Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 322 Nine Tails!

On the other side, Ryuyu, who bid farewell to Jiraiya, rushed back while thinking about how to formulate Naruto's training plan. After all, he was Naruto's guardian in name, so he definitely couldn't treat Naruto's training carelessly.

"This feeling"

Suddenly, Liu Yu stopped, and then his expression showed a hint of surprise. Because there was an extreme chakra full of hatred in her perception, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

This chakra full of hatred was unmistakable, it was definitely Kyuubi.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Yu figured out what was going on. It must be Gen Uchiha who caused the Nine-Tails power in Naruto to lose control during the process of "guiding" Naruto.

However, since the aura of Nine-Tails Chakra that he sensed now was not strong, Ryūha didn't take it too seriously. Instead, he was curious about how Uchiha Gen forced out Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra.

After all, Naruto has been trained by Jiraiya no matter what, and a small amount of Nine-Tails chakra can still suppress it. Just like in the original work, Naruto also used Nine-Tails when he faced Ningji in the Chunin Exam. Chakra. There is no need to worry about the intensity of chakra sensed so far. Liu Yu believes that Uchiha Genneng can keep the situation under control.

On the other side, in the forest clearing.

Seeing the red chakra coat flashing around Naruto, Gen Uchiha put away his previous calmness. At this moment, Naruto's eyes turned into vertical pupils, his teeth and nails became longer and pointed, and he even let out a beast-like low roar from time to time. He had obviously lost his mind.

Naruto looked at Uchiha Gen's eyes full of beast-like ferocity. As long as he was not careful, Uchiha Gen might be injured by Naruto who turned into a tailed beast.

Uchiha Gen didn't expect that just letting Naruto see Uchiha Sasuke in the illusion would cause Naruto to have such a big mood swing. Although he did go a little too far in the illusion and let Naruto see some things he didn't want to see, but he didn't expect that Naruto actually revealed his tailed beast coat. It seems that Sasuke is that guy It has a very special place in Naruto's heart!

Although they belong to the same race as Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Gen and Uchiha Sasuke are not very familiar with each other, and they only know each other a little bit. On the one hand, for a long time, Sasuke only had eyes for his brother Uchiha Itachi, who joined ANBU at the age of eleven and was known as the number one genius in Uchiha. He paid no attention to Uchiha's peers at all.

On the other hand, Sasuke, as the son of the clan leader Fugaku, did not receive family-style training like other clan members, but entered a ninja school. In the absence of communication between the two, it is natural that they will not be too familiar with each other.

Just like the last time he entered Konoha to take the Chunin exams under the name Soyakugen, Uchiha Sasuke didn't recognize him at all, not even a trace of suspicion. Perhaps in the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Gen is just one of the many Uchiha clan members who died under Uchiha Itachi's butcher knife.

The next moment, Uchiha jumped back and turned over, avoiding the extremely fast impact of Naruto. He had already completed the seal while his body was still in mid-air, and used a "Fire Release Technique" on Naruto. .

A huge fireball spewed out from Uchiha Xuan's throat, but at this moment, Naruto, who was wrapped in the Nine-Tails Chakra coat, simply ignored it and faced the fireball directly.

The next moment, the fireball exploded suddenly. Under the tailed beast's coat, Naruto was completely unscathed and rushed out.

Without thinking, Uchiha Genya relied on one move to subdue Naruto. After spinning and standing on a tree, Uchiha Genya took out the sword from his waist with his backhand and rushed towards Naruto again, with scarlet pupils in his eyes. The three black magatama were clearly revealed, and it was obvious that he no longer planned to hide the pair of Sharingan in front of Naruto.

Relying on the insight given by the Sharingan, Uchiha Gen turned sideways to avoid Naruto who pounced again at the moment he approached Naruto, and then stabbed the knife with his right hand, aiming at Naruto's waist and abdomen. Gen Uchiha knew that the jinchūriki's damage in the tailed beast state would be repaired by the tailed beast's chakra, so he was not too worried about hurting Naruto.

Naruto, who was pierced by the sword, let out a wild beast-like roar, and then his body was twisted at an incredible angle, stopped his forward progress, and aimed a claw at Gen Uchiha with his backhand.

Uchiha Gen's left hand was horizontal, relying on the metal arm guard on his arm to block Naruto's claw, but his body was still knocked away by the huge force of this claw.

After his body was knocked away, Uchiha Gen gathered chakra on the soles of his feet to absorb the ground, intending to stop his retreat. On the other side, Naruto, who had transformed into a tailed beast, casually pulled out the sword from his waist and abdomen and threw it aside. The thrown sword stuck in the tree, making a metallic buzzing sound.

As for the wound that had just been stabbed by the sword, it healed quickly under the repair of the tailed beast's chakra, leaving no trace except for the holes in the clothes.

Uchiha Gen looked at the buzzing sword, and immediately decided to pay attention. He must find a way to subdue Naruto in this state.

Before Naruto rushed over again, Uchiha Gen jumped and formed four seals in mid-air to display four clones. Gen Uchiha's original body and one of the clones were thrown hard by the other two clones to avoid Naruto's attack.

After throwing out the main body and a clone, the remaining two clones took out kunai and prepared to contain Naruto.

The kunai accurately penetrated the palms of the tailed beast-turned-Naruto, but more accurately, it should be that Naruto directly met their kunai with both palms. After passing through the kunai with his palms, Naruto's mouth turned into a beast-like bloodthirsty fierceness, and he directly used his hands to restrain the two shadow clones.

The next moment, two red chakra tails shot out directly from behind Naruto. The shadow clone whose right hand was restrained could not avoid it and was directly pierced by the chakra tails.

The next moment, the two shadow clones that were pierced turned into bursts of lightning and electric cords. It turned out that the clone that had just been cast by the Uchiha Genju Seal was actually the thunder release clone.

After being hit, the thunder light transformed by the two thunder clones did not dissipate. Instead, it wrapped around Naruto and sent out bursts of electric shock sounds. However, the damage of these electric shocks was not worth it to Naruto now. Mention it. At the same time, relying on the delay of the two thunder clones, Uchiha Gen and the other remaining clone were ready.

Uchiha Gen, the remaining thunder clone, and the sword thrown forward by Naruto. The two struck a blow to form an equilateral triangle, and Naruto was right in the center of the equilateral triangle due to his fight with the two lightning clones.

"Thunder Escape, Thunder Ultimate Divine Binding!"

At the same time, Uchiha Gen and his thunder clone completed the seal, and two lightning chains were shot out from their hands. The two of them slashed at three points, forming an equilateral triangle barrier composed of lightning chains. Then, using the electric arc emitted by the previous lightning clones as a guide, the two of them each shot out a chain of lightning to hit Naruto.


Being entangled by three lightning chains, Naruto roared in pain, and his body kept struggling, trying to escape from the shackles of the lightning chains.

But Uchiha Gen's move did work. Naruto's actions have been restrained, and now it's time to completely subdue Naruto.

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