Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 279 Fragrant phosphorus!

In the northeastern part of the Death Forest, three grass ninjas encountered their biggest crisis since the chunin exams.

Three genin from Tsukiyakure stood in front of them. Feeling the eyes of the other party as if they were sizing up prey, the three knew that this battle was unavoidable.

The two Kusagakure genin in front looked at each other and then paid attention. The three people quickly formed a formation, and the two male Kusanagi genin quickly moved forward to attack, while the remaining red-haired girl with glasses was behind. It seemed that she was not a fighting ninja.

The battle soon began, with two people from Kusakaku's side taking the lead in launching the attack.

Opposite them, the orange-haired girl lightly jumped back two steps, obviously not intending to participate in this battle. In his opinion, the two of them were enough to deal with this situation. The other black-haired girl took the initiative to meet the attacking grass ninja.

Seeing that all his teammates had picked their opponents, the remaining Akizawa Souta could only face the last Kusagakure genin with a sword.

In the process of charging forward, Akizawa Sata first leaned back to avoid several incoming kunai, and then jumped forward to close the distance between the two.

Facing the enemy approaching him in an instant, Genin Kusagakure drew his sword and aimed it at the enemy's neck.

Akizawa Sata turned sideways, his body twisted at an incredible angle, avoiding the katana in the hands of the Kusagakure genin in the astonished eyes of the opponent, and took the opportunity to get close to the opponent. Then his right hand slashed at Genin Kusagakure's wrist with his sword. Genin Kusagakure was in pain and the katana in his hand became unstable and fell to the ground.

But it wasn't over yet. Akizawa Sata chopped down the katana and then changed the sword into a palm, grabbing the wrist of the Genin Kusagakure. With a strong force in his direction, he pulled the man in his direction, and at the same time, he sharply aimed his knee at the Genin Kusagakure's abdomen.


Under the interaction of the two forces, Genin Kusagakure suffered greater damage. Under the heavy blow, Genin Kusagakure's pupils widened and veins popped out in his neck.

Then Akizawa Souta flicked his right hand and threw the Kusagakure genin directly.

After rolling several times on the ground, Genin Kusagakure covered his abdomen in pain. However, after seeing the red-haired girl in the distance, Genin Kusagakure showed a trace of desire in his eyes, and then he staggered closer to the red-haired girl.

After arriving at the girl's side, a trace of greed flashed in Genin Kusagakure's eyes, and then he picked up the girl's delicate hand and put it to his mouth.

As a companion, the red-haired girl subconsciously showed a trace of fear and disgust in her eyes when faced with her companion's actions, but she did not dodge.


But the next moment, a piece of Hyou Senbon shot straight out, passed in front of Genin Kusagakure, and cut the tip of his nose, causing him to stop opening his mouth to bite. Then several Hyou Senbon were shot out, directly penetrating the Kusagakure genin's arm. As for the remaining red-haired girl, she was also frightened by the sudden attack of Hyou Qianben and collapsed back to the ground.


Genin Kusagakure covered his hands in pain and screamed loudly, no longer caring about the red-haired girl.

Looking over again, he saw that his companion who was facing the black-haired girl had been frozen in half at any time and could no longer move. If he was not rescued early, his legs would definitely be destroyed.

"What kind of monsters are these guys?"

Looking at the eyes of the three people from Tsukigakure, the Kusagakure Genin's eyes were filled with a trace of fear. Why would a guy of this strength appear in the Chuunin Exam?

Seeing her two companions being knocked down in an instant, the red-haired girl's eyes, apart from the fear of the trio of Yueyin opposite her, also contained a trace of pleasure, and she was not at all indifferent to the screams of her companions. Sympathy, but hope they will be more seriously harmed.

"Stop moving, otherwise the next time you cum will be somewhere else instead of your hand."

Minazuki Hei gestured with the ice senbon in his hand, and pointed it vaguely at the Kusagakure genin's neck.

Looking at the other person's eyes without any emotion, Genin Kusagakure didn't dare to move anymore. He knew that the other person was not joking, they were really capable of killing people.

The pale-faced Kusagakure endured the severe pain, and with his uninjured left hand, he tremblingly took out the scroll from the ninja tool bag and threw it to the opposite party. Then he shouted loudly: "I, I, we admit defeat."

"It's actually the Book of Earth!"

Fuma Sasame steadily caught the scroll thrown from the opposite side, but looking at the word "地" on the scroll, Fuma Sasame frowned. The scroll in their hands is also an Earth Scroll, and there is no point in getting another Earth Scroll.

"It doesn't matter, our goal this time is not the scroll anyway."

Akizawa Sata didn't think it was a big deal, and comforted him, anyway, it wasn't the scroll that they were attacking this time. As for their real goal this time?

While thinking this, Akizawa Sata looked past the Kusagakure genin and towards the last red-haired girl. Then, Akizawa Sata walked straight towards the red-haired girl.

After arriving in front of the red-haired girl, Akizawa Souta stretched out his hand to the girl who was lying on the ground and showed a gentle smile.

"You must be Xiang Phosphorus!"

Akizawa Sata said the name softly, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly. It seemed that the secret mission issued by Lord Ryūha was not difficult at all!

That's right, the secret mission that Ryūha assigned to the three of them this time was to seize the opportunity to seize the fragrant phosphorus during the Chunin Exam.

Perhaps due to the influence of Orochimaru, or perhaps in order to enhance the strength of his own ninja village, now Ryūha, like Orochimaru, has become interested in collecting blood successor ninjas.

However, Ryūha is not a perverted research maniac like Orochimaru. She collects blood successor ninjas and will not dissect them for research.

Looking at the slightly raised corners of the black-haired boy opposite, a string in Xiang Ling's heart that had never been plucked could not help but tremble, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand. He didn't wonder why they treated him differently from the other two, let alone why they knew his name. At this moment, her eyes were filled with this young man's sunny smile.

"What do you mean?"

However, the Kusagakure genin on the side could not calm down at this moment. What did they mean by "Our goal this time is not the scroll anyway".

If they weren't for the scroll, then why did they attack me? What do they want to do? Also, why are they so friendly to phosphorus? While he was thinking wildly, his mind reflected on the life and death certificate signed before the start of the second exam.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just superficial meaning."

Akizawa Sata didn't care about the questions asked by Genin Kusagakure, he just picked up the phoenix, and then prepared to leave with the phoenix. Xiang Ling didn't know what was going on, so he took Souta Akizawa's hand and followed him in a daze.

"Bye now!"

Seeing that the target mission was achieved, Minazukihe raised his delicate hand and pointed it at the frightened Kusagakure genin. Then he held his delicate hand far away, and the moisture in the air condensed instantly.

A chill hit him. Genin Kusagakure looked down and saw that his lower body was surrounded by ice.

Seeing the miserable state of the two Kusagakure, Fuma Sasame shook his head, and then followed the departure of several people, leaving the two Kusagakure genin here. Life and death matter, and whether they can leave the Forest of Death alive depends on their luck!

After a few people walked away, there was the sound of thumping footsteps on the ground. Just by hearing the footsteps, you knew that this was a big guy.

After hearing the footsteps, the two Kusagakure genin subconsciously deflected the direction of the sound. What caught their eyes was a giant black bear nearly five meters tall.

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