Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 320 The so-called entrustment! ! !


When he heard Jiraiya's request, Liu Yu was stunned again, his eyes filled with disbelief. He blinked, as if he wanted to confirm the authenticity of the news in case he heard it wrong.

"Lovable Immortal, what are you talking about here?"

As the other protagonist at the center of the incident, Naruto's face was full of shock at the moment, and he didn't understand why Jiraiya would make such a ridiculous request.


This is the common thought in Ryūyu and Naruto's minds.


Uchiha Gennori narrowed his eyes slightly, looking interested.

Not long ago, after everyone had eaten and drank, Liu Yu was planning to take Gen Uchiha to bid farewell to Jiraiya.

Firstly, Ryuyu had clear arrangements for his upcoming itinerary and training plan, and secondly, he did not want to stay with Jiraiya for too long to prevent him from seeing clues from Uchiha Gen.

Unexpectedly, before Riuyu could say goodbye, Jiraiya took the initiative to make a request to Riuyu. Jiraiya hopes to temporarily leave Naruto to Ryūyu for a period of time, during which Ryūyu will guide Naruto's training. As for Jiraiya himself, he had other important things to do.

It was precisely because of Jiraiya's very abrupt request that the above situation occurred.

"Jiraiya-sama, do you know what your request represents?"

Liu Yu took a deep breath to calm down, and then asked solemnly.

You know, she was once a super "S" level rebellious ninja in Konoha Village. Even though Tsunade was relieved of her status as a rebellious nin after succeeding as the Fifth Hokage, the relationship between the two parties was not harmonious. Ryu Yu didn't know what the two top advisors in Konoha Village thought of this, but Danzo must have wanted to kill Ryu Yu before he could.

In addition, after all, Ryūha killed the previous Daimyo of the Fire Nation. Even with the joint request of Jiraiya and Tsunade, the fifth Hokage, the Fire Nation stated that it would no longer pursue the case, but the top management of the Fire Nation did not The senses of the country and Yueyin Village will definitely not be that good. In the eyes of the Fire Nation's senior officials, it was a great kindness for them to forgive Liu Yu.

Letting a former super "S" level rebel nin from Konoha Village guide the training of a Konoha genin would involve a lot of political disputes.

It would be fine if Naruto is just an ordinary Konoha Genin, but Naruto is not an ordinary Konoha Genin. He is Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, which can be regarded as a strategic weapon deterrent for Konoha Ninja Village. An important symbol for Konoha Village and the Fire Nation to maintain their status as a great power.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Jiraiya who made this request was crazy to hand over a country's important weapon so easily, and to hand over a village's strategic nine-tailed Jinchuuriki to the guidance of a former rebel nin.

If Ryūha had the slightest dissent, Konoha Village would have no place to cry, but Tsukiyakure Village could use this time to gain the power of the Kyuubi.

Putting aside the past, from a purely political perspective, this is absolutely ridiculous.

"Lovable Immortal, what on earth are you thinking about?"

On the other side, Naruto was also muttering dissatisfied. He came out with Jiraiya this time not to accompany this perverted old man to spy on people in the name of "collecting materials" (although this would also help him practice his seduction skills). He came out to become stronger and then complete the task. Sakura's promise brings Sasuke back.

But now Jiraiya actually wants to hand over himself to this woman he has never met before. How can Naruto accept this? Although Naruto does not reject this "violent woman", he at least hopes that the lustful immortal will give him a suitable reason.

"Naruto, don't speak yet."

Jiraiya said to Naruto without looking back, while his eyes were staring at Ryūyu solemnly.

"Haven't you ever thought about guiding this child to practice? Besides, this is your responsibility!"

Jiraiya had obviously anticipated Ryūha's reaction, but it was clear that Jiraiya didn't intend to just give up. Jiraiya believed in Ryuyu's character and believed that she would not be unfavorable to Naruto. If this girl really hates Konoha, then the last Konoha collapse operation is a perfect opportunity.

In addition, Ryuha was also the trustee of Yondaime and Kushina before they died, and was the nominal guardian of Naruto, the child. As a guardian, Liu Yu must have thought about how to guide Naruto's training before.

As soon as Jiraiya said, "This is your responsibility," Liuyu fell silent. After all, she did not take good care of Naruto as Kushina had entrusted her to do, and she felt guilty in this regard.

At this time, even the most arrogant Naruto noticed something was wrong. This elder sister seemed to have some inexplicable relationship with him.

Silence for a long time! ! !


Thinking of the end, Liu Yu had no choice but to laugh at himself. When did I become such a forward-thinking person? Isn't it just to guide Naruto's training? There is nothing to worry about! Pressure from major powers? Why are you afraid of it?

"Then the matter is settled!"

Seeing Ryuyu like this, Jiraiya also knew that this was done.


Naruto wanted to say something when he saw this. After all, it was related to his own training, and this kind of thing could not be tolerated carelessly.

"Naruto, don't worry, there is absolutely no one more suitable than her to guide you in your cultivation. The Fourth Hokage was once my disciple, and I once commented on him as, 'If compared with the Fourth Hokage, anyone They all pale in comparison, but Xiao Liuyu is different. In my opinion, she is even better than the Fourth Hokage in terms of talent."

Jiraiya continued to excuse himself as the hands-off shopkeeper, but Jiraiya did not lie. In Jiraiya's mind, the talent of Ryūha, who became a Jonin at the age of ten, is indeed not inferior to that of Minato Namikaze, especially the talent of Ryūha who can perfectly copy Minato's Rasengan after seeing him use it only once, which is even more amazing. Therefore, the current Liuyu is indeed more suitable to guide Naruto's training than himself, besides

"Besides, you should have finished developing that technique, right?"

At the end of his mind, Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Liu Yu and said thoughtfully. With Ryūyu's talent, the development of the Rasengan's property changes must have been completed, and this was one of the purposes of Jiraiya asking Ryūyu to guide Naruto. He wanted Ryūyu to guide Naruto in mastering the Rasengan's property changes so that he could learn it. More powerful ninjutsu.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide anything from you!"

Liu Yu did not deny this, but smiled softly. I have to say that fate is so wonderful. In this life, I actually taught Naruto the Wind Release Rasenshuriken. And instead of giving Naruto general directions like Kakashi did, he directly taught Naruto the complete Wind Release Rasenshuriken.

In his previous life, Ryūyu always felt that the three years Naruto followed Jiraiya were the three years he made the least progress. It was during these three years that the gap between Naruto and Sasuke widened significantly.

In this life, let yourself change the outcome!

Naruto on the side just changed his master in a daze.

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