Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 317 Practice!

S: It’s Chinese New Year, so let’s add two more chapters!

On the occasion of the new year, Iwagakure Village and Tsukigakure Village finally signed an armistice agreement. The borders between the Ghost Country and the Earth Country returned to their pre-war status. Both sides withdrew their troops and returned to their villages to prepare for this three-part war. The moon war has come to an end.

How could Onoki, an old man known for his stubbornness, be able to endure such a tone?

When the news came, countless people were surprised. Unexpectedly, Ohnoki actually relented.

However, this result undoubtedly made most people in the ninja world breathe a sigh of relief. As long as Onoki softens, it means that the war is over. After all, no one wants to throw their lives into a bottomless pit like the Ninja World War. .

The Fourth Ninja War has not come in the end!

However, some people are happy and others are sad. A considerable number of war fanatics are quite dissatisfied with this ending. Thinking that Iwagakure is one of the five great ninja villages, and Onoki is the only ninja who has been eliminated by blood in the world, he actually bows to a ninja village that has only been established for a few years.

While the two villages of Iwagakure and Tsukigakure were fighting on the border, Konoha welcomed the Fifth Hokage------Princess Tsunade, one of the legendary three!

The return of Tsunade brought Konoha's huge war machine back on track quickly. Konoha once again signed an offensive and defensive alliance with the extremely weak Sunagakure Village, which allowed some people who were ready to make moves to suppress their restless hearts.

Not long after the armistice agreement was signed between Iwagakure Village and Tsukigakure Village, Tsunade made a decision to cancel the Kusachi clan's rebel status and recognize the legal status of Tsukigakure Village!

The successive wars in the ninja world in the past few months have finally stopped their pace and have not evolved towards the fourth ninja war.

The two major ninja villages that initially identified the Kusanagi clan as traitorous ninjas, Kusakure Village was destroyed by Ryūha, and Konoha Village canceled the identification of the Kusanagi clan as traitorous ninjas under the leadership of Tsunade. At this point, the Kusachi clan finally got rid of their identity as a rebellious ninja clan, and Ryūha's original promise of bringing the clan under the "sunshine" was finally fulfilled!

After all, this world still relies on strength to speak. When the strength of the so-called "rebels" reaches a certain level, the rules that once bound them will no longer be rules, or the rules will change!

Sitting on the cliff, overlooking the large-scale Yueyin Village below, feeling the breeze blowing from time to time, Liu Yu folded his hands behind his head and lay directly on the grass.

After the armistice agreement with Iwagakure was signed, as a condition of the truce, Ryūha returned the four tails in his hand to Iwagakure Village, and in exchange, Iwagakure Village returned the bodies of Ryūha's father and other members of the Sosen clan.

The body of a ninja contains great secrets, especially the body of a blood successor ninja, which contains the mystery of the strange power of the blood successor boundary.

After the senior officials of Iwagakure and Sogokaku Village colluded with each other to eliminate the Sosen clan, in order to study the secrets of the Sesame clan's retreat, Iwagakure took away a considerable number of the bodies of the Sosen clan members for research. The owner of the escape, Ryuyu's father, Cao Qianyu, is naturally the focus of research in Iwagakure Village.

The corpses of his father and other clan members were desecrated, which undoubtedly became another reason for Liu Yu to destroy Iwagakure Village!

It's just that Liu Yu's current power is not enough to destroy Yanyin Village. As for the impact that destroying Yanyin Village will have on the original work, Liu Yu no longer intends to care.

As for the four-tailed beasts, the Akatsuki organization is probably ready to start hunting the tailed beasts now. It would be a hot potato to keep them in their hands. Now is not the time to have a conflict with Nagato and Obito. It is better to just return them to Iwa. Hidden Village.

Especially now that the Four-Tails were forced to sign a blood contract by him, Liuyu was curious about whether Iwagakure Village had the ability to unlock the Four-Tails' illusion control.

At the same time, due to the battle between Liu Yu and Lao Zi in this war, no one knew when Lao Zi died like in the original work.

But now that the Four-Tails are back under the control of Iwagakure's senior management, Ryūha is curious about how Akatsuki will capture the Four-Tails this time.

Judging from the current situation, Iwagakure Village will definitely restrict the new Four-Tails Jinchuuriki within the village to prevent further mishaps. Facing the four-tailed jinchūriki being guarded by the Iwagakure ninjas, will the Akatsuki organization directly attack Iwagakure Village like they did when they captured the One-Tailed One?


Liu Yu gently raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist and overlapped it with the scorching sun high in the sky, and said this unconsciously.

Now he is undoubtedly one of the most powerful people in the ninja world. Even if he is the shadow of each village, he is confident that he can defeat them. The only ones that Ryuyu should be wary of are Nagato, who possesses the Rinnegan, and Uchiha Obito, who operates everything behind the scenes.

Moreover, Liu Yu could feel that his Bamboo Release had not yet reached its upper limit. This powerful power that was not recorded in the original book made Liu Yu more and more curious about the origin of his family.


The soft rustle of footsteps on grass blades interrupted Liu Yu's deep thoughts.

"Is it Xuan?"

Liu Yu stood up gently, but without looking back, he gently asked the person behind him.


Uchiha Gen walked forward gently, and then sat next to Liu Yu at Liu Yu's signal.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at Gen Uchiha carrying his luggage, Liu Yu nodded.

After the war with Iwagakure is over, nothing major will happen for a long time. She doesn't like to be bound by tedious political affairs, so she plans to travel and practice in the ninja world. As for the affairs in the village, just leave them to Kusanagi and others.

At the same time, Liu Yu also plans to officially accept Uchiha Gen as his disciple and prepares to take him to practice in the ninja world. At first, she kept saying that it would be troublesome to take care of her students, but now Liuyu takes the initiative to take care of her students.

As for Gen Uchiha, in him, Liu Yu could faintly see the shadow of Uchiha Shisui. It is precisely because of this that Liuyu decided to take Gen Uchiha out for training. She wanted to pursue another possibility in Gen Uchiha.

"Have you decided yet?"

At this moment, Kusachi Yuta followed behind and walked up. As Ryūha's clan brother and Uchiha Gen's mentor, Kusachi Yuta had no reason not to come to see him off.

"Well! The village is in your hands."

Liu Yu nodded, this was a decision that had been made long ago.

"This child is in your hands!"

Kusachi Yuta nodded, and then looked at Gen Uchiha, his words revealing a trace of reluctance and a little bit of expectation. For Uchiha Gen, a student with outstanding talent and similar experience, Kusachi Yuta naturally devoted a lot of effort.

But Kusachi Yuta also knows that the growth he can give him is limited. The current Gen Uchiha can only achieve maximum growth by following Riyu.

"I'm so sorry for taking away your students."

Liu Yu still felt a little embarrassed about the fact that he had stolen his clan brother's student.

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