Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 227 Baiyun Yeshan

In the end, after discussions between Liu Yu and the tavern owner, the two parties reached a settlement and avoided an unnecessary battle. The price Liu Yu needs to pay is to compensate Feng Yan for the damage caused to the tavern.

Half an hour later, one man and one bear slowly left the town.

"You guy!"

Looking at the decreasing numbers on his account, Liu Yu watched Feng Ke bite his silver teeth and said, feeling the urge to beat Feng Ke up again. I thought that this stupid bear just stole a little bit and didn't cause much damage to the tavern. I didn't expect that this guy was actually a habitual criminal and ruined all the nearby taverns.

The entire compensation process, plus refilling Feng Yan's wine gourd, cost Liu Yu nearly 3 million taels in total. It can be regarded as Liuyu's biggest expense in recent times. Thanks to the Kusazen clan's relief from the Kingdom of Demons, Ryūha had enough money to compensate.


Seeing Liu Yu gnashing his teeth, Feng Yan touched his head in embarrassment and showed a naive smile.

Among towns.

"Ahem---Captain, is this incident resolved satisfactorily?"

Seeing the backs of one man and one bear leaving, Yue Guangfeng covered his mouth and coughed lightly before stepping forward and asking. This time, because of Liu Yu's initiative to compensate, the task became a lot easier.


Faced with the inquiries from his subordinates, Baiyun Yeshan didn't even look back and just responded with a slight hum. He himself was still staring at Liu Yu's back. He had been shocked by Liu Yu's powerful aura before, but he had never thought about exploring the true identity of the person under the black robe.

However, after the pressure disappeared, Baiyun Yeshan found that the person actually gave him a vague sense of familiarity. After thinking carefully, Baiyun Yeshan had a bad guess about that person's identity.

"Did you find something?"

At this time, Baiyun Yeshan remembered Yueguang Gale's family background, turned around and asked softly, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"Hmm! It kind of looks like it, but I'm not sure."

Looking at Baiyun Yeshan's solemn expression, Moonlight Hayate thought for a while and finally nodded hesitantly. Uzuki Xiyan and the remaining Konoha ninja seemed confused for a moment as they watched the two people's mindless conversation.


"The three of you go back and recover first. I still have something to do."

After thinking for a while, Baiyun Yeshan finally made up his mind and ordered his subordinates to return first, intending to go and find out.

In the forest path, Liu Yu followed Feng Yan.

"By the way, where is the Thorny Forest Sea where your panda clan lives, and how long does it take to get there?"

Looking at Feng Yan, who was holding the wine gourd and kept laughing, Liu Yu reminded him in a muffled voice, this stupid bear should not forget important things.


Hearing Liu Yu's question, Feng Yan took a sip of wine, then wiped the wine stains on the corner of his mouth with his bear paw and said, "From here, we still need to walk for more than a month to reach the Thorny Forest Sea where our clan lives? "

"More than a month?"

Hearing what Feng Yan said, Liu Yu frowned unconsciously. The journey of more than a month was quite time-consuming!

"Actually, I can return to the Sea of ​​Thorns directly through time and space ninjutsu, but you haven't signed a psychic contract with our clan yet, so it's more troublesome. But when we return to the Sea of ​​Thorns, write your name on the psychic scroll. You won’t have to go through so much trouble later, just reverse channel you when the time comes.”

Looking at Liu Yu's slightly frowning brows, Feng Yan explained.

Liu Yu thought carefully for a while, then took out the Mikazuki Sokon from his waist, handed it to Feng Ke and said, "You can take it directly back to the Thorny Forest Sea. Is this okay?"

"If it is a dead object, this is no problem. But what will you do after I return? You haven't signed a psychic contract with me yet. If you can't find me then, no one will take you to the Thorny Forest Sea?"

Feng Yan took the Mikazuki Munechika in confusion and asked, after all, Liu Yu would not have been able to find the entrance to the Thorny Forest Sea without him leading the way. (audience)

"Is this it? You'll know when the time comes!"

Seeing Feng Yan's confused look, Liu Yu smiled softly and gave it up.

"as you like!"

Feng Ke took Mikazuki Munechika and immediately formed a seal to leave, not caring what kind of medicine was in Liu Yu's gourd. With a bang, Feng Yan disappeared in a cloud of smoke and returned to the Jilinhai where the panda clan lived.

After watching Feng Yan disappear, Liu Yu, who was still smiling at first, turned cold. The next moment, Liu Yu actually disappeared.

"not good!"

On a tree not far away, Baiyun Yeshan, who was quietly lurking in the tree observing one person and one bear, thought to himself as he watched Liu Yu disappear suddenly. The moment he saw Liuyu disappear, Baiyun Yeshan planned to run away.

"Stalking people is not a good habit!"

