Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 237 The so-called natural energy!

After all the affairs of the Hidden Moon Village were explained clearly, Liu Yu informed the panda in the Thorn Forest Sea to prepare to reverse summon her to the Thorn Forest Sea. The reason is simple, Liu Yu is ready to practice fairy arts.

Ordinary chakra is obtained by the perfect fusion of one's own physical energy and spiritual energy. Ninjas can release ninjutsu by consuming a certain amount of chakra. The fairy chakra is formed by absorbing natural energy on the basis of physical energy and spiritual energy. The ninjutsu that consumes fairy chakra is called fairy art. To use fairy arts, you need to enter the fairy mode.

In the original work, learning fairy arts can be said to be a watershed in Naruto's strength. It was only after learning the perfect fairy mode in Myoboku Mountain that Naruto was able to defeat Pain, who almost razed the entire Konoha to the ground.

In Liu Yu's previous life memory, the only ones who were able to teach fairy arts were the toads of Myoboku Mountain and the snakes of Ryuchi Cave. As for the Wet Bone Forest, which is also one of the three holy places, there is no mention of the practice of fairy arts in Liu Yu's previous life memory.

Facing such a powerful and mysterious power as the immortal arts, it is impossible for Liu Yu to say that he has no ideas, but he had been suffering from no way to do it before and had to give up.

But with the contract signed between Liu Yu and the pandas of the Thorny Forest Sea, things ushered in a new turn. Although the history of the Thorny Forest Sea is not as long as the so-called three holy places, the pandas of the Thorny Forest Sea have also mastered a set of immortal arts cultivation methods that belong to them, and this will become the basis for Liu Yu to practice immortal arts.

Once the immortal arts are successfully cultivated, Liu Yu's strength will usher in a great leap. Thinking of this, Liu Yu couldn't help but look forward to the next trip to the Thorny Forest Sea.


With a light sound, Liu Yu was sent to the Thorny Forest Sea by Feng Yun.

"Little Liu Yu, you are here!"

Seeing Liu Yu who was sent out by himself, Feng Yun seemed very happy and called out affectionately.

"Grandma Feng Yun, long time no see!"

Seeing Feng Yun, Liu Yu bowed respectfully and greeted her. Feng Yun gave Liu Yu the impression of a kind old lady, so Liu Yu would always relax involuntarily when facing Feng Yun.

As for Feng Yan, Liu Yu saw him as a stubborn and conservative old man. Every time he saw him, he would be involuntarily on guard, fearing that he would accidentally provoke this stubborn old man to get angry. Liu Yu had also come to the Thorny Forest Sea several times in the past two years, but more than once he saw Feng Yan teaching the younger generations of the panda clan a lesson. Especially Feng Ke, he was seen several times being beaten by Feng Yan with lumps all over his head.

Feng Yun and Feng Yan's status in the Thorny Forest Sea is the same as Shima and Fukasaku in Myoboku Mountain, and they are responsible for most of the affairs in the Thorny Forest Sea.

"Little Liu Yu, we all know the purpose of your visit this time, and the old man is waiting for you in the Thorny Forest!"

Seeing Liu Yu's respectful look, Feng Yun seemed very happy, and it seemed that he was very useful. However, Feng Yun's words made Liu Yu smile bitterly. If possible, she still wanted to practice immortal arts under Feng Yun's guidance.

The Thorn Forest Land, unlike other places in the Thorn Forest Sea, is not covered with bamboos. Instead, it looks extremely desolate. One after another, towering stone pillars stand above the ground, which is also the origin of the real name of the Thorn Forest Sea.

"Come up!"

When Liu Yu came to the Thorn Forest Land to look for Feng Yan, a shout came from above Liu Yu's head. Liu Yu squinted his eyes and looked up at the source of the sound. He could barely see a black and white figure on the top of the stone pillar.

"What are you still dawdling over there? Come up quickly!"

But it was Liu Yu's subconscious action of looking up that made Feng Yan unhappy, and a shout with a little anger came down again.

"This old stubborn"

Liu Yu complained helplessly in his heart, but his feet did not slow down. He gathered chakra under his feet and began to climb up quickly along the stone pillar.

