Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 291 Uzumaki Naruto VS Akesawa Sata

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Naruto's opening was still a standard shadow clone attack. Naruto formed seals with his hands and shouted loudly, then divided into a dozen shadow clones, took out kunai and rushed forward.

"This amount of chakra is really amazing!"

Seeing Naruto's actions, Akizawa Souta sighed softly. Forbidden techniques such as multiple shadow clones consume too much chakra. People without a large amount of chakra will easily injure themselves or even endanger their lives when using this technique. Only the guy in front of him can use multiple shadow clones so unscrupulously.

However, it was a sigh of relief, but the movements of Souta Akizawa's hands were not slow. First, his right hand turned into a claw and slammed onto the right arm of Naruto's shadow clone holding the kunai. Then he used the shadow clone's right arm as a fulcrum to flip over the shadow clone in front of him. While his body was still in the air, his legs moved towards him at the same time. Kicking away from the left and right sides, he accurately kicked two shadow clones.

After landing, one side of the body first avoided the attack of the two shadow clones, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab the clothes of the two shadow clones. He turned around and used his strength to throw the two shadow clones towards the other two attackers. Shadow clone.

The next moment, Akizawa Souta leaned up to avoid a flying shadow clone. While leaning up, his right knee suddenly pushed upward, accurately hitting the shadow clone's abdomen.

In terms of training in Taijutsu alone, even ten Narutos couldn't match him.

"What did Sata say to you before the game?"

Dong Yuelin asked as she watched the shadow clones on the field that were continuously hit by Akizawa Sata and turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared. To be honest, she didn't understand Liu Yu's previous entanglement in betting. In her opinion, this was a game that was already destined, and she believed that her student would win the final victory.

"this one?"

Liuyu looked at the seemingly "intense" but actually one-sided battle below, and his mind couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with Sata Akizawa before the start of the game.

At that time, Souta Akizawa asked Ryūyu if he needed to let him go during the competition. He already knew through Teacher Lin that there was some special relationship between Naruto and Ryūyu. As long as Ryūyu nods, he can choose to forfeit and let Naruto win directly.

However, Ryuyu shook his head and refused. Instead, he said that if Souta Akizawa could defeat Naruto, Ryuyu decided to teach him a forbidden technique!

"Come on Naruto-kun!"

In the audience, Hinata looked at Naruto who was passive in the audience and couldn't help but feel worried.

"Don't worry! This guy defeated me and won't fall down so easily."

Kiba comforted Hinata and said that after being defeated by Naruto, he looked at Naruto squarely. But the guy Naruto faced this time was really awesome! I can't see the weakness there at all.

Off the court, seeing all of his shadow clones being knocked down by Akizawa Sata, Naruto was not discouraged, but instead formed seals again to summon more shadow clones.

"Does this guy have too much chakra?"

Looking at the number of shadow clones that were several times more than before, Akizawa frowned. Is that guy planning to use the shadow clones to consume his own energy?

"In that case, let's find the true body!"

While his mind was spinning, Akizawa Souta made up his mind and began to actively attack Naruto. As long as the main body is defeated, these shadow clones will naturally dissipate.

Akizawa Souta charged forward, pulled a shadow clone on the side as a shield, blocked the shurikens thrown by other shadow clones, and then pulled out the kunai from his waist and threw it backhand.

"Sata is planning to end this battle!"

As Souta Aizawa's teacher, Dong Yuelin was naturally aware of Souta Aisawa's plan.

"No, the battle won't end so soon!"

Liu Yu did not agree with Fuyue Lin's view. Naruto would not fall so easily.

After a melee, Akizawa Souta finally locked the target. The one at the back of the crowd has been observing the battle situation. There is no doubt that that one is the main body.

After setting his target, Akizawa Souta's movements accelerated again, and the two shadow clones in front seemed to be aware of his intentions and rushed out to block him.

However, this was not a problem for Souta Akizawa. He solved a shadow clone with an elbow, and using the cover of the smoke when the shadow clone disappeared, he took out a shuriken from his ninja bag and pointed it at the other person. A shadow clone.

"It's too late!"

In the blink of an eye, Akizawa Sata was approaching Naruto's "body". Naruto punched with his right hand, but his left hand was tightly controlled by Satta Akizawa. Then he pulled back his left hand, and Naruto's body was pulled towards him, while Satta Akizawa's left hand was pulled back. Then he used his right hand to aim the sword at the back of Naruto's neck.

Akizawa Souta struck carefully, this blow would not cause any serious injury to Naruto, it would only make him unconscious.

"it's over!"

Seeing this, Dong Yuelin already knew that the game was over.

"No, the fun has just begun!"

The corners of Liu Yu's mouth raised slightly. She and Dong Yuelin had exactly the opposite views.

Off the field, after taking care of Naruto's body, Souta Akizawa instinctively relaxed.

But at the next moment, a sudden change occurred. Naruto, whom Akizawa Sata identified as his true form, turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared with a "bang". The true form he thought was also a shadow clone.

Since this is a shadow clone, where is the true body?

At this moment, there was a sound of chi chi coming from behind. Akizawa Souta subconsciously looked back, and what came into view was an ever-expanding Fuma shuriken.

Akizawa Sata didn't dare to neglect, and quickly turned over and jumped up, narrowly avoiding the attack of Fuuma Shuriken. At the same time, the target was locked on Naruto who struggled to throw the Fuma Shuriken. Could this be his true form?

But the next moment, the Fuuma Shuriken underneath Akizawa Souta suddenly transformed into Naruto. This Fuuma Shuriken turned out to be Naruto.

After Naruto released the effect of the transformation jutsu, he aimed an upward flying kick at Souta Akizawa. At the same time, the remaining shadow clones rushed over. One clone squatted down to act as a springboard, helping the other Naruto successfully jump to the sky above Akizawa Souta, trying to recreate the moment when he defeated Kiba. Naruto fired continuously.


Seeing this reversal of the scene, Hinata couldn't help but become excited, and whispered softly on the stands. She was shy by nature and even felt embarrassed to cheer for Naruto loudly at this moment.

"I told you this guy won't fall down so easily!"

And Yaya yelled excitedly, Naruto really has his way.

"It's too early for you to be happy!"

At this moment, a basin of cold water was poured over, and the person who spoke was Gen Uchiha, who also failed to advance to the third official selection.

Although Uchiha Gen said to Akizawa Sata, "If you underestimate that guy, you will pay a heavy price." But he also did not forget Akizawa Sata's true strength.

On the other side, Cang Yeming, who also failed to advance to the third exam, crossed his arms and looked like he was watching a good show.

"I really underestimated him, but that's the end of it!"

Seeing this scene, Dong Yuelin couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, looking a little surprised. She obviously didn't expect Naruto's performance on the court.

But even now, Fuyuki Lin still doesn't think Naruto has the strength to defeat Souta Akizawa. After all, Souta Aisawa, like Gen Uchiha, never showed his true strength during the entire Chuunin Exam.

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