Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 229 The turning point of fate!

"A turning point of fate?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared straight at the extremely old panda Feng Xu who was lying on the bamboo chair. Liuyu instinctively thought of his own rebirth from these words.

Regarding his own rebirth, Liu Yu has always regarded it as the deepest secret buried in his heart. But this time, faced with the possibility that this secret might be leaked, Liu Yu panicked instinctively.

"Lord Feng Yu, what do you mean?"

After a while, Liu Yu sorted out his emotions and asked solemnly. A turning point of fate? Whose fate?

Hearing Liu Yu ask this, Feng Meng's turbid eyes slowly closed. It took a long time, until Liu Yu almost thought the old panda was asleep, before the old voice came out again.

"You can understand the fate of the dead, the fate of the clan, and the fate of the ninja world however you want!"

A few hours later, Liu Yu walked out of the bamboo building with a complicated expression.

"You're out! How are you? What did Immortal Feng Yu say to you?"

Seeing Liu Yu walking out of the bamboo building, Feng Yan, who was waiting on the side, hurriedly came over and asked. Panda Immortal Feng Yu is the eldest member of the Thorny Forest Sea Panda Clan and the actual controller of the Panda Clan. Although this old panda basically takes a nap in his own bamboo house, and the affairs of the clan are handled by the two immortals Feng Yan and Feng Yun, Feng Yu's status in the panda clan is absolutely lofty.

Therefore, after seeing Liu Yu being summoned alone by Immortal Feng Yu, Feng Yan became so curious and wanted to know what Immortal Feng Yu said to Liu Yu, a human who came to the Thorny Forest Sea for the first time.

Hearing Feng Yan's question, Liu Yu did not answer directly, but raised his head slightly and looked at Feng Yan with a pair of light blue eyes.

"I'll go, what's wrong with you?"

And Liu Yu's dark eyes mixed with indifference scared Feng Yan. He didn't know what Feng Yu said to Liu Yu, and how he made such a person who was so full of interest before become like this.

"Let's go and fulfill our agreement."

Liuyu shook his head vigorously, trying to recover from the previous shock.

"Oh, alright"

Looking at Liu Yu's current state, Feng Yan also knew that Liu Yu was not in the mood to talk about this issue, so he didn't bother to ask. Especially when Liu Yu said that he was ready to fulfill his agreement, Feng Yan immediately grinned. This time I have recovered the most delicious bamboo in the entire ninja world, and my status in the clan will definitely be greatly improved.

Seeing Feng Yan's smiling face, Liu Yu also smiled. The reason why Feng Ke ran out of the Thorny Forest Sea was that the bamboo in the Thorny Forest Sea was too unpalatable, so he wanted to go to the ninja world to find the most delicious bamboo.

But what Feng Yan didn't know was that the Immortal Feng Yu of the Panda Clan had already known about his secret escape from the Thorny Forest Sea. It is precisely because of this that Feng Yun and Feng Yan let Feng Yan leave the Thorny Forest Sea under Feng Yu's secret instructions, and did not punish Feng Yan for leaving without authorization after returning.

The reason why Feng Yu let Feng Yan leave was also very simple. Feng Yu had foreseen that Feng Yan would bring back Liu Yu when he went out this time, and this was also part of the so-called fate.


Liu Yu whispered to himself. Although Feng Yu didn't say it clearly, Liu Yu had a vague feeling that Feng Yu knew his identity as a reborn person.

When talking about the issue of fate, the figure of Naruto flashed through Liuyu's mind, the prophesied son who leads the future of the ninja world in the original work.

When thinking about this question, Liu Yu asked her doubts again. She wanted to know whether the Panda Immortal knew about the so-called Son of Destiny. But who would have expected that Feng Yu would fall asleep again, leaving Liu Yu alone again.

The two immortals Feng Yun and Feng Yan who followed later also expressed their helplessness. They said this was a common occurrence. This reminds Ryūha of Toad Sage Gamamaru from Mt. Myoboku, who seems to always fall asleep while talking to others.

After Feng Yue fell asleep, the two immortals took down the panda clan's psychic scroll from the book wall behind Feng Yue, saying that they could provide Liu Yu with the power of pandas.

