"It concerns the future of your Uchiha clan, I hope you can consider my proposal carefully.

Under the pale moonlight, Liuyu said in a deep voice to Fugaku behind him. After saying that, it disappeared in Fugaku's eyes, leaving only a few flying bamboo leaves.

Watching the bamboo leaves slowly falling to the ground, Fugaku had a look of confusion in his eyes, not knowing how to make a decision.

The plan given by Riuyu is mainly divided into two steps. The first step is for her to join forces with Riuyu to get rid of Danzo, who is the most prejudiced against Uchiha among the high-level officials in Konoha. The second step is to confess this matter to the Third Hokage, and then take the initiative to disband the Konoha Police Force formed by the Uchiha clan, disperse the Uchiha clan members into other departments, weaken the Uchiha's strength and make the Uchiha lose the ability to rebel. Base.

Ruiyu's method may seem nonsensical, but it is actually the best way so far to prevent the outbreak of civil war and allow both sides to live in peace.

Since someone must be sacrificed to maintain the peace of the village, then why the one who is sacrificed cannot be Danzo but must be the Uchiha clan. Didn't Danzo always say that ninjas must have the courage to face death? Then it was time for him to sacrifice for the peace of the village.

In fact, in the genocide of the Uchiha, the main driving force was not the Uchiha clan's unsteady determination for a coup. It was the top management of Konoha that really forced the Uchiha to stage a coup.

The conflict between the top management of Konoha and the conflict between Uchiha has been around for a long time. It had already started when Senju and Uchiha reconciled and established Konoha.

During the period of the first Hokage, Uchiha could still survive stably under the framework of Konoha, but with the rise of the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the signs of Uchiha's demise had already been revealed.

The second generation, who was already biased against the Uchiha clan, established the Konoha Guard Force composed of Uchiha clan members. It seemed to give the Uchiha clan trust and honor, but in fact it pushed the Uchiha clan away from the village. The center of power has pushed the Uchiha clan out of Konoha's system.

The nature of the security force also determines that this job is not pleasant, especially under the deliberate intensification of some high-level officials in Konoha. Ordinary villagers rarely have a good impression of the security force led by Uchiha.

Especially Danzo, who inherited the darkness of the Second Hokage, did not trust the Uchiha clan from the beginning and has been trying to eradicate the Uchiha clan. The outbreak of the Nine-Tails Rebellion gave him an opportunity to intensify the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha. Excuse.

Originally, after the Nine-Tails Rebellion broke out, the relationship between the two parties would not have reached this point. However, Danzo first prevented the Uchiha clan's security force from participating in the war on the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion. As a result, in the eyes of uninformed people, they believed that the Uchiha clan had failed to fulfill their responsibilities as Konoha ninjas, causing them to be criticized.

During the reconstruction of the village after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Danzo took advantage of the situation and moved the Uchiha clan to the edge of the village to isolate themselves from other clans. This deepened the gap between the Uchiha and the village, and also conspired for the Uchiha. The coup and Konoha's annihilation of Uchiha provided objective favorable conditions.

Next, Danzo spread gossip in the village about the Nine-Tails Rebellion and Uchiha. Although there is no definite evidence for this matter, rumors can often kill people in key places. This series of operations made the Uchiha clan's situation in Konoha even more difficult.

Later, as the Uchiha began to plot a coup, Danzo took advantage of the situation and proposed the annihilation of the Uchiha clan at a high-level meeting in Konoha. As time went by, the two major advisers were convinced.

In fact, if Shisui had chosen to secretly use other gods to rewrite Uchiha's will, then Uchiha and Konoha would not live in peace from now on, but at least the two sides could maintain peace for a period of time.

However, Shisui, who lacked political acumen, chose to inform the top management of Konoha of his Mangekyō Sharingan ability, which made Danzo even more fearful of Uchiha and strengthened his determination to annihilate the Uchiha clan. The unknown person who tried to maintain peace in the darkness ultimately failed to protect neither the village nor the family.

