Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 286 The qualifiers are over!

The eighth game was fought between Gaara and Soyami.

After seeing his name, Gaara's figure disappeared instantly, and then he came to the field wrapped in a large ball of sand.

"Show me the difference between you and your brother!"

Looking at Cang Yeming who had not yet stepped down from the stage, Gaara said. It seems that he mistook Uchiha Gen, who was hiding his identity, as Ao Yeming's brother.

In fact, in this battle, the guy Gaara expected to face the most was the guy named Aoi Gen. On the one hand, the previous conflict between the two sides in the village was on the one hand, and on the other hand, they were also curious about how he led his team to become the team with the most scrolls in this chuunin competition.

It's just that because of the arrangement of the exam, Cang Yexuan faced off against the ninjas of his village, and was eventually eliminated in the rock-paper-scissors showdown. This was a pity.


Seeing Gaara's eager expression, Cang Yeming smiled and said in a long voice, he had no intention of stepping down, and his smile looked particularly weird no matter how you looked at it. If I had to use one word to describe it, That's "cheap".

"I abstain!"

After lengthening his voice, the word "abstain" popped out of Cang Yeming's mouth.

That's right, Cang Yeming abstained directly and spinelessly. It was neat and tidy, with no intention of ending.

Soyami is not stupid. In the brief fight before the chunin exam, he knew that he was definitely no match for Gaara, so he naturally would not give Gaara a chance to torture him.

Originally, he had been tortured by Gen Uchiha in Moon Hidden Village, but now that he was in Konoha, he would naturally not come to torture him again.

Whoever wants to fight can play, Cang Yeming won't play anyway. Moreover, Cang Yeming was one of the few people who knew Gaara's true identity.

If you want to defeat this kind of monster, you should first eat for two years before considering this issue.

Gaara who was off the court was also stunned. Kankuro abstained because he wanted to preserve his strength. What is the reason why you abstained?



Everyone present also had weird expressions on their faces at this moment. Not only was Yueyin Village very powerful this month, why was it that they were always doing weird things. In the past, it was a rock-paper-scissors duel, but now they actually chose to forfeit without being able to play. It doesn't matter if you choose to give up on the issue, but this guy still looks proud and doesn't regard it as a shame to give up the fight.

"You guys, can you have some backbone?"

Dong Yuefeng also covered her face helplessly, feeling speechless that her team had done something strange.

"That guy is so strong. Among us, except for Xuan, no one else is his opponent. There is no need for me to go up and get beaten."

Soyami looked like he didn't care, joking, a monster like the Ichibi Shukaku's jinchūriki shouldn't appear in the chunin exam at all.

"Hey! Where's your ninja skills? Why don't you give up like this?"

The people in Tsukiyakure didn't say anything, but Naruto on the other side of Konoha couldn't help it and started shouting loudly. Fortunately, Kakashi pulled Naruto over and covered his mouth, preventing Naruto from continuing to yell.

While covering Naruto's mouth, Kakashi turned his head and apologized to everyone in Tsukigakure: "Please don't pay attention!"

"Isn't this guy a fool?"

Seeing Naruto like this, this thought flashed through several other people's minds at the same time. Only Uchiha Gen smiled, finding Naruto more interesting.

"Ahem Cang Yeming abstains, the winner is Gaara."

Seeing that Cang Yeming didn't want to end, Yue Guangfeng could only announce the result.

After being let off the hook like this, Gaara's expression didn't change much. He still looked cold and indifferent, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

The final ninth game was between the remaining Shuiwu Yuehe and Toss Anvil.

"I will deal with you as soon as possible!"

Toss Anvil twisted the porous armor on his right hand, looked at Shui Wuyuehe and said with a cold face.

"Shameless talk!"

Shuiwu Yuehe almost laughed when he heard this. Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? He actually has such confidence.

"Game start!"

With the sound of the moonlight blast, the two people on the field kicked off the battle. However, unlike Toszhin's cautious expression, Shuiwu Yuehe seemed very relaxed, as if he didn't take the opponent seriously at all.


The porous armor on Toss Anvil's right arm made bursts of sharp and harsh sounds. These sound waves converged into a ball and struck directly at Shuiwu Yuehe. At the same time, Toss Anvil also used the cover of the sonic attack to rush forward. After all, the closer the distance, the better the effect of the sonic attack.

"Ice Escape, Ice Wall."

Shuiwu Yuehe placed his right hand vertically in front of his face and muttered softly.

In an instant, the temperature around Shuiwu Yuehe suddenly dropped, and a thick ice wall appeared, firmly protecting Shuiwu Yuehe. And Toss Anvil's sonic attack only made a few small cracks on the ice wall.

"Ah, it's Sister Bai, no, it's the ninjutsu that Brother Bai used."

Outside the field, Naruto's eyes widened as he watched the battle. He didn't expect that there was someone who could use the same secret ice escape technique as Shiro. However, it can be known from Naruto's words that he still has not completely accepted the fact that Shiro is a man.

"It's actually the ice escape of the Shui Wuyue clan!"

Sandai clicked his cigarette rod twice more. He had been shocked enough today, and this ice escape was not the least of them.

Regardless of what the people outside the arena thought, at this moment, Toszhen in the arena really felt something was wrong. Before, he tried to take advantage of the situation to close the distance and use the sound spear to attack, but the ice spikes protruding from the ground blocked his way.

"Ice escape, fang thorn."

Then the ice wall half-crouched with both hands on the ground, and the several ice mirrors floating around her clearly reflected the details of Toszhen.

After sensing that Toszhen outside was blocked, Mizuno Yuehe sneered and then changed the seal again.

"Ice escape secret technique: magic mirror ice crystal"

Then, dozens of ice mirrors appeared in the entire arena and trapped Toszhen in them. Feeling the sudden drop in temperature around him, Toszhen felt a little uneasy in his heart, and then used the sound spear to attack the ice mirrors around him, but he didn't expect that his sound spear attack was ineffective.

"It's over!"

Suddenly, an extremely cold female voice came from my ear, and Mizuno Yuehe's body unexpectedly disappeared from the ice mirror behind Toszhen, and a kunai was pressed against Toszhen's neck.


A sharp sound came, and Toszhen, who was unwilling to admit defeat, actually launched a sound spear attack on Mizuno Yuehe who was close to him, completely ignoring that he was also within the damage range of the sound wave attack.

But the next moment, Mizuno Yuehe's body softened and turned into a ball of water.

"It's a water clone!"

Toszhen, whose eardrum was bleeding, didn't expect that it was a water clone that just attacked him.

"You really pissed me off now!"

At this moment, Mizuno Yuehe's figure appeared on all the ice mirrors around, and this voice with a hint of anger came out.

Since this Toszhen was so ungrateful, Mizuno Yuehe didn't plan to drag it on any longer, and just get rid of him directly!

The next moment, one of the ice mirrors surrounding Toszhen suddenly shattered, and then the broken ice turned into hundreds of ice thousands of pieces under Mizuno Yuehe's control.

Then, all the ice mirrors around suddenly broke open and turned into tens of thousands of ice thousands of pieces. Tens of thousands of ice blades were suspended around Toszhen, forming a deadly killing array with no blind spots.

"Ice escape, ice extreme kill."

On the other side, Mizuno Yuehe gently raised her hand, not paying attention to the fear and regret in Toszhen's eyes. As Mizuno Yuehe waved her slender hand, tens of thousands of ice blades shot out from all directions.

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