Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 311 The so-called power!

As the three-leaf spiral blade rotated slowly, a strange energy was released. Looking at the kaleidoscope spiral blade pattern in Liu Yu's eyes, the four tails also stopped struggling, and the beast eyes that originally contained endless killing intent suddenly became sluggish.

The next moment, Liu Yu only felt a slight mental trance. In a moment, the world in front of him had changed drastically, and the surrounding environment took on a kind of darkness.

Relying on the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Ryūha successfully entered the inner spiritual world of the Four-Tails.

Coming to the spiritual world of the Four-Tails, Liuyu looked at everything in front of him curiously. At this moment, there was a huge metal cage in front of her, and the door of the cage was wrapped with a large number of mysterious black runes.

With the memory of his previous life, Liu Yu could naturally deduce that this was the seal placed by Iwagakure Village on the fourth tail.

And above the ground is a sealing talisman that has been unveiled. There is a big word "sealed" engraved on the sealing talisman. It seems that Lao Zi just opened this sealing talisman to make the four tails completely explode. complete body,

"This is?"

Noticing the sealing runes on it, Liu Yu showed a trace of thought, because the sealing runes on it made her feel a little familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Yu finally thought about where that inexplicable familiarity came from. The sealing technique in front of him actually came from the same source as the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

Regarding the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan, Ryūyu once received Kushina's guidance on a small scale. After he defected and established the Tsukigakure Village, he also collected some of the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan, so he was able to realize the origin of the sealing techniques in front of him at this moment. .

It seems that the Uzumaki clan also had a hand in the destruction of Iwagakure Village!

The current situation should be that after the Uzumaki clan was destroyed, Iwagakure Village used the sealing techniques left by the Uzumaki clan to strengthen the seal on the tailed beasts. It is precisely because of this that Lao Zi's ability to control the four tails has been greatly improved.

However, the secret past between the Uzumaki clan and Iwagakure Village is not what Liuyu needs to explore. She has not forgotten the purpose of entering the four-tailed spiritual world this time.

At this moment, the cage was half open, and Lao Zi's body was leaning on the cage with a sluggish expression. It seemed that Liu Yu's previous use of Bamboo Release to plunder Lao Zi's chakra caused a lot of damage.

Behind Lao Zi is the four-tailed Sun Wukong who is bound by several huge chains. On Lao Zi's body, there is a chakra chain condensed from chakra. The chakra chain extends from Lao Zi's body to the four tails. This is the chakra connection between the two of them. It is precisely because of the connection of this chakra chain that Lao Zi can use his unique melting chakra mode.

At the same time, each of the four tails of the Four Tails is bound by a chakra chain, and those chains extend into the endless darkness behind the Four Tails.

Liuyu's previous guess was still a bit wrong. Lao Zi did not completely give up control of the four tails, and the seal against the four tails in his body was not completely broken by Lao Zi. Even Lao Zi's weakness at this moment was due to the backlash of the four tails. After all, Lao Zi did not completely tame the tailed beast's perfect Jinchuuriki.

Thinking about it, the tailed beasts do not trust human beings. Even Lao Zi, who has been working with the four-tails for more than forty years, would not dare to easily open the complete seal and let the four-tails out.

Lao Zi's situation just now was more similar to the psychic technique used by Gaara, which only briefly released the tailed beast for control. After all, it is not an easy task to achieve the perfect Jinchuuriki state.

At this moment, seeing Liu Yu in front of him entering the mental space unique to himself and the Four-Tails, both Lao Zi and the Four-Tails who were bound by chakra chains showed expressions of extreme shock.

"Those eyes are the Mangekyo Sharingan"

"How is this possible?"

Lao Zi trembled in disbelief and said, his voice so low that he couldn't hear it. Thinking about it, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

After living in the ninja world for so many years, Lao Zi naturally knew what the scarlet eyes in front of him represented.

The Sharingan eye is the exclusive blood line of the Uchiha clan, and the Mangekyo Sharingan on it is the power that every Uchiha clansman desires. Legend has it that Uchiha Madara once relied on his own Mangekyo Sharingan to control Lived at Kyuubi. As for the Nine-Tails Rebellion that broke out in Konoha more than ten years ago, there were also rumors that someone relied on the Mangekyō Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails.

It was precisely because he knew how photogenic the eyes in front of him were that Lao Zi was shocked by everything in front of him. Now that the Uchiha clan has been basically wiped out, only Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke are left. So where did the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan in front of them come from? How did the woman from the Caoqian clan in front of me get it?

"Your mission is over!"

Liu Yu, who came to the sealed space, ignored Lao Zi's shock, but suddenly jumped forward and was in front of Lao Zi in an instant. Several sharp bamboos broke out from the ground and completely locked Lao Zi's figure. . At this moment, Lao Zi had no ability to resist and could only look at Liu Yu helplessly.