The top of the stone pillar is about three or four square meters, barely enough to accommodate one person and one bear. Feng Yan is waiting for Liu Yu at the top of the stone pillar. Seeing him like this now, it is obvious that he is dissatisfied with Liu Yu's slow speed.

After Liu Yu came up, Feng Yan stared at Liu Yu and asked coldly: "Did you just call me a stubborn old man again?"

"No, no, absolutely not, Feng Yan, you are so kind, how can you be a stubborn old man?" Without thinking, Liu Yu shook his head and denied Feng Yan's correct guess, and then praised sincerely.

"Forget it! Let's start today's practice!"

Feng Yan obviously didn't want to go deep into whether he was a stubborn old man with Liu Yu, and then started today's training course and began to formally teach Liu Yu the fairy art.

In the next period of time, in order to practice the fairy art with peace of mind, Liu Yu will stay in the Thorny Forest Sea. Fortunately, in addition to bamboo as the staple food, the pandas in the Thorny Forest Sea usually eat a lot of fruits, so that Liu Yu doesn't have to eat insect feasts like Naruto in Myoboku Mountain.

The first step in practicing immortal arts is to sense the natural energy in the natural world, and then find a way to absorb the sensed natural energy into the body.

This is also the reason why Liu Yu is meditating on the top of the stone pillar now, because according to Feng Yan, the natural energy on the stone pillar in the thorn forest is the most concentrated, and it is naturally the most suitable place for natural energy perception.

The stone pillar they are on now is the tallest one in the thorn forest. Later, as the practice progresses, Liu Yu will gradually move to those low stone pillars for perception practice.

While meditating, Liuyu couldn't help but envied Naruto and complained about why Jilinhai didn't have the toad oil used by the toads in Miaomu Mountain to speed up the practice of celestial arts.


A soft sound sounded above Liu Yu's head. Liu Yu, who had been meditating with his eyes closed and trying to sense the so-called natural energy, opened his eyes with confusion and dissatisfaction and looked at Feng Yan. At the same time, his right hand couldn't help but caress the place that was hit just now.

"Don't think too much while sensing natural energy!"

Feng Yan took back the long pipe that had just hit Liu Yu on the head and said with a serious face.


Liuyu knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't say anything. He closed his eyes again and regained his sense of meditation. But in his heart, he was thinking about how the old man knew that he was mentally absent. Could it be that he could read minds?


Another blow to the head with a cigarette stick.


Relying on Professor Feng Yan's method, Liu Yu quietly sat cross-legged on the top of the stone pillar. If you want to perceive natural energy, you must completely calm down your mind. Only by feeling it with your heart can you feel the so-called natural energy.

But it is not easy to completely calm down his mind. The harder Liu Yu tries not to think about other things, the more miscellaneous and trivial things appear in his mind uncontrollably. In the process, he naturally Indispensable is Feng Yan's cigarette stick knocking his head.

After being beaten by Feng Yan for several days, Liu Yu was finally able to reluctantly enter the state of calm that Feng Yan had mentioned. However, the natural energy perceived in this incomplete state is too scarce, which is far different from the realm described by Feng Yan, and is also inconsistent with the environment where this stone pillar is located.

It was not until later that Liu Yu himself entered the reclusive mode. With his already amazing perception ability, combined with Professor Feng Yan's method, Liu Yu finally fully felt what the so-called natural energy was all about.

Through perception, Liuyu discovered that his surroundings were filled with so-called natural energy. If the color of your own chakra is light blue, then the energy surrounding you is fluorescent green.

"Is this what is called natural energy?"

Liuyu whispered to himself while immersed in this wonderful state.

Next to Liu Yu, Feng Yan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction as he watched Liu Yu enter the state. Originally, he thought that Liu Yu would need to hammer for a few more days before he could fully sense the natural energy around him, but he did not expect that Liu Yu's progress was beyond his expectation. He completed the first practice today. It seems that the progress in the future can be accelerated.


Someone asked me on Panda Reading which Naruto fan novel I mentioned before. Let me tell you that the name of that book is "Naruto Phoenix", and it is a very early Naruto fan novel. Since the author was unable to control Kishimoto's development of subsequent plots at the time, the later chapters were actually quite different from the original Naruto novel, and in the end the novel had no choice but to be discontinued. Book lovers who have completed the party don’t need to read it.

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