kussenfudou's guess was correct. Kujo Hoshiko was indeed a member of the Roots. Under Danzo's operation, he entered the Kussen clan and served as Naruto's nanny. After Danzo's plan was launched, Kujouji cooperated with the roots to take Naruto away to prevent the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki from accidents.

Until now, Liu Yu still hasn't figured out how Kujo Hoshi concealed his chakra fluctuations and infiltrated the Kussen clan. If it hadn't been for this incident, perhaps the entire clan would still have been kept in the dark by the Nine-Town Bastard.

"Here we are, right here, Naruto is inside."

After arriving at the destination, the ANBU who had not spoken a word along the way spoke in a very soft female voice.

After arriving at the destination, the ANBU who brought Ryu Yu made a few gestures, and the ANBU who were originally guarding the surrounding courtyards instantly lowered their guard.

"Okay, you can go in."

After communicating with the ANBU guarding here, the ANBU turned his head and reminded softly.

"Thank you!"

Liu Yu replied faintly, and then instantly came to the room where Naruto was.

At this moment, Naruto was lying quietly in the crib, taking a nap, and there was no one around him. Ryūha gently came to the crib, fearing to wake Naruto.

Seeing Naruto again, Liu Yu didn't know what to say, but even if Liu Yu knew what to say, little Naruto probably wouldn't understand.

In the end, Liu Yu just sighed, then took off the necklace tied around his neck, gently raised the sleeping Naruto's little head, and tied the necklace around Naruto's neck.

This necklace was given to him by Bang Nijima when he was on the mission. It has the effect of helping the wearer restore chakra, and this is the only thing that Ryūha can leave to Naruto. Ryūha injected her own chakra into it, which might help Naruto in a critical moment.

Ryuyu's feelings for Naruto are actually very complicated. At first, he was the hero of a hot-blooded comic that he was familiar with in his previous life, but in this life, due to various reasons, he became Naruto's guardian. In a sense, Naruto can call herself aunt, and Liuyu indeed treats Naruto as his descendant, and the level of care for Naruto even exceeds that of most members of the Kusachi clan.

Then Liu Yu teleported to the ANBU who had brought him here before, took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to her, and said softly: "Please pass this to the Third Generation, I hope he can take good care of Naruto. "

After saying that, before the ANBU could reply, Liu Yu left the place in an instant. In fact, the envelope just contained a bankbook, which contained a deposit of two million, which was regarded as living expenses for Naruto from Riuyu.

Liu Yu did not forget what happened to Naruto in the original work. The living expenses given to Naruto by the third generation were only enough for Naruto to barely survive. Sometimes Naruto was so hungry that he had to go to the wild to catch fish to eat.

Naruto also suffered from diarrhea due to eating expired food. Even Naruto's height was the shortest among his peers. During the Chunin Exam, he was even called a short winter melon by Temari, who was training with Jiraiya. In the past few years, Naruto had grown a lot taller as his nutrition kept up.

Liu Yu hoped that Naruto's life would not be so tight in this life. If he could not count on the third generation, he could only count on himself.

After Naruto left where Naruto was, he came to the station of the Sarutobi clan and went straight to Asuma's room. Seeing that Asuma was not there, Liuyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because she really didn't know what to say when she saw Asuma again. One is the son of the Hokage, and the other is a super S-class rebellious nin of the village. With the current relationship, it is best for the two not to meet.

Easily avoiding all the Sarutobi clan members, Ryūha gently came to the outskirts of Asuma's room, jumped out the pair of short blades from the ninja bag, and then gently placed them on the window sill.

When he and Asuma teamed up to perform missions in the past, Asuma had revealed his love for Riyuha's pair of short blades more than once. But this time, Ryūyu parted ways and gave her to Asuma.

In the original work, Asuma possesses a pair of chakra swords called "Wind Blades of Light". But so far, Ryūha has found no sign that Asuma has used these two swords.

As for where Asma's two chakras came from, the original work did not give an answer, but it most likely came from the time when Asma was a guardian ninja.

However, because of Ryūha's relationship in this life, the new daimyo no longer trusts Konoha ninjas so much, especially since Asuma was Ryūha's genin teammate. As a result, the guardian ninja Asuma is probably out of business. If Asuma lost the weapon in the original work for this reason, Ryūha would always feel a little sorry. After much thought, Ryūha finally gave Asuma his weapon, which can be regarded as a parting gift!


Regarding Konohamaru's parents, who are Asuma's eldest brother and sister-in-law, Naruto did not give detailed information. It only said that the two of them were the elite jounin of the ANBU duo directly under the Hokage, and were known as the "three generations of Hokage." Right arm".

Here I named it according to the name Sarutobi Shinnosuke given by Konoha Bashiki. This female ANBU who accompanied Ryuyu to see Naruto was set as Konohamaru's mother. Of course, in order to conform to the original work, these two people will not appear again later, because no one knows when these two people died.

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