Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 298: Ren Xiong’s decision!

Mikazuki Munechika lightly drew a vertical line on the barrier of the Four Purple Flame Formation, and then in a burst of space ripples, the Four Purple Flame Formation opened a passage that only allowed one person to pass through. And all this, the four sound ninjas responsible for maintaining the Four Purple Flame Formation were not aware of it at all.


However, as soon as Ryuyu passed through the Four Purple Flame Formation, Orochimaru and Sarutobi in the battle instantly sensed the arrival of the uninvited guests. They are not rubbish like the four sound ninjas.

"Ninjutsu, Haze Technique!"

Facing the two men's shouts, Liu Yu just quickly formed seals with his hands. As the Seal Style was completed, a large amount of water vapor rose along the boundary wall of the Four Purple Flame Formation, blocking the sight of the ANBU and the four Sound Ninja who were watching the battle outside.

Facing the sudden blockage of sight, the ANBU outside were okay, but the four sound ninjas inside were shocked, but at this time they did not dare to move to avoid problems with the barrier.

Liu Yu's Haze Technique only blocked the sight of irrelevant people. Orochimaru and the Third Hokage who were fighting inside were not substantially affected and did not hinder their subsequent fight.

However, with such an uninvited guest on the scene, the Third Generation and Orochimaru did not dare to act rashly while the situation was still unclear.

At this time, the scene in the field was that Orochimaru took off his mask, revealing the face of the young woman hidden underneath.

The Third Hokage opposite was full of shock, unable to believe that Orochimaru had actually completed the forbidden technique of immortality.

"Orochimaru, is this what you look like now? You are so beautiful!!!"

As Liuyu said that, he jumped onto the tree summoned by Wood Release. He looked at Orochimaru's eyes without hiding the disgust in his eyes, and his tone was full of ridicule.

When she thought that her body had been coveted by Orochimaru as a substitute, Liu Yu felt a chill. Originally, it was unlucky enough to be reincarnated as a woman in this life, but he was actually targeted by the pervert Orochimaru.

Fortunately, with the growth of his own strength, Liu Yu no longer needs to be afraid of Orochimaru. If Ryūha is willing, she can even influence the current situation in Konoha.

"What an interesting person here!"

Orochimaru didn't pay attention to Liu Yu's sarcasm, but excitedly stretched out his long tongue and licked his lower lip. At this time of day, I saw two super "S" level rebel ninjas from Konoha. I wonder how the Third Hokage feels now?

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru put on the mask again, thinking that he was more accustomed to his original appearance.

To be honest, Orochimaru wouldn't be surprised if Ryuyu directly destroyed his Four Purple Flame Formation with powerful means outside. He was sure that Ryuyu had that strength.

But now, this woman has successfully entered the Four Purple Flame Formation without destroying the barrier, which makes people think deeply.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, and his already cold snake eyes looked even more attractive at the moment. If this woman is affected by the so-called "will of fire" of the old man in the third generation, her situation will be in danger.

However, this possibility is very small, otherwise this woman would not have entered the barrier alone to block other people's sight, instead of choosing to destroy the barrier and let Konoha's ANBU come in for reinforcements.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's expression relaxed slightly. As long as this woman is not on the side of the third generation old man.

But opposite Orochimaru, the expression of the Third Hokage was not so good. It's enough to fight Orochimaru by yourself and the first and second generation Hokage who were reincarnated in the earth. If you add another Kusachiruha, the trouble will be big.

Facing Orochimaru and the first and second generation Hokage who were in incomplete reincarnated states, the third generation still had confidence that he could seal them even in the worst case. But if he faced Ryūha, who was good at time and space ninjutsu, the third generation would not be sure!

"You are getting old after all!"

The fear in the third generation's eyes was clearly revealed in Riu Yu's eyes, and Riu Yu lamented that the third generation was no longer the Ninja hero who dominated the ninja world when he was young.

"I have no interest in your fight. I just want to know where Danzo went?"

