"Ninjutsu, the art of Kirigakure.

Looking at the Kusagakure troops arriving for reinforcements from the front, Zabuza stood in the center of the battlefield with a vertical seal in his left hand and a beheading sword in his right hand, with a hint of bloodthirsty excitement in his eyes.

Although Zabuza was a little dissatisfied with being assigned to the battlefield not long after joining Tsukigakure Village, because it made Zabuza feel like a tool man. But I have to say that he is still more suitable for the environment of the battlefield. He does not need to think, he only needs to kill.

Subsequently, the fog in the air became thicker and thicker, so thick that people could not see clearly the surrounding environment. Relying on this move to block the enemy's line of sight, Zabuza can then determine the opponent's position with just his voice. After that, it's time for Zabuza to enjoy the killing.

"This is Zabuza!"

Looking at the mist ahead, Hagashigi, who was acting together with Zabuza, couldn't help but frown. Although Zabuza's Kirigakure technique blocked the sight of the Kusagakure ninja, it was easier for him to perform his specialty silent killing technique. But this move also blocked the sight of the subsequent Tsukigakure ninjas, which was not conducive to continuing the attack.

In desperation, Hagashigi ordered his men to disperse their attacks and find a breakthrough from other places. Just leave this area to him and Zabuza. Zabuza, who was in the thick fog, didn't care about those trivial problems. At this moment, Zabuza just wanted to kill people.

"Where exactly?"

A Kusagakure ninja looked around helplessly, where was that damn guy?

As a team that went out to stop the enemy, they fell into the thick fog before they could see clearly what the enemy looked like. The fog was so thick that they couldn't even see their companions who were several meters apart.

Not long after, they heard the sound of a sword piercing the air and the screams of their teammates. Afterwards, the screams continued, and each scream represented the death of a comrade. During this period, there were also Kusagakure ninjas who tried to use wind release ninjutsu to blow away the fog, or ran out of the fog area to fight again, but as soon as these Kusagakure ninjas took action, they heard the breath of death in their ears.

As the screams continued to be heard, the bloody air in the mist became thicker and thicker. Now, even the white mist was stained with a trace of blood.

Now, the screams are gradually decreasing. What does this mean? The remaining Kusagakure ninja naturally knew this.

"Where are you looking?"

Just as the Kusugakure ninja was thinking wildly, an extremely cold voice sounded behind his ears, and a weak stream of air gently exhaled from the mouth of the man behind him, blowing through the cloth in front of his mouth and hitting the earlobe of the Kusugakure ninja. . At the same time, I felt a cold metallic texture on my neck.

Looking at the kunai pressed against his neck and the blood dripping on the kunai, the remaining Kusanagi ninja did not dare to act rashly anymore.

"Wind Escape, Thousand Faces of Wind."

Yu Liangjiu, who rushed to the battlefield, saw that the view of the battlefield in front was blocked by thick fog. He did not dare to enter the fog area rashly. Instead, he used a wind escape group attack ninjutsu.

Thousands of tiny wind blades flew past, blowing away the mist. After the wind release ninjutsu blew away the thick fog, Yu Liangjiu's eyes suddenly condensed, looking extremely solemn.

Because at this moment, in the middle of the street in front of him, there were no less than thirty corpses of Kusagakure ninjas lying in random directions, and the culprit behind all this was

Urajiumi's eyes focused on the dark-skinned man with short black hair, a forehead protector on his head, and the lower half of his face and neck wrapped in bandages.

"You are Kirigakure's Kijin Zabuza???"

After all, Urajiumi was the leader of a village, so he still had some knowledge, so he recognized Zabuza's identity after a little thought.

But doesn't it mean that this guy's coup failed, and now he is raising funds as a wandering ninja in an attempt to make a comeback, and at the same time he is in exile in various places to avoid being pursued by the ANBU in Kirigakure Village? How did you come to Caoyin Village? What's more?

While thinking about it, Ura Kumi's eyes focused on Zabuza's forehead protector with a diagonal belt. It was not the water mist mark of Kirigakure Village, but the crescent moon mark of Tsukigakure Village. This means that the guy in front of me also joined Yueyin Village?

"Oh! Finally here comes an interesting guy."

Zabuza threw the corpse in front of him away, and looked at Ura Kumi with a hint of war-loving fanaticism in his eyes. This guy is different from the previous guys. He is definitely a strong man, and he will definitely not be as boring as the previous guys.

While thinking about it, Zabuza waved his right hand, and the decapitating sword with its broken blade was pressed against the corpse on the ground.

Looking at the decapitating sword that was constantly absorbing blood and growing again, and Zabuza who was eager to try, Uraji felt something was wrong. Although I knew that Ryuu Kusanagi was very powerful, I didn't expect that he could subdue even a rebellious guy like Zabuza.

"Are you Ura Hisumi, the leader of Kusagakure Village?"

At this time, Hagashiki who was at the back came up and looked at Zabuza who was among the pile of corpses and Urajiumi who was on guard across from him, Hagashiki asked coldly. However, this statement may seem like a question, but it actually contains a hint of certainty.

As soon as Hagashiki said these words, Zabuza immediately lost his fighting spirit, and there was a hint of boredom in his exposed eyes. Because since the person in front of him is Uryakumi, the leader of Kusakure Village, then Zabuza will not be able to fight him.

What a pity! If it weren't for Ryūha's order, Zabuza would have really wanted to swing the decapitating sword and chop off the head of Ura Kumi in front of him.

Because at the beginning of the war, Liu Yu gave an order that no one was allowed to attack Uryakumi. Ryuyu wants to take action personally against Urajiumi, the guy who caused the tragedy for the Kusanagi clan.

Seeing the change in Zabuza's eyes, Ura Kumi felt a little confused. What happened to this guy that he lost his will to fight when he heard his name? Zabuza was scared to say his name, but Ura Kyumi didn't have the confidence.

But no matter what Zabuza and Hagashigi on the opposite side thought, Ura Kumi on the opposite side was ready for battle.

Zabuza and the white-haired man were both enemies who invaded Kusakure Village. As the leader of Kusakure Village, he had no right to choose his opponents.

With a slight wave of his right hand, several Kusagakure Anbu who were following him drew their swords and rushed forward as soon as they received the instruction.

At the same time, Yu Liangjiu quickly took out four shurikens from his ninja bag with his left hand and threw them as a cover. Then he pulled out the long knife from his waist with his right hand and charged at the Hagatsuki.

Yu Liangjiu looked very fast and arrived in front of Hagashiki in almost the blink of an eye. However, Hagashiki seemed unhurried in the face of Urajiumi's attack and had no intention of blocking it. I don't know if he hasn't reacted yet, or if he is confident that Yu Liangjiujian's blow can't hurt him.

The next moment, the long knife set off a wisp of cold light and passed by Yuheshiqi's waist. Yuheshiqi's body was instantly divided into two halves.

But then Yuheshiqi's corpse that was cut in half turned into large white flying feathers and scattered. Then, these white flying feathers slowly flew to the top of a building on the street and reunited into Yuheshi chess.

"Although I really want to fight you, unfortunately, your opponent is not me."

Hagashigi, who reappeared, said in a rather regretful tone that, like Zabuza, he also wanted to fight against this Uryakumi. But unfortunately, Liu Yu gave the order to die.

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