When writing his name on the panda clan's psychic scroll, Liu Yu was surprised to find that there was only one name on the huge scroll. In other words, he was the second person to sign a psychic contract with the panda clan.

The first name on the psychic scroll was not unfamiliar to Liu Yu, or rather familiar, because the first person to sign a psychic contract with the Panda Clan was Cao Qian Lanyi, the ancestor of the Cao Qian Clan.

Looking at the first name on the psychic scroll, it's no wonder that Liu Yu would be curious about all this, but panda Feng Yu, who knew everything, fell asleep again.

"Here we are, right here!"

After a while, Feng Yan took Liu Yu to an open space that he had asked people to clear out in advance. And here are the conditions agreed between Feng Yan and Liu Yu. Liu Yu will provide the panda clan with bamboo made from her chakra, and he will be responsible for persuading the two immortals to give Liu Yu a psychic scroll.

However, with the current situation, Liu Yu has signed a psychic contract with the panda clan, and the agreement between Feng Yan and Liu Yu has lost its prerequisites. However, despite losing the prerequisites, Liu Yu still decided to fulfill the agreement with Feng Yan. What Liu Yu needs to do now is to use ninjutsu to plant bamboos in the clearing cleared by Feng Yan's pandas.

"Are you planning to tire me to death?"

Looking at this open space with a radius of more than ten kilometers, Liu Yu's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. How to plant bamboos in an open space? Is this stupid bear planning to exhaust himself to death? Moreover, looking at the dusty look in the distance, it is obvious that there are still pandas continuing to cultivate over there.

"Hey! Trouble!"

Looking at Liu Yu's slightly twitching corners of his mouth, Feng Yan was not embarrassed at all. He put his huge bear paw on his head and smiled innocently.

"Is what that guy Feng Kuan said true?"

"Isn't it hard to say? Look at that guy's boasting. It depends on the result."


At this time, several pandas came up and looked at Liu Yu's confused discussion. They must have doubts about the bamboo that Feng Qiao said was the most delicious in the world. While discussing, they were chewing bamboo.

Liu Yu ignored the murmurs of the pandas around him and looked at the open space in front of him. He took a deep breath and then began to form seals.


"Bamboo Escape, Dragon Tooth Thorn!"

After sealing, Liu Yu slapped the ground with his right palm. Instantly, the empty ground in front of him began to fluctuate violently, and the heart-stopping chakra fluctuations made the pandas around him take a few steps back.

Soon, countless strong bamboos protruded from the ground. After being unearthed, the bamboo continued to grow under the control of Ryūyu's chakra, and soon grew into a complete form. The originally bare cultivated land soon turned into a lush bamboo forest.

Taking into account the huge size differences among the panda family, the bamboos created by Liu Yu also vary in size. There are ordinary bamboos suitable for the size of ordinary people like Feng Yan, as well as fresh bamboo shoots suitable for panda cubs, and even the last time they dealt with Jiu The giant bamboo at the end is also to satisfy the huge pandas in the opposite panda clan. Just like Panda Fengji, the main reclaimer of this open space, his body size is at the level of a tailed beast.

"It actually really grew!"

Seeing everything happening in front of him, a panda also looked quite shocked. He didn't expect that there really is such a blood inheritance boundary that can control bamboo in this world.

A panda walked to the bamboo forest that had just grown. He couldn't wait to stretch out his paws and lift a section of young bamboo and put it into his mouth.


As he chewed, the panda's expression slowly changed from initial suspicion to disbelief. From time to time, he took a bite of the original bamboo of Jilinhai for comparison. The pandas around him stared at him solemnly, wanting to know whether this so-called most delicious bamboo was true.

In the end, the panda simply threw away the original bamboo in the Thorn Forest Sea in its palm, and threw the entire bear into the new bamboo forest created by Liuyu Bamboo Escape.

This panda had given the best answer with its own actions. Seeing this scene, the remaining pandas dropped the bamboos in their hands and followed.

PS: The writing of this chapter feels a bit broken, but no matter how I change it, I can't achieve the expected effect. My writing style is only of this level, so forgive me, forgive me. In addition, because the author is already a senior in college (you know), the update of this book will not be stable, but the only thing that can be guaranteed is that this book will not be eunuch.

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