Liuyu still didn't give up. The current situation was still unclear and he still had time to deal with Danzo. Of course, the premise is that these two people can tell him the whereabouts of Danzo.

"Haha! That old guy actually ran away!"

At Gao Liuyu's question, Orochimaru showed a hint of surprise at first, and then said sarcastically.

In the previous planning with Danzo, he and Danzo talked about the problem of Kusachi Ryūha, saying that Kusachi Ryūha might take the opportunity to take action against him in the Konoha collapse plan.

At that time, Danzo said that he had his own way to deal with Kusachi Ryūha's threat, but in the end, the way he said was to run out and hide?

Thinking of this, the sarcasm on Orochimaru's face became more intense. Even a person like Danzo who hides underground wants to be Hokage. Is he worthy?

In essence, Orochimaru, as a snake, will not be grateful to anyone. What Danzo and he planned to plan for the collapse of Konoha were to eliminate the Sandaime Hokage and weaken the power of the Hokage faction, but Orochimaru really wanted to Konoha was destroyed.

When the third generation heard this, he was silent for a while. Although he was also surprised that Danzo had fled the village at this moment, looking at the expression of the third generation, it was obvious that the third generation had guessed where Danzo was.

The changes in the expressions of the two men were obvious at a glance. Liu Yu turned his head and looked at the Third Hokage without saying a word, obviously waiting for the Third Hokage to make a decision.

If the third generation chooses to conceal Danzo's traces, then Riyuha really has no choice but to let this operation stop! However, if the Third Generation chooses to hand over Danzo, it is not impossible for Ryūha to consider a plan to allow the Third Generation to survive this Konoha collapse.

Everything depends on the decision of the third generation.

At this time, Orochimaru did not dare to act rashly, obviously knowing that the next choice of the third generation would affect the outcome of this battle.

For a moment, the three generations were also entangled. Should they hand over Danzo? Or hiding Danzo's whereabouts?

After careful consideration, the third generation raised his head silently. Although he did not say it clearly, Liu Yu had already got his answer from the firm eyes of the third generation.

The third generation refused to reveal Danzo's whereabouts.

"Really? That's really disappointing!"

After receiving this answer, Ryūha's eyes were filled with disappointment for the Sandaime. Danzo colluded with Orochimaru to plan the collapse of Konoha, and the third generation actually wanted to protect Danzo.

The Hokage, whose name was to protect the village, was completely unaware of the real danger to the village. The roots of Konoha have long since rotted. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Konoha to achieve rapid development and will only gradually drive away outstanding talents. And at this time, Sanya was unwilling to eradicate the rotten roots of Konoha.

The so-called will of fire of the third generation was deceiving himself and others in Liu Yu's opinion. When Orochimaru was doing human experiments, the third generation failed to protect the people in the village, and finally let Orochimaru go, causing today's tragedy.

After the death of the fourth generation, the third generation failed to take good care of Naruto, allowing Naruto to grow up in the eyes of the villagers.

When Danzo was plotting against the Kusasen clan, the Third Generation chose to ignore it, and did not hold Danzo accountable afterwards.

When Danzo successively attacked Uchiha Shisui and the Uchiha clan, the third generation's constant talk of "solving problems through dialogue" disappeared.

"Haha! I think you should cooperate with me! Come on, let us destroy this rotten village together."

Seeing this, Orochimaru excitedly stretched out his long tongue and licked the kunai in his hand, and said seductively, while also showing disdain for the third generation old man's decision.

At this point, the third generation of the Ni Bodhisattva could not save himself when crossing the river, but he still wanted to save Danzo's life.


When I first read it, I didn’t think too much about it, but after I started writing this novel, I began to feel more and more that the relationship between Sandai and Danzo was unusual. The bond between them is so deep that it can be said that Danzo is Sasuke who has murderous intentions for Naruto, and the third generation is Naruto who has been trying to get Sasuke back on track.

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