Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 211 Strength!


Liu Yu's first attack ignited the enthusiasm of the audience again, and they began to roar and cheer. They were not as concerned about the interests behind the bets as the rich, they only cared about whether the game tonight was intense enough.

After a flash, Liu Yu came to the hand team of the chairman of Ji Baihe Group. At this moment, they were nervously watching the situation around them, led by the hand called Yuebai Yaoyan----Linglan. This team has a total of six people. It is one of the two strongest teams on the scene, and it is also one of the favorites that the audience believes has the hope of winning the final victory.

"So fast!"

Liu Yu, who showed up, kicked Linglan with a flying kick. Linglan had to cross her hands in front of her in a hurry to face the sudden appearance in front of her. At the same time, the moon-white flames ignited on her arms, hoping to strengthen her defense. At this time, several hands behind Linglan who knew her well also rushed out together, ready to take down Liu Yu after Linglan blocked Liu Yu's flying kick.


To everyone's surprise, Linglan's flame arm defense with the famous Moon White Demon Flame was like paper. The Moon White Demon Flame was directly kicked away by Liuyu, and the arms crossed on the face were directly kicked by Liuyu's flying kick. Then the whole person was ejected like a cannonball and hit the outer wall directly. Linglan, who was embedded in the wall, struggled to spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and then fainted. It was obvious that she had lost her combat effectiveness.

"The first one!"

After kicking Linglan away, Liuyu's body in the air turned backwards at an incredible angle to avoid the joint attack of the two cards. Then he supported himself with his hands on the ground, his feet on top, and took advantage of the situation to kick the two cards away with a spinning kick. What is puzzling is that Liuyu's spinning kick did not touch the two people at all, but they flew out as if they were hit hard.

After kicking the two away, Liu Yu quickly stabilized his body and slapped the ground with his hands. Then, dozens of broad and tough leaves protruded from the ground. The four people who had not yet reacted to the change in the battle situation, as well as the two people who were kicked away before, were instantly entangled with countless tough leaves and could no longer move.

"One move after another, audience friends, did you see it? Kusa Chi Liu Yu killed Ling Lan, known as Yue Bai Yao Yan, in just one move."

The bespectacled man who was explaining the story trembled, his eyes full of disbelief. Ling Lan was a frequent visitor to this arena, and had won countless battles for his master Ji Baihe, but he didn't expect that this time, together with several other cards belonging to Ji Baihe, they couldn't hold out for a single round in front of Liu Yu.

The audience watching all this burst into cheers again, excited to see such a wonderful performance. Ji Baihe, who was in the VIP seat, was now livid and her teeth were trembling. The cards she had cultivated for many years were all defeated this time, which made her unable to calm down anyway.

In other VIP rooms, the expressions of those wealthy people were not very good either. Liu Yu's move directly broke their fantasy, letting them know that they might suffer a big loss today.

After absorbing all the chakra to ensure that the people bound by the tough leaves could no longer fight, Liu Yu controlled the grass leaves to throw them out of the arena, and then looked at the remaining cards with cold eyes. At the same time, he released the murderous aura that he had honed in the battlefield without reservation, and the powerful aura unfolded, and his long black hair automatically drifted back without wind.


Feeling this powerful aura, one person who was scanned by Liu Yu swallowed his saliva. At this moment, the other cards present finally reacted. Cao Qian Liu Yu's words "You all come together" were not a joke, she really had that strength.

The leaders looked at each other and made up their minds that they could no longer be on guard against each other. With the strength shown by Cao Qian Liu Yu, they could only fight together to win a chance of victory.

"Thunder escape, Nightingale!"

Lei Ming took the lead, clasping his fists at Liu Yu, and a dark lightning shot out from his fists and attacked Liu Yu. The rest of the people also released their own special ninjutsu, regardless of chakra, and greeted Liu Yu. [】

"A mutant thunder escape?"

Looking at the black lightning rushing towards him, Liu Yu muttered to himself with a little interest, not taking this lightning that defeated countless cards seriously at all.

Before the lightning approached, several large leaves of grass gathered into a shield and protected Liu Yu in it. The seemingly powerful black lightning did not cause any damage to him. Other ninjutsu were similar, and they could not break the defense of Liu Yu Qianye Liu Shield. Occasionally, a ninjutsu caused some damage to Qianye Liu Shield, and new grass leaves grew inside under Liu Yu's control to fill it.

But Liu Yu didn't want to be beaten passively like this. Liu Yu had not forgotten why he participated in this battle. And the time of Sage Mode is limited, so I must fight quickly.

Just as the players outside were preparing for the second wave of attack, the Chiba Liu Shield of absolute defense suddenly cracked, and then a long sword flashing with cold light was thrown out.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of everyone who had no time to react with the long sword.