The next moment, a cold voice sounded softly behind Baiyun Yeshan who was preparing to escape. And this voice directly interrupted Baiyun Yeshan's idea of ​​​​escape. He did not think that he had the possibility of escaping in this situation.

Feeling the breath of the other person's breath while speaking, Baiyun Yeshan knew that his guess was true. It was just a guess at first, but he didn't expect that the guess came true and he actually met her.

At this moment, Baiyun Yeshan didn't dare to move at all. Kusachiruha already has the reputation of being the second fastest in the ninja world. After the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was killed in battle, he was even recognized by everyone in the ninja world as the best in the ninja world today. Baiyun Yeshan doesn't think he has the ability to defeat Kusachiruha. Escape from hands.

"Okay, it's time to tell you what your purpose is?"

Seeing the thin beads of sweat oozing out from the opponent's forehead, Liu Yu asked coldly, after all, the opponent is a ninja of Konoha. As long as he is not the root of Danzo's subordinates, Liu Yu does not want to kill him.

"I, I, I am just curious about who the panda's psychic is, just to complete this mission better."

Faced with Liu Yu's inquiry, Baiyun Yeshan swallowed his saliva, and then began to answer Liu Yu's questions.

Liuyu thought for a while and felt that Baiyun Yeshan's answer was indeed not a big problem. Faced with the problem of Feng Yan stealing alcohol, Konoha took it seriously and sent a team led by Jonin Bai Yunhaishan. And with such a big battle, you can't just ask for an account for the client and be done with it! While thinking this, Liu Yu relaxed.

"It's now!"

Taking advantage of Liuyu's relaxation, Baiyun Yeshan suddenly turned sideways, quickly took out a kunai with his right hand and attacked Liuyu, hoping to achieve success under the sneak attack.

Faced with Baiyun Yeshan's sudden blow, Liu Yu reacted faster. He made a slash with his left hand and aimed at the wrist of Baiyun Yeshan's right hand holding the kunai. At this moment, he grabbed the kunai and swung it upwards.


Ryuu's kunai made a small wound at the corner of Shirayun Hayama's mouth, and then Ryuu kicked Shirayun Hayama to the ground with a spin kick. Before Baiyun Yeshan could get up again and prepare to fight again, dozens of leaves of strong grass protruded from the ground and bound Baiyun Yeshan.

In fact, Liu Yu suddenly stopped his hand just now. Otherwise, even if the blow just now would not kill Baiyun Yeshan, it would still scratch a long wound on Baiyun Yeshan's resolute face, giving him a blow. "Plastic surgery".

The reason why Liuyu stopped was that she finally remembered who the man in front of her was.

Baiyun Yeshan, Konoha's elite jounin, is as good at wind escape sword technique as himself. Just after Operation Collapse of Konoha, in order to prevent ninjas from other countries from taking advantage of the situation, as the captain, he led Naruto, Tekuno, and the ten thousand year genin Kosuke to perform patrols on the northern border, just like the one that Ryūha once led. The mission is the same.

During the patrol mission, he was attacked by the ninjas of Iwagakure Village. He stayed in the predicament to hold off the enemy, suppressed 20 Iwagakure ninjas with one person, and emerged unscathed after the battle, demonstrating his tyrannical strength! His distinctive features are his ponytail and the scar on his right lip.

However, there was no scar on Baiyun Yeshan's lip before this, so Liu Yu didn't recognize it for a moment. However, the current Baiyun Yeshan's impression overlapped with Liu Yu's, but he never expected that Baiyun Yeshan's scar in this life was actually given by himself.


Seeing Liu Yu counterattacking his sneak attack in an instant and leaving a scar on his body, Baiyun Yeshan seemed a little frustrated for a moment and looked at Liu Yu with complicated eyes. Although he knew that Liu Yu was very strong, he didn't expect that the gap between the two was so big.

Although Baiyun Yeshan has not grown to the level where he can easily face twenty Iwagakure ninjas in the original work, he can be regarded as a well-known elite jounin in Konoha. However, he did not expect that he could not survive a single round in the hands of Ryūha, especially He also took the lead in the sneak attack.


Looking at Baiyun Yeshan who was tied to the ground and couldn't move, Liu Yu sighed softly, why are you bothering me when you have nothing to do? This makes both parties unhappy. But seeing that this guy helped Naruto later, Liu Yu didn't intend to embarrass him.

Then Liuyu Jieyin loosened the restraint on Baiyun Yeshan and said softly: "When you go back, just report it secretly to the third generation. Don't make the matter too big."


Seeing Liu Yu's attitude of letting him go and his unclear words, Baiyun Yeshan's mind was filled with questions. But before Baiyun Yeshan could express his doubts, Liu Yu disappeared in front of him.

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