Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 335: This child may become the savior

“So awesome”

Naruto's pupils dilated instantly, as if he had seen something incredible, and while subconsciously praising in a low voice, he ran forward to check.

After the inspection was completed, Naruto ran back excitedly and asked Feng Qiao loudly: "Can I become so powerful?"

The bamboo leaves just now not only penetrated the giant tree, but also shattered the boulder behind the giant tree. Naruto didn't expect that just a simple bamboo leaf with wind attribute chakra could cause such damage. If he integrated wind attribute chakra into his Rasengan, the power would be

When he thought of this, Naruto couldn't help but get excited. This was the powerful power he had dreamed of! Wind Release Spiral Shuriken, I will definitely master this move.

"Of course, what do you think I was summoned for this time!"

Seeing the cheerful look of Naruto, a silly boy, Feng Yan smiled softly, then took off the wine gourd behind his back and took two big sips.

"However, it all depends on whether your kid is on the road or not!"

After finishing the drink, Feng Yan shook the wine gourd in his hand and said. Listening to the slight echo inside, it was obvious that the wine in the wine gourd had been almost exhausted by the wind. It’s a rare trip to the Thorny Forest Sea, so why not take this opportunity to replenish the wine?

"No problem, this bag is on me!"

Perhaps attracted by the powerful power he was about to gain, Naruto patted his chest and agreed without hesitation. In order to learn the more powerful Wind Release Spiral Shuriken, this price is nothing.

But then, Naruto's expression became embarrassed. Because Naruto remembered that when he was still with Jiraiya, his wallet had already been damaged by that perverted old man who went to the bar. Now he

While thinking about it, Naruto touched the shriveled toad wallet around his waist.

Seeing Naruto like this, Feng Yan became playful and planned to tease Naruto again. But the next moment, a black flash of light passed by, accurately hitting Feng Yan's undiminished big bag, followed by Liu Yu's warning: "Hurry up and practice!"

Feng Ke was beaten down by this, and he didn't dare to make any mistakes again. While bending down to pick up the money bag thrown by Liu Yu, he looked at Naruto with extremely resentful eyes.

He couldn't beat Sister Liuyu, but this kid?

When Naruto was stared at by Feng Yan, the hair on his back stood up subconsciously, and he felt something bad in his heart.

"It really doesn't make people worry!"

Looking at Liu Yu's disciples and the psychic beast, Bang Riji smiled softly, which added a bit of fun to the boring journey.

"Do you believe it? This kid may be stronger than me in the future!"

Liu Yu sighed softly. Sure enough, training with Naruto was a troublesome task. If he keeps staring at Naruto, there's no guarantee he won't get angry and get sick!

"Do you think so highly of this child?"

Bang Ri was slightly stunned, he didn't expect Liu Yu to have such a high opinion of Naruto. Although Bang Riji himself is not a ninja, and he does not have a detailed understanding of the strength of ninjas, he still has a clear vision after dealing with many top masters in the ninja world, otherwise he would not have given gifts on the spot. .

The subsequent development of facts also proved that the original choice was correct. Now Liuyu is one of the beings standing at the top of the ninja world. First, they attacked Kusagakure Village, and then forced Iwagakure Village to sign a humiliating contract, which instantly made all the major ninja villages fearful.

But now Liu Yu actually said that Naruto might surpass him in the future. If anyone else said this, Bang Riji would definitely just treat it as a joke. But this was said by Liu Yu himself, and listening to this tone, Liu Yu didn't seem to be joking. Could this child really have such great potential?

"Do you think so highly of this child?"

Bang Ri's eyes narrowed and his tone became much more serious. After all, Ryūha became the youngest Jonin in the ninja world at the age of 10, and he has been blooming with his own brilliance since he was a child. Regarding Liu Yu's current achievements, those who have dealt with Liu Yu, whether they are enemies or companions, will not be surprised, thinking that this is a normal thing.

Some people are destined to be the darlings of the world. And Liu Yu is undoubtedly one of the existences recognized by everyone.

As for Naruto?

Thinking of this, Bang Riji looked not far away with suspicion. At this moment, Naruto was being scolded continuously for not understanding Feng Yan's explanation. This doesn't look like a genius at all. Can he really grow to that extent?

Bang Rizuo, who was on the side, looked at Feng Yan not far ahead with stars in his eyes. There was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes, and he obviously didn't notice the conversation between Liu Yu and his father.


After hearing this, Liu Yu raised his head slightly and looked at the clouds passing above his head, his eyes lost in thought.

"This child may not be smart, his brain is not very good, and his ability to understand the things around him is relatively weak. People around him have a common evaluation of him--"idiot."

After a while, Liu Yu began to speak softly.

"However, this child has a resilience that is unimaginable by ordinary people. He never feels unfair to his fate, and will never give up in the face of setbacks. He has self-confidence that is unimaginable by ordinary people."

"This child has the courage to face everything head-on. Even when faced with extremely dangerous situations, he will never back down. Instead, he goes forward bravely to defeat the enemy and win."

"This child attaches great importance to the companions around him. He will not hesitate to be bruised and bruised for his companions. Although he is an extremely troublesome and troublesome existence in life, he is also an extremely reliable existence."


"He has his own firm way of ninja. Once he chooses his own path, he will never regret it. Instead, he will move forward courageously! And this is what most ninjas in the ninja world lack."

Having said this, Liu Yu himself smiled softly. In his previous life, he had understood these things from Naruto, but he never expected that he would now share these insights with others.

"This child might become the savior of the world in the future!"

At the end, Liu Yu said in a half-joking and half-serious tone.

"The savior of the world?"

Listening to Liu Yu's words, Bang Ri was obviously touched, and his tone could not help but slow down. He repeatedly chanted the three words "savior". Now he understood a little bit why Liu Yu valued Naruto.

"In that case, I'll wait for that day to come."

Finally, Bang Riji raised his head and looked at Naruto in the distance and whispered to himself.

PS: This chapter may be a bit nonsense. It is more about the author's own views on Naruto, which are expressed here through the mouth of the protagonist.

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