"Quick! So fast!"

This thought kept flashing through the minds of the players facing Ryūyu. Faced with Liuyu's absolute crushing strength, few in this group of cards could withstand two moves. Liuyu held Mikazuki Munukin in his arms and rushed into the crowd, as if entering a deserted place. However, Liu Yu had already regarded this group of people as her future subordinates, so she still used one hand to attack with the back of the sword. She didn't want these subordinates to be missing arms or legs.

Faced with Liu Yu's behavior of treating them as his own, the players who were forced to fight hand to hand with Liu Yu couldn't feel any anger at the moment, because they simply didn't have the strength.

It can be said that today's melee made Liu Yu truly realize the power of immortal magic.

In the sage mode, you can use natural energy to enhance attack and defense, and you can also use natural energy to increase the physical attack range and perception. Relying on the blessing of celestial beings, Liu Yu was able to easily break through Suzuran's flame arm defense with that flying kick, and kicked them away before the flying kick even touched the two of them. At the same time, he used celestial arts chakra to summon them. The protective power of Qianye Liudun has also risen to more than one level.

And in terms of instantaneous body technique. Originally, relying on the time and space ninja Mikazuki Munechika, Ryūha's understanding of the teleportation technique surpassed most people. Within a certain range, Ryyu's teleportation is almost the same as time and space ninjutsu. In this world, Ryūha believed that Uchiha Shisui, who was also known as Shunshen, and Hanzo, who was known as demigod, could surpass him in this aspect.

After entering the sage mode, Liu Yu's perception of the surrounding things has been greatly improved, his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened, and his teleportation technique has reached a new level.

Liu Yu was confident that in his current state, even Uchiha Shisui would not dare to say that he could beat him in the teleportation technique. But now that I have once again copied Namikaze Minato's tactics, I don't need to rely on Mikazuki Munechika again.

While recalling the changes brought about by this magic chakra, Liu Yu easily dealt with the other cards present. He kept disappearing and reappearing, and every time he appeared, the back of Mikazuki Munechika's sword in Riuyu's hand would hit the waist and abdomen of his hand.

The blood successor ninjas who seemed to be extremely powerful in the past were now like little chickens in front of Liu Yu, who was easily dispatched one by one by Liu Yu.

"Thirty-four! Thirty-five! Thirty-six"

"Forty-eight! Forty-nine! Fifty"

"Sixty-one! Sixty-two! Sixty-three"

Under the constant warning from the man with eyes, the bloody ninjas on the field kept falling down. At the same time, the cheers from the audience were getting louder and louder. In sharp contrast, it was the livid-faced rich people in the VIP seats.


Liu Yu appeared in an instant and kicked away a blood successor ninja who could use melt escape. He frowned slightly when he looked at his corroded wrist.

"Thunder Escape, Yalang!"

Just when Liu Yu frowned, Lei Ming, who Liu Yu had deliberately left until the end, finally used his strongest move. A giant thunder and lightning wolf with a body as black as ink pounced towards Liu Yu.

"Finally something interesting!"

Turning around and looking at the black thunder wolf with black arcs all over its body, Liuyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then raised Mikazuki Munechika. This time he no longer faced the enemy with the back of the sword, but slashed it from the front.

"The Immortal Technique Wind Escape, Feng Ji Kill!"

A huge light blue wind blade broke out from Mikazuki's blade and faced the huge thunder wolf.


As the thunder wolf collided with the wind blade, a huge explosion sounded, and then a huge impact of air flow spread from it to the surroundings.

Facing the huge air flow, Liu Yu controlled several wide blades of grass to block him. At the same time, he also relied on his super perception to block the aftereffects of this wave of power for other cards present that had lost the ability to fight. After all, Liu Yu had already Treat them as your subordinates.

As for the others, Liu Yu doesn't need to care. After all, the arena is a place dedicated to ninja battles. The protective barrier set up on the periphery easily blocked the airflow generated by the explosion and did not affect the audience.

"It seems a bit too much!"

The residual power of the explosion gradually dissipated. Looking at the messy arena in front of him, Liu Yu whispered to himself. This Lei Ming's last move did not disappoint him, and he did not waste his chance to leave him at the end to allow him to accumulate strength.


After Lei Ming's final blow, his chakra was basically exhausted, and his body fell to his knees weakly. If Liu Yu hadn't controlled the blades of grass to block him from the remaining power, he would have been rushed out of the field by the remaining power.

Afterwards, Liu Yu gently walked up to Lei Ming and praised: "You are very good!"

Lei Ming raised his head and looked at Liu Yu in front of him, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile of relief. It might be a good decision to follow such a powerful master.

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