Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 300 A new war!

The breeze gently blew through the leaves, making a rustling sound. The tall trees stood there quietly. The moon behind the thick clouds occasionally appeared, casting a faint ray of moonlight, adding a ray of light to the extremely dark land.


A foraging owl flew by, its dark eyes reflecting everything in the forest.

A gust of black wind suddenly blew through the quiet forest, and then countless black shadows flashed across the forest. If you look closely, you can see that these people are wearing uniform black vests and have a forehead protector with a crescent moon pattern printed on their forehead.


The leading figure stopped steadily on the branches of a giant tree, and then gently raised his right hand. After receiving the signal, the black army stopped without making a single noise.

What everyone saw in front of them was the back of a woman wearing a black and gold windbreaker with a long ponytail.

For that figure, everyone's eyes showed endless admiration. That was the existence that single-handedly created the Moon Hidden Village and brought it to prosperity. From today onwards, the moon ninja will become another active force in the ninja world.

After waving his hand to stop the ninja army behind him, Liu Yu jumped over and reached the river not far away. This river is no stranger to her. When she was young, she often accompanied Cao Qiannaiko and her father Cao Qianyu to practice by the river. This river carried her few happy childhoods.

Downstream of the river, there are large buildings, which is a prosperous village. At this moment, the town was full of fire and there was a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

This is Kusakuin Village!

But for members of the Cao Qian clan like Liu Yu, this is a sad place. If possible, Liu Yu would never want to come back.

The river breeze blew gently, and her black hair swayed in the wind, and Liu Yu showed a trace of sadness.

"came back!"

Kusanagi, who didn't know when he appeared, walked to Liuyu and said softly. Sixteen years have passed since Liuyu led his tribe to escape from Caoyin Village. Sixteen years later, they are finally back.

"Yeah! Back."

Liuyu responded softly, returning to the place where he was born, this former "hometown" after many years. But what she brought back was blood and killing.

I don't know how long it took, until the moonlight was completely hidden in the thick clouds, and the earth was pitch black without a trace of light.

Seeing that the time was right, Liu Yu took out a Kusugakure forehead protector from the ninja bag on his waist. This was given to her by her father Cao Qianyu, and it represents the past between her and Caoyin Village.

Looking at the Kusagakure symbol on his forehead, a trace of recollection appeared in Liuyu's eyes, and then he took out a kunai again, slashed a horizontal bar on the Kusugakure forehead symbol, and then tied it On his forehead.

When she comes back this time, she will complete her revenge as a rebellious ninja of Kusanagi Village.

Although Kusagakure Village is not a great ninja village, this ninja village established at the same time as Konoha is by no means a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others.

Among the small and medium-sized ninja villages, the strength of Kusagakure Village is comparable to that of Takigakure Village, which owns the Nanao, and is second only to the Amegakure Village under the leadership of Sanho Hanzo, known as the demigod of the ninja world.

In all previous ninja wars, Kusakure Village relied on its military strength and geographical advantages second only to the five major powers to gain traction among the major powers. However, the major powers were often unwilling to be hostile to Kusagakure Village, and most of them carried out Co-optation strategy.

Under such a situation, Caoyin Village developed in an orderly manner. In the Third Ninja War, Kusagakure and Iwagakure formed a coalition to attack Konoha, pushing the front into the heart of the Fire Country and causing Konoha misery. If Minato Namikaze had not turned the tide on the battlefield and the Kannabi Bridge, which was the supply center of the coalition forces, was destroyed, the outcome of the war would have been uncertain.

Generally speaking, Kusagakure Village is still prosperous now. Although it is not as good as the five major ninja villages in the ninja world, it is still a force that leaders of various countries cannot ignore.

Under the dim night, several ninjas wearing Kusagakure's standard vests passed by quickly. They were a patrol team responsible for guarding the outskirts of Kusakure Village, but this patrol was more of a formality, and the few ninjas present did not think they would encounter any attacks.

However, accidents often happen inadvertently.


A Kusagakure ninja seemed to have remembered something, and stopped steadily on the branch of a big tree, then turned around and greeted behind him. He didn't know if he planned to invite his friends to have a drink with him after the patrol. Little wine.

But when he turned around, what he saw was Xuntai's frightened eyes, and the attacker in a black vest behind Xuntai.

The attacker's lower body was hidden in the tree, and his upper body was behind Xunta. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand to cover Xunta's mouth to prevent him from making any sound. His right hand was holding a kunai and aiming it at his neck.

Seeing that his whereabouts were discovered, the attacker did not appear to be panicked. Instead, he quickly twitched his kunai with his right hand and killed the Kusugakure ninja named "Xunta" directly in front of him. Lose.


Seeing that something was wrong, the Kusanagi ninja tried to remind his teammates while reaching for the ninja bag on his waist. There was an emergency signal contact bomb in the ninja bag.

