Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 266: The land of turmoil!

"What? Don't you plan to train a few students yourself?"

At this moment, Cao Qianfudang pushed in the door and looked at the class list on Liu Yu's desk and couldn't help but joke.

“It’s too laborious to train students!”

Liu Yu shook his head when he heard this and wanted to train his own students. Liu Yu really didn't have this idea.

If nothing else goes wrong, Asuma, Kakashi, and Kurenai, his friends in Konoha, will officially serve as instructors this year and guide the famous young masters of Konoha in the future.

But he was not interested in letting Ryūha spend his time and energy to guide genin. But that's not right to say that. Riuyu still has a true disciple, and that is Izumi Uchiha.

After Izumi Uchiha came to Tsukigakure Village, as the being who opened the Three Magatama Sharingan, and because he was older than other clan members, Izumi Uchiha naturally became the new leader of the Uchiha clan.

As for the true story of how the Uchiha clan was wiped out, the Uchiha clan members in Tsukigakure Village could guess most of it from the conversation between Fugaku and Ryūha. Faced with the truth that could not be buried, Uchiha Izumi did not choose to hide the truth from his tribe.

After learning the truth, after experiencing a short period of pain, the Uchiha clansmen all accepted the ending. Perhaps they had guessed the truth of the matter when Fugaku handed it over to Riyu.

After knowing the truth, an Uchiha clansman named Uchiha Gen successfully opened the Sharingan under great emotional pain. There are two magatama in the left eye and one magatama in the right eye. The process of Uchiha Gen opening the Sharingan also made Ryūha sigh at the magic of the Uchiha clan's power.

It is sad to say that in the entire Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Sasuke, who is still in Konoha, does not understand what is going on.

Perhaps driven by hatred, the strength of the Uchiha clan has improved rapidly in the past two years, and their grades in the ninja school were always among the best, which did not disgrace the name of Uchiha.

However, due to the sensitivity of the Uchiha clan's identity, except for Uchiha Gen, who had his Sharingan opened, and was assigned to Kusachi Yuta, the rest of the Uchiha clan were not assigned to mentor jonin after graduating from the ninja school, but directly He was trained by the ANBU special department in charge of Sosenfudo and used as an ANBU reserve force.

For Uchiha Izumi, perhaps out of sympathy for the similar fate of the two, Ryuha was also very attentive to Uchiha Izumi's guidance.

Combining his own fighting habits and Uchiha Izumi's Sharingan, Ryūha's training direction for Uchiha Izumi is similar to the combination of swordsmanship and instant body technique, trying to build Uchiha Izumi into the second "Shunshen Shisui".

In the past few years of growth, Uchiha Izumi's strength has improved rapidly, and he soon won the qualification of Tsukigakure Village Jonin. However, because of Uchiha's problems, Uchiha Izumi performed some secret missions to avoid exposing his existence.

But based on these alone, Uchiha Izumi is still unable to fight against Uchiha Itachi who possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan. In order to give Uchiha Izumi stronger power, after Uchiha Izumi's strength reached a certain bottleneck, Liuyu chose to take Uchiha Izumi to the Thorn Forest Sea to learn the magic of the panda clan.

As for whether the duel between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Izumi will affect Uchiha Itachi's plan for Uchiha Sasuke, Ryūha no longer intends to care about it. Maybe I cared too much about the plot of the original work before, which led to my failure.

"You're not coming to me just for this, are you?"

After coming back to his senses, Liu Yu rolled his eyes at his cousin. This cousin of his was usually busy with various ANBU affairs. If he came to see him today, he must have something important that needed to be decided by him.

"of course not."

Cao Qianfudang shook his head, and then handed a letter to Liu Yu.

"This is?"

Looking at the Konoha mark on the letter, Liu Yu frowned slightly.

"Konoha plans to hold the Chunin Examination in the second half of this year and invites Tsukigakure Village to participate in this round of Chunin Examination."

