"This forehead protector? It's unmistakable, it's definitely the forehead protector from Yueyin Village.

Looking at the forehead protector tied to Liuyu's forehead, Kakashi's eyes suddenly widened, as if in disbelief, his eyes filled with disbelief.

In recent years, various forces have been trying to find out who is behind the Yueyin Village. However, they never expected that this new ninja village in the ninja world was actually founded by Riuha.

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly felt that Ryu Yu in front of him had become much stranger. For a moment, the two fell silent again.

But this scene seemed extremely weird in the eyes of nosy Sakura and Naruto, and they even started to make up their own minds. If Liu Yu knew what the two of them were thinking about, he probably wouldn't be able to calm down unless they were slapped in the face.

"You can't go back there!"

After a while, Kakashi finally came back to his senses from the incident of Ryuyu establishing his own ninja village, and looked at Ryuyu and said something lonely. There was no way to go back, the person in front of him was no longer Konoha's Kusanagi Ryuha.

"There's no going back!"

Liu Yu replied equally lonely. She now has her own village and is no longer Konoha's Kusanaruha. They can still be friends, but they can no longer be companions.

"Does Sandai know about this?"

After a moment of silence, Kakashi asked again. You must know that Ryūha's current identity is a super "S" level rebel ninja who is wanted by Konoha. A ninja village established by a traitorous ninja will not be recognized by the major powers.

It would be fine if Liu Yu had been hiding her identity and secretly manipulating Yueyin Village, but what exactly did she want to do by unabashedly taking out Yueyin Village's forehead protector in front of her today? Did she want to walk from behind to the front? But it is simply impossible for a ninja village established by a rebel ninja to be recognized by all the forces. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"The Third Generation has invited us, Tsukiyakure, to participate in this year's Chuunin Joint Examination!"

Liuyu did not answer Kakashi's question directly, but tilted his head to one side, looked at the three Xiaoqiang and said softly. The way the three Xiaoqiang argued from time to time made Liu Yu miss the life in Konoha.

"That's it!"

Kakashi sighed with emotion, and simply ignored how to deal with Ruiyu and the Tsukigakure Village behind him. Let the third generation handle these matters by himself!

After the incident was over, Kakashi, who had exhausted his Sharingan, was invited back to Tazuna's house to rest, and the three little ones also accompanied him.

As for Kusanagi Fenino, she left to deal with various matters of Cardo Shipping Company, and at the same time, it was also a warning to those restless guys in Cardo Company.

But before leaving, Fenye gave Dazuna and Inari a surprise. That is, Kesha was not killed after he was kidnapped by Kado's men, but was always protected by Divide. But in order to prevent Kesha from getting into trouble, Fenye cast an illusion to make him fall into a coma.

As for Ryūha, after settling everything, he set his sights on the last target of the trip - Kirigakure Kijin Momochi Zabuza.

A week later, after Zabuza and Haku were almost fully trained, in a dense forest in the Land of Waves, Ryūha and Zabuza started a negotiation, while Haku was alert to the situation from a distance.

"You want me to join your village?"

Zabuza held his own beheading sword and looked at Ryūyu with his eyebrows raised, his eyes filled with disbelief. Are you kidding me to let a rebellious ninja who has been hunted by Kirigakure ANBU for many years join a ninja village formed by rebellious ninjas?

Zabuza knew that the woman in front of him was stronger than him and Kakashi, and even he and Kakashi combined might not be her opponent.

But establishing a ninja village composed of rebellious ninjas is clearly a slap in the face of the five major countries. Taking her in would be tantamount to falling out with the Kirigakure Village. In addition, she herself is a rebellious ninja of Konoha Village. This would be equivalent to offending two of the five major ninja villages at the same time, and the other three ninja villages wanted to come. It was a pleasure to watch them fight with each other.

"Are you too confident in your own strength?"

Isn't this crazy woman in front of her afraid of causing the five major ninja villages to join forces to encircle and suppress her? Or rather, the woman in front of her thought she was strong enough to confront the five major countries head-on.

"You still want to return to Kirigakure Village, right?"

Ryūha did not answer Zabuza's question directly, but looked curiously at Zabuza's diagonal forehead protector and asked.

In the ninja world, if a ninja betrays his own village and is wanted by his own village with a reward, then such a ninja will be called a traitorous ninja.

