Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 325 The so-called choice!

Rebellious? ? ?

Is the person in front of me a rebellious ninja from Konoha?

Is the lustful immortal crazy? He actually handed himself over to the guidance of a rebellious ninja from Konoha.

At this moment, Naruto's mind was even more confused than before. Naruto could never have imagined that the teacher who would be responsible for guiding him in the next period of time was actually a rebellious ninja in Konoha.

A rebel nin guiding Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki? It’s crazy to even think about it! ! !

"You didn't expect me to be a super S-class rebel ninja, right?"

Seeing Naruto's confused look, Liu Yu joked.

"You must have a reason to defect!"

After a moment of silence, Naruto spoke. After finishing speaking, Naruto also took out a forehead protector from his ninja tool bag.

The forehead protector was the same as the one Riuha gave to Naruto, with a horizontal line crossing the emblem of Konoha. This is the forehead protector left by Sasuke when he defected. The scratches on the forehead protector represent Sasuke's severing of his former bonds. Naruto has always kept it with him, hoping that one day he can return it to Sasuke and regain the bond he once had with Team 7.

Since the lustful immortal handed him over to Liu Yu, it means that the lustful immortal trusted Liu Yu. Coupled with Kakashi's attitude towards Ryūha, Naruto believed that Ryūha must have a last resort reason for defecting to Konoha. After all, if Riuyu was really a treacherous ninja who committed a heinous crime, the lustful Sento would never hand him over to Riuyu.

Liuyu nodded slightly and began to talk about the past from the beginning.

"The story begins with the Third Ninja War."



"After the Third Ninja War was basically over, I became the youngest Jonin in Konoha and the captain of the Shadow Guard of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato."

Liu Yu spoke with a trace of nostalgia on his face. No matter what, those days in Konoha were memories worth cherishing in her life.

"Wait a minute, you said you are the captain of the Fourth Hokage's Shadow Guard."

Hearing this, Naruto interrupted Liu Yu's words, looking a little in disbelief. After all, the one he admired most, who had always targeted the Hokage, was the Fourth Hokage who protected the village with his life.


Liu Yu nodded slightly and then continued. When telling Naruto about the past, Ryūha did not choose to reveal Naruto's true identity, but decided to leave it all to Kushina and his wife.


"During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, after the Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine-Tails at the cost of his life, I took over your custody under the joint entrustment of the previous Jinchuuriki and the Fourth Hokage."

Having said this, Liu Yu turned her head and looked at Naruto with apologetic eyes. Although there were many various reasons, in any case, as a guardian, Ryūha did not fulfill her obligation to raise Naruto, and failed to live up to the entrustment of Kushina and his wife. If Ryuyu had stayed in Konoha, Naruto's life as a child would have been much better.


Naruto fell silent again. Having lived as an orphan since childhood, he suddenly learned that there was a "relative" like Liuyu, and it seemed a little unacceptable for a moment.

"I'm sorry that I've worked hard on you all these years."

Ryūyu came to Naruto's bedside gently and said slightly apologetically. She did not take up Kushina's trust, which made Ryūha always feel guilty towards Naruto.

Naruto shook his head slightly, then held the purple gem necklace on his chest and continued to ask: "Is this what you left for me?"


Liu Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "Part of my chakra is sealed in it, which can help you suppress the Nine Tails in your body to a certain extent!"

Naruto fell into silence again. This necklace had been with her since he could remember. He had also thought about who left this necklace for him. He even asked the Third Hokage, but no one gave him the answer. But now that he suddenly knew who this person was, Naruto didn't know what to say.

"So? Why did you leave Konoha Village?"

After a period of silence, Naruto finally changed the topic to the main point. He wanted to know why Ryūha had to defect to Konoha. Could it be that he is also pursuing more powerful power like Sasuke?


When it came to this question, Liu Yu also fell silent, thinking for a while before speaking.

"Naruto, do you know? There are more than one ninja like Mizuki who are only obsessed with their own interests, and such ninjas even control the Leaf Village!"

"Are you talking about the third generation grandfather?"

Upon hearing this, Naruto immediately asked, with a little anger in his tone. For Naruto, the Sandai, Iruka and Uncle Handi were the few people who did not discriminate against him when he was a child. Naruto would naturally feel unhappy when he heard Ryuyu 'slandering' the Sandai like this. As for why Ryūha knew about Mizuki, Naruto ignored this question.

"No! It's not the third generation, but another high-level person in Konoha. You will know who he is in the future!"

Liuyu didn't care about Naruto's attitude, shook his head slightly and explained. However, if we look into the details, the Third Generation's connivance with Danzo also contributed to Ryūha's defection in a sense. As for the role that the third generation played in Ryūha's assassination of the Fire Country Daimyo, with the passing of the third generation, there is no answer to pursue.

"I took over an assassination mission from the top, and the target of the assassination was a big name from the Land of Fire."

Ryūha continued to reveal these secrets of Konoha.

"How can this be?"

Naruto still looked in disbelief. Konoha senior officials would actually order someone to assassinate the Fire Nation Daimyo? What on earth is this trying to do?

"In short, this is what happened. By the time I kill the target and discover his identity as the Fire Country Daimyo, I and the clan behind me will no longer be able to coexist with Konoha!"

"At this time, defection has become inevitable!"

Liuyu ignored Naruto's shock and continued to speak. Killing the name of the Fire Country as a Konoha ninja is an unforgivable sin for the Fire Country and the top management of Konoha. The Kusachi clan is destined to be unable to continue living in the Fire Country.

"I once thought about taking you with me, but in the end I left you in Konoha. I hope you won't blame me for this!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yu looked at Naruto quietly, and Naruto didn't know what to say, and his expression seemed a little frozen.

Accusing Liu Yu of abandoning him?

Naruto couldn't speak.

On the one hand, his relationship with the current Ryūyu was not close, so to suddenly accuse a 'stranger', Naruto couldn't do it. On the other hand, Ryūha had her own reasons for leaving Konoha, and even if Naruto wanted to accuse him, he didn't know what to say. And in the end, Naruto's character determines that he will not make too many accusations.

But having said that, Naruto at this moment also didn't know what to say next, and the two fell into silence. For Naruto, all the information he learned today undoubtedly seemed too drastic, and Naruto still couldn't accept it for the moment.

for a long time! !!

After digesting the information, Naruto finally broke the silence again and asked:

"who is he?"

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