But before the word "enemy attack" could be shouted, another figure emerged from the tree where the Kusugakure ninja was standing, and a long knife stabbed out diagonally, accurately piercing the heart of the Kusugakure ninja from behind. , the voice calling for help stopped abruptly.

"Cao Cao Qian"

On the occasion of parting, the Kusagakure ninja finally remembered what ability this was. It was the hiding of the Kusanagi clan.

On the other side, several other Kusagakure ninjas on the patrol had also met their opponents. The attackers were very powerful, and all of them were fatal with one blow, leaving them no extra time to call for help.

After the patrol team was dealt with, Chikuno Kusanagi, the captain, counted the number of corpses and took out a wireless walkie-talkie after confirming that no fish had slipped through the net.

"The seventh team has completed its mission. The eyes in area A have been cleared and follow-up operations can be carried out. Repeat, follow-up actions can be carried out."


The reply on the other end was just two short words.

Scenes like this keep happening in the outskirts of Caoyin Village. Different from the peaceful and quiet atmosphere in the village, the forest is full of blood and unwillingness, and killing will become the theme tonight.

In a dim alley in Caoyin Village, a graceful figure quietly appeared. I don’t know whether it was intentional or careless, but the appearance of the strange figure instantly attracted the attention of the patrolling security team nearby.


Several members of the security team quickly surrounded them, watching the figure with its back to them warily. The Kusugakure ninja in the lead shouted loudly, while the other Kusugakure ninjas around him had already drawn their weapons and prepared them. Battle preparation.

"Wait, that guy"

But soon, one of the Kusagakure ninjas discovered something was wrong, because that person actually

But before he could remind his companions that something was wrong, the figure in front of them disappeared in an instant. When she observed the figure again, she was already in front of her, and the sound of the sword whizzing through the air could be heard in her ears.

“Good and fast”

The sword was swung out from the darkness, setting off a cold light and splattering with little bits of blood.

"Dong dong------"

The corpses of several Kusagakure ninjas fell to the ground. One of them had his eyes so wide that he could not close his eyes. In his pupils that gradually lost their luster, a slim girl wearing a high-collared dress and a long ponytail was reflected. figure.

But these are not the main point. The main point is the red and white fan mark behind the girl, which was the emblem of the Uchiha clan, once the most powerful family in Konoha.

Why do you say once? Because this family has been massacred by Uchiha Itachi, there is only one known survivor, Uchiha Sasuke.

After clearing away the nearby soldiers, Izumi Uchiha bit the tip of his right thumb, and then his hands flew up and down quickly.


"Psychic art!"

After the seal was completed, Uchiha Izumi slapped the ground with his right palm, and at the same time shouted in his mouth, a huge black psychic talisman array quickly unfolded with Uchiha Izumi as the center.


Suddenly, there was a violent vibration, and the ground began to shake. Some of the nearby Kusagakure villagers even mistakenly thought that an earthquake had occurred.

"Then what is that?"

A Kusagakure ninja who fell to the ground during the violent shaking ignored the support of his companions, but pointed at the huge black and white figure in the distance with a mixture of shock and horror.

The companions looked in the direction he indicated, and their eyes widened as well. They saw a huge panda that was more than ten feet tall standing in the middle of the village.

Standing firmly on Fengji's head, Uchiha Izumi said respectfully: "Please, Lord Fengji."

What Uchiha Izumi channeled was Fengji, the largest panda in the Sea of ​​Thorns. It was perfect for such a large-scale siege.


Fengji's response was to look up to the sky and roar, and then he began to inhale sharply, his abdomen swelled obviously, and at the same time, chakra began to condense in his mouth.

"Wind Escape, practice blank bullets."

After the chakra was condensed, Fengji suddenly slapped his bulging belly, and a large amount of air mixed with chakra was compressed into a condensed wind ball several meters in diameter. Then a huge condensed wind bomb erupted from Fengji's mouth and hit the office building located in the center of Kusakuin Village.


The missile hit the central office building directly. The huge explosion directly destroyed the building, and a large amount of construction debris flew around.

A tearing horn sound sounded inside the village. A large number of ninjas who heard the warning signal hurriedly armed themselves and prepared to fight. At this time, everyone in the village realized that the village had been invaded.

Looking at Fengji wreaking havoc in the center of Caoyin Village, Cao Qianfudang gently pressed against his ghost mask, and then gently raised his right hand. Following Sossenfudou's movements, hundreds of Tsukigakure ANBU wearing black vests behind Sossenthudou put on their ghost masks at the same time.

Uchiha Izumi's summoning of Fengji in Kusakure Village was the signal for the general attack. And now, it is undoubtedly time to attack.

The next moment, as Cao Qianfutang waved his right hand, hundreds of people started taking action at the same time.

The war has begun!

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