Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 200: Uchiha in trouble!


Following the gloomy crow of the crow, the setting sun slowly set. In the setting sun that finally dragged out, a large group of people left Nanga Shrine in silence.

At the end of the crowd, there was a young man wearing a dark high-collared short-sleeved top, triangular protective gear, pants of the same color, and leggings. This man was the official member of the Uchiha clan. The strongest one----Uchiha Shisui.

Next to Uchiha Shisui, there was a young man wearing ANBU costume with long black hair. The most eye-catching thing about the young man was the deep lines extending from the corners of his eyes near his nose to his eyes. Because this time It was a family gathering, so the boy took off his ANBU mask.

"Shisui, is there really nothing we can do?"

Looking at Shisui who was silent next to him, Uchiha Itachi finally couldn't help but ask. The topic of this family gathering made Itachi feel very depressed. Although he knew that the relationship between the family and the village had always been tense, he did not expect that the conflict between the family and the village had reached the point where they could not coexist. degree.

After the last Nine-Tails Rebellion, the higher-ups in the village clearly showed their distrust of the Uchiha clan. First, they moved the Uchiha clan to the edge of the village and marginalized them, and now they are pressing harder and harder on the issue of the security force.

Faced with the constant persecution from the village's top management, the complaints within the clan also increased. Although he and Shisui continued to appease the emotions of the clan members, what they received in return was that the clan members glared at them and scolded them and asked them whether they were Uchiha. A clan of people.

At today's family gathering, some radical clan members have even proposed the extreme method of seizing power through a coup, and the majority of the clan members support the coup. What worried Itachi even more was that his father, the leader of the clan, did not express his opposition to the coup. If the situation is allowed to develop like this, Konoha will inevitably usher in a civil war. When the time comes to face Konoha, which is greatly weakened, the Fourth Ninja War may even break out. This is unacceptable to the two people who have always loved the village deeply.

Looking at Uchiha Itachi with a dull look on his face, and then at the other clan members who obviously avoided the two of them, Shisui couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, among the large Uchiha clan, the only one who could understand him was this clan brother who was more than ten years younger than him.

At the door of the shrine, Uchiha Fugaku crossed his arms on his chest, leaning slightly on the wall and looking expressionlessly at Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi who were leaving together.

When the last ray of sunlight dissipated, Liu Yu's figure appeared in front of Uchiha Fugaku. He looked at Fugaku and replied softly: "Long wait!"

Fugaku looked at Liu Yu who appeared in front of him, nodded silently, and then walked into Nanga Shrine again, and Liu Yu followed suit.

After entering the shrine, Uchiha Fugaku looked at Liu Yu who followed and nodded. Then he walked to a rock wall and groped for a while, and finally found a hidden mechanism and opened an underground passage.

Seeing that the underground secret room was opened, Fugaku walked down first. Liu Yu was not surprised when he saw this, and followed Fugaku's footsteps into the underground secret room.

The underground secret room seemed relatively empty. Under the light of the fire, Liu Yu noticed the stone tablet located at the innermost part of the secret room at a glance.

"Is this the stone tablet that you have passed down from generation to generation to record the secrets of your family?"

Liu Yu seemed to be questioning but actually said with certainty. In a sense, it was the stone tablet in front of him that had been modified by Hei Jue that caused all the tragedies.

Uchiha Fugaku did not answer Liu Yu's question, but just stared at the stone tablet in front of him with a complicated expression. Now the Uchiha clan is at a critical moment of life and death, but the so-called ancestral stone tablet that can bring peace cannot save the clan.

After a period of silence, Uchiha Fugaku finally made up his mind, turned his head and stared directly at Ryūyu's eyes. Three black magatama quickly rotated in the blood-colored pupils, and finally connected with each other to form a three-leaf spiral blade.


Looking directly at Fugaku's exposed Mangekyō Sharingan, Ryūha looked as if this was indeed the case.

"You don't seem surprised by my kaleidoscope?"

Fugaku also showed a hint of curiosity at this time. This was the first time he showed his Mangekyō Sharingan in front of others. He originally thought that Ryūyu would be surprised by his own eyes.

"I just don't believe that the evil-eyed Fugaku who can lead the Uchiha clan will only be at the level of three magatama."

Looking at Fugaku's confused eyes, Liuyu shook her head slightly and explained that there was no way she could tell Fugaku that she knew about the development of the plot!

"This was started after I witnessed the death of one of my friends during the Third Ninja War."

Fugaku did not delve into this issue, but instead took the initiative to explain the origin of his Mangekyō Sharingan to Ryūha. After finishing speaking, Fugaku fell into silence, not knowing whether he was thinking about his good friend.

"Besides, this isn't the first time I've seen the Mangekyo Sharingan."

At this moment, Liu Yu dropped a bombshell.

"Is it Shisui's Mangekyo?"

Fugaku asked casually, as the clan leader, he knew that Shisui opened the Mangekyō Sharingan during the Third Ninja War. In addition to himself as the clan leader, several other Uchiha core clan members who hold high positions in the Konoha security force also know about this.

It is precisely because of this that after he secretly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, Shisui became the strongest person in the clan. In addition to Uchiha's top brass, Konoha's top brass also knew the news.

However, they only knew the fact that Shisui had opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and they did not know the true ability of Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan.

I heard that this little girl had contact with Shisui before when he was on the front line of Yuno Country. It must have been at that time that he saw Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan!

To be honest, when Fugaku knew that Shisui had the Mangekyō Sharingan, he complained more than once about Shisui's political naivety.

In terms of time, he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan earlier than Shisui, but he never dared to show this power in front of others. Why? It's not because of the embarrassing situation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha. This power is powerful, but if you are not careful, it will bring disaster to the clan.

Letting Konoha's top brass know that a clan member with the Mangekyo Sharingan appears in the Uchiha clan will only make Konoha's top brass more fearful of the Uchiha clan and make the clan's situation even more difficult.

"No! It's not Brother Shisui's kaleidoscope, but the kaleidoscope that controls the Nine-Tails!"

Seeing that Fugaku was lost in thought again, Liu Yu denied Fugaku's guess out loud, and then looked directly into Fugaku's eyes and answered word for word.

"What did you say?"

Hearing Liu Yu's answer, Fugaku's heart suddenly surged like three rivers and he couldn't calm down for a long time. Looking into Liu Yu's eyes, her voice couldn't stop trembling.

In the past, although Konoha and the Uchiha clan were slightly at odds, they could at least coexist within the framework of Konoha. Many Uchiha clan members really recognized their identity as Konoha ninjas. .

As for why the conflict between Konoha and the Uchiha clan has intensified to the current level, it is mainly because of the last Nine-Tails Rebellion. After all, according to the knowledge of Konoha's top brass, the only one with the ability to break the Kyuubi's seal and channel its attack on Konoha is Uchiha's Sharingan.

If the real mastermind behind the Nine-Tails Rebellion can be taken advantage of, perhaps the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha can be resolved. Fugaku himself also has feelings for Konoha, and from his personal point of view, he is unwilling to launch a coup. It's just that because he is in the position of the leader of a clan, he cannot refuse the will of his clan members.

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