Seeing Liu Yu frowning, Cao Qian Fu Tang explained from the side.

"It seems like it's too early!"

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes, it seemed that things were not simple!

The chunin exams held in Konoha are mainly held jointly with Sunagakure Village. The exam locations are alternately set by the two parties. Some other small ninja villages will also be invited, such as Kusagakure Village, Takigakure Village, Amegakure Village, etc.

As a newly established ninja village in the ninja world, Tsukigakure Village's communication with other ninja villages is not much better than the closed Kirigakure Village. Not surprisingly, they want to take advantage of this chunin exam to see Tsukigakure Village. strength.

"Let Soyami, Minazuki He, Fuuma Sasame, Akizawa Souta, Fuyutsuki Kaede, and Uchiha Gen take part in this chuunin exam! By the way, remember to let Gen hide his Uchiha identity."

"When the time comes, I will lead the team myself."

At the end, Lu Yuyu added again.

After hearing this string of names, Cao Qianfutang's eyes couldn't help but condense. It seemed that she, a clan girl, was not going to tolerate it anymore!

The above-mentioned people are all the best in their respective families, and their strength is considered top among the younger generation in Yueyin Village. Although Ruiyu has not accepted any new disciples except for Uchiha Izumi, this does not prevent her from providing guidance to the training of the younger generation of Yueyin Village.

It is precisely because of Liu Yu's concern for these six people that some current senior leaders of Yueyin Village feel that the next leader of Yueyin Village may be from these six people.

With the strength of these six people, it is more than enough to be promoted in the Chunin Examination within Tsukiyakure Village. This time, they are all sent to Konoha, which is a bit of a mess.

But don't they want to use this Chunin Exam to test the strength of Tsukiyakure Village? In this case, let them take a good look!

"By the way, in addition to this incident, news has also come back from the Wave Country division. The people of the Wave Country are raising money to go to Konoha to hire ninjas to help solve Cardo."

After saying this, Cao Qianfutang reminded.

To be honest, until now, Kussenfudou has not figured out why Ryūha would be interested in the barren island country of Wave Country. You know, this small, poor country put together everyone's efforts and collected so much money that they couldn't even collect the reward for a B-level mission in Konoha.

"I have no interest in the Land of Waves, but I am interested in Cardo. At the same time, some interesting things will happen there."

Upon hearing the news, Liu Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said something that was difficult to understand.

"Is that your plan?"

Hearing this, Cao Qianfutang was stunned for a moment, but soon showed a clear expression. Although he still didn’t know what the interesting thing Riuyu was talking about, Kussenfudou already knew what Riuyu wanted to do.

In addition to the support of the daimyo of the host country, the income source of the Ninja Village mainly relies on the remuneration from mission commissions. As a new ninja village, Tsukigakure Village is naturally not as attractive as other ninja villages in terms of task entrustment. Currently, the main sources of tasks for Yueyin Village are the people in the Ghost Country, plus some commissions from surrounding small countries.

Naturally, such an amount of commissions cannot sustain the normal expenses of Yueyin Village. Therefore, the ANBU under the command of Sossenfutou occasionally assumes the responsibility of bounty hunters to raise funds for Yueyin Village.

However, this behavior cannot last long. If Yueyin Village wants to get on the right track, it must have other sources of income.

Under such circumstances, Cardo, who runs a shipping company (Cado Company) and is one of the few millionaires in the world, naturally falls into Ryūha's target.

Cardo secretly uses the mafia and ninjas to smuggle drugs and contraband, and also wants to invade other companies and countries. He is a villain who does all kinds of evil. Liuyu would not feel the slightest guilt for attacking such a person.

Kado would die sooner or later anyway, so Liuyu, who was short of money, had no reason to let go of such a large fortune. Rather than letting Cardo's property be divided up and disappear after his death, it would be better to let Liu Yu take over everything.

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