In order to express their separation from the original Ninja Village, rebel ninjas usually add a horizontal line to the Ninja Village logo on their foreheads, just like what Ryuha did when he defected to Konoha. Later, whether it was Uchiha Itachi who massacred the entire clan and defected, or Uchiha Sasuke who sought strength and took refuge in Orochimaru, they all drew a horizontal line on their forehead protectors.

Regardless of whether they really want to defect, and regardless of the reason for their defection, the scratches on their forehead protectors already mean that they cannot return to their former village.

There are also some defecting ninjas who simply no longer wear forehead protectors, such as Black Hoe Raiga, Orochimaru and others. Just like Sasuke once discarded his forehead protector, symbolizing his giving up his identity as a Konoha ninja. Sasuke discarded his forehead protector, which also meant abandoning the bond he once had in Konoha. (After the final battle, Sasuke accepted the forehead protector handed over by Naruto, which also symbolized Sasuke regaining the bond he once had)

But it is worth mentioning that someone like Zabuza, who has been hunted by the ANBU of Kirigakure Village all year round, still wears the forehead protector of the village he once belonged to, and does not have the trademark scratches of a rebel ninja on it.

Shiro was able to save the day by pretending to be a Kirigakure Anbu while wearing the Kirigakure forehead protector, but why didn't Zabuza get scratches on his forehead protector like his own seniors, Inikikaki Kisame and Hagajujuzo? Could it be that the guy in front of me hasn't given up his identity as a ninja of Kirigakure Village?

Let’s combine the reasons for Zabuza’s defection—he fled the village because he failed in planning a coup to assassinate the Mizukage. Combined with Zabuza's last dialogue before his defection, "I will abandon the Kingdom of Water tonight, but I will definitely come back and take this country into my hands."

In other words, Zabuza has not given up his plan to return to the Kingdom of Water. The guy in front of him even wants to return to Kirigakure Village and become the Mizukage again. And the reason why he was hired by Cardo was to raise funds for him to return to Kirigakure Village.

Zabuza definitely did not assassinate Mizukage just to realize his own ambitions. Reminiscing that Yagura, the fourth generation Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, was just a puppet in Obito's hands, Ryūha had reason to believe that Zabuza should have discovered Mizukage. The truth is that the shadow is controlled by someone.

Thinking about the respect between Suigetsu and Chojuro's words for Zabuza, Zabuza's assassination of Mizukage was probably a feat in the eyes of the ninjas in Kirigakure Village, and Zabuza was even more important in the hearts of many Kirigakure ninjas. A hero. After Mei Terumi came to power, Zabuza might even be stripped of his status as a rebel ninja.

As a ninja, Zabuza strictly abides by the iron rules and obliterates the "tool" of emotion. No one would believe that he would actually try to change Kirigakure Village, which is known as the "Sato of the Blood Mist".

"What do you know?"

Zabuza knitted his brows and looked at Ryūyu and asked in a solemn voice.

"I know a lot. For example, the fourth Mizukage is a puppet."

Looking at Zabuza, Ryūha replied softly, downplaying the biggest shame in the history of Kirigakure Village.


As soon as these words came out, Zabuza's expression changed drastically. The fourth Mizukage Yagura was controlled by a mysterious man. He finally determined the inside story after a long period of intelligence collection, but he did not expect that the person in front of him was actually

"I fought against that guy!"

Ryūha seemed satisfied with Zabuza's reaction, and then dropped another bombshell. As soon as these words came out, Zabuza's expression changed dramatically again. He naturally knew who "that person" Ruiyu was referring to.

Being able to easily control the Fourth Mizukage and play with it at the palm of his hand, it was hard for Zabuza to imagine how powerful that kind of being was. If the Kusachi Ryūha in front of her had really fought against the mysterious man who controlled the Fourth Mizukage as she said, then she really wouldn't have to fear the pressure from the five major nations.

The five major countries are not monolithic, and it is not uncommon for ninjas to defect from each other among the ninja villages. If Riuha can defeat one of the ninja villages with absolute strength and raise the strength status of Tsukigakure Village to the level of the five major ninja villages, then the five major ninja villages will have to admit it even if they don't want to admit it.

Strength is always the unchanging truth in this world. Although it is difficult for the five major ninja villages to admit a ninja village formed by rebellious ninjas, it is better than going to war directly with the opponent.

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