In this series of developments, the weakness and compromise of the third generation are undoubtedly important guarantees for Danzo to make further progress. If the third generation had resolutely opposed Danzo's opinions and prevented the Uchiha clan from moving to the edge of the village, the current situation would have been different. It won't get worse than this.

The method given by Ryūha actually solved the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha from the source. First, Danzo, who had always advocated the annihilation of the Uchiha clan, was resolved, so that the promoter of the conflict could be resolved from the top of Konoha.

The second step is to disband the security force composed of the Uchiha clan. The resentment within the Uchiha clan does not actually come from the desire for power, but from the distrust and rejection of the village's top brass, just like tonight when Ryūha came to secretly meet with Uchiha Fugaku, she discovered many Konoha Anbu. .

The security force composed of the Uchiha tribe was disbanded, and a new security force was reorganized by ninjas from other races. Giving up one's own arms can show the Third Generation that Uchiha has no determination to rebel. I believe that when faced with the fait accompli of Danzo's death, the Third Generation, as a compromise proponent, will agree to Uchiha's conditions.

After all, what Uchiha requested was self-destruction of martial arts, which was conducive to peace in the village, and the third generation had no reason to object. Unless Danzo really has any special meaning to the third generation, just like Sasuke to Naruto, the third generation is determined to avenge Danzo. In other words, the third generation has always been hostile to the Uchiha clan like Danzo, and everything Danzo did was deliberately indulged by him.

At the same time, the Uchiha clan, which disbanded the security forces, can truly integrate into the system of Konoha. It can make the clan members have a deeper bond with Konoha, and let other villagers put aside their prejudices and truly accept the Uchiha clan.

Although the Uchiha clan may not have power for a long time in the future, it is better than the destruction of the clan. What's more, gold will always shine. With the excellent genes of Uchiha, the Uchiha who is completely integrated into Konoha still has a high probability of becoming a Hokage in the future.

After thinking for a long time, Fugaku looked up at the sky, and his scarlet pupils swept across the Konoha Anbu hiding in the tree. Looking at the crescent moon in the sky, he let out a meaningful sigh.

The fate of hundreds of clan members in the clan is now tied to him, and he can't relax for a moment, but in the face of this situation, he doesn't even have a person to discuss with.

The three high-ranking members of the security force, Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tiehuo, and Uchiha Daohuo, are keen on power struggles, and sooner or later they will push the clan into the abyss. His son Uchiha Itachi and the strongest man in the clan, Uchiha Shisui, were obviously on the side of the Konoha high-level officials. He also knew that Shisui would pass on the news of the clan's gathering to plot a coup to the village high-level officials.

In short, he couldn't find a person to discuss with in such a large clan. After all, Kusa Chi Liuhe finally appeared, but he was a traitor who defected from the village.

"Have you seen the fate of the Uchiha clan a long time ago? Or is this your revenge on the Uchiha?"

Fugaku muttered to himself, thinking of Uchiha Madara who tried to lead the Uchiha clan to leave Konoha, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Maybe if he had followed the clan leader Uchiha Madara to leave Konoha, there would be no such troubles.

Thinking of this, Fugaku actually envied Kusa Chi Liuhe who led the clan to escape from Konoha. After leaving Konoha, they at least didn't have to endure these dirty power struggles.

But Fugaku was just envious. The situations faced by the Uchiha clan and the Kusa Chi clan were different. The Uchiha clan, with many members, no time-space ninjutsu, and no black stone boundary monument to transfer, cannot escape from Konoha under the surveillance of Konoha's Anbu.

Even if they escape from Konoha, there is no guarantee that the Konoha high-level officials will not be ruthless and hunt down the Uchiha clan. This is no longer the Warring States period, and the power of a clan cannot compete with a village.


The three names of Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Tiehuo, and Uchiha Inahori come from the official novel Itachi Shinden, which are the three Uchiha clan members who were knocked down by Itachi in the internal conflict and made generous remarks. At the same time, the three of them are the high-level security forces and the backbone of the coup faction.

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