Liu Yu didn't pay attention to Lao Zi's shock, but stretched out his hand to lift Lao Zi's clothes, exposing Lao Zi's abdomen.

Suddenly, his clothes were lifted off by a little girl, but Lao Zi's expression changed drastically, because he had already guessed what the woman in front of him wanted to do.

The woman in front of her wants to repeat Uchiha Madara's feat, but will she really succeed? Lao Zi didn't dare to think any further.

At this moment, Lao Zi began to regret why he approached the woman in front of him alone. How many secrets did the woman in front of him have? What is the upper limit of her strength?

But there is no regret medicine in this world, no matter how unwilling Lao Zi is, it is of no use.

As expected by Liu Yu, there was a complex circular sealing talisman array carved on Lao Zi's abdomen. The strange chakra fluctuations exuding on it are consistent with the chakra chains on the four tails. This is the key to sealing the four tails.

If Liu Yu wants to completely gain control of the four tails, then the first step is to completely unlock Lao Zi's seal on the four tails, cut off the connection between the person and the beast, and completely liberate the four tails. After that, he relied on the powerful eye power of the Mangekyou Sharingan to completely control the four tails, just like the process Obito used to control the nine tails.

"Damn humans!"

It wasn't just Lao Zi who noticed Ryū Yu's thoughts. The four tails on the other side also noticed Ryū Yu's thoughts. Ryū Yu's actions reminded him of his unfortunate past when he was captured by the first Hokage Senju Hashirama using Wood Release.

The weird Bamboo Release of the woman in front of him reminded him of the original Wood Release, especially since the woman in front of him also possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan. The four tails also dare not think deeply about what terrible things will happen when these two powers are combined.

The four tails, who were originally restrained by chains, suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Liuyu, trying to stop Liuyu's behavior.

Although he was not interested in this stubborn old man who had been with him for more than forty years, the Four-Tails did not want to go back to the time when he was played as a pet by the first Hokage.

As a proud tailed beast, being toyed with and applauded by a tiny human is something that the Four Tails cannot accept no matter what.

But now it's obviously not the fourth tail's turn to express his opinion. Before the fourth tail could pounce, its huge figure was instantly stopped, as if it was being pulled by something.

But this time it was not the chakra chain behind him that worked, but Ryūyu's Bamboo Release. At this moment, dozens of tough giant bamboos have wrapped around the body of the four tails, completely binding it, just like the main body outside.

At this moment, Liu Yu's left hand made a seal against the sealing talisman on Lao Zi's abdomen, trying to undo Lao Zi's seal on the four tails, while his right hand shook his hand at the four tails and used Bamboo Escape to restrain it. Four tails.

"Be quiet, pets should behave like pets!"

After being able to restrain the Four Tails, Liu Yu withdrew his gaze from the talisman array on Lao Zi's abdomen, turned around and glanced coldly at the struggling Four Tails. Then he pressed down hard with his right hand, and the fourth tail's body was also controlled and fell to the ground.

The tailed beasts and jinchūriki, considered by the villages to be the balance of power, were vulnerable to him, which gave Ryūha a vague feeling of being superior to all living beings. This is not because of Liu Yu's character, but because of this powerful power, Liu Yu feels this way unconsciously.

It's like, when you know that everyone around you is not as good as you, even a humble person must have a kind of pride in his heart.

Many people say that strength affects a person's state of mind, and this is completely true.

Whether they are kind or evil, when they have power, their character will be affected unconsciously, maybe for good or for bad, but they themselves will not feel it. changes in mentality.

And now Liu Yu feels this way, and feels that the entire ninja world is nothing more than this. In today's ninja world, apart from Nagato, who has the Rinnegan Eye, and Obito, who relies on divine power to come and go without a trace, which can make Ryū Yu feel a little afraid, Ryū Yu has nothing to fear.

The ninja world is so big, she can go there. It was precisely because of this self-confidence that Ryūha attacked Kusagakure Village one after another and started a war with Iwagakure Village.

Under Liu Yu's cold eyes, a bone-deep chill slowly invaded, and the four-tails who had always been fearless actually felt a hint of fear.

What is the origin of the woman in front of me? ? ?

"It's time for the show to begin!"

As Liu Yu spoke, he gently twirled his left hand, and an inexplicable clicking sound sounded in the air, which meant that the seal on Lao Zi's body was gradually being unlocked. Lao Zi also kept moaning in pain during this process. After all, this was someone forcibly breaking the seal.

As Liu Yu untied the seal on Lao Zi's abdomen, the chains on the Four Tails began to snap. In contrast, the giant bamboo restraints on the Four Tails became stronger and stronger, preventing the Four Tails from completely releasing the seal. Something happened in a moment.

As for Lao Zi's fate after being deprived of his tailed beast, Liu Yu wouldn't care. She is not a kind person. The ninja world is a world where people are prepared to be killed at any time. When Lao Zi found her, she should have thought about this possibility.

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