Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 315: Goodbye Three-Tails!

"Are you my destination?"

Liu Yu was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a problem. Then Liu Yu subconsciously looked to the side, but unfortunately, the "Guren" belonging to Yuukimaru in the original work did not appear here. With his own help, Orochimaru no longer needs Guren.

"Where the people who miss you are, that's where you end up."

Finally looking at the child with purple eyes and long brown hair in front of him, Liu Yu thought for a while and said this. This was what Naruto told Yukimaru in the original work, and now Ryūha has borrowed it.

"Where the people who miss me are my destination?"

Hearing this, Yuukimaru was stunned for a moment, and he muttered this sentence unconsciously, as if he was reminiscing about it.

"Is this the only child?"

Ryūha turned to Orochimaru and continued to ask. Since the clan behind this child has something to do with him, he naturally will not let them continue to stay under Orochimaru's command.

If the memory of the previous life was correct, Yukimaru should have lived with his mother, but the village where they lived was massacred by Orochimaru, and Yukimaru's mother was eventually killed by Guren, who could not disobey Orochimaru's order. die. But now that Orochimaru has discovered the relationship between Yukimaru and himself, Orochimaru is bound to make corresponding changes.

Although Liu Yu was convinced that he could defeat Orochimaru in terms of force, he was also wary of Orochimaru. After all, no one knew what terrible thing this madman had in his hands.

It is precisely because of this fear that Liuyu's attitude towards Orochimaru has always been cold. It may be the best choice for the two to maintain this mutual fear.

"There are still six imps. They were originally used as Yuukimaru's substitutes. But for some reason, they can't resonate with the Three-Tails. If you want it, I'll give it to you."

Orochimaru responded from the side. He knew that Liu Yu was obsessed with his people. He thought that when he was still in Konoha, Liu Yu had the courage to single-handedly enter his stronghold to save his people. Now there is no need to fall out with Liu Yu over a few useless experimental subjects. After all, all he wanted was the power of the three tails.

"What else do you know about the family behind this child?"

Liu Yu continued to ask, after all, with Orochimaru, a ready-made research madman, he could save himself a lot of investigation time.

"This child belongs to the Asanobu clan who once lived in the Kagero Village of the Mountain Country, and is truly a distant relative of the Kusachi clan."

Orochimaru seemed to have known that Ryūha would ask this question.

"Distant relative!"

Liu Yu sighed after hearing this. In his previous life, because Yuukimaru's appearance was similar to that of his predecessor, the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki, many people inferred that Yukimaru had a certain relationship with his predecessor, the Jinchuuriki Yagura, based on their appearance and abilities. But he didn't expect that in the end, the person who had something to do with Yuukimaru would be the Kusachi clan to which he belonged.

Before Ninja Village was born, the history of Ninja Village was basically written by various Ninja families, and these families were previously mixed with various blood relationships. Such as the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan, or the Hyuga clan and the Taketori clan.

Basically, the powerful families that appeared in the original works of the previous life all come from the blood of the Otsutsuki clan. However, Ryūyu had a vague feeling that there was no inheritance relationship between the Kusaki clan and the Otsutsuki clan to which he belonged.

"Sunfire Village?"

But then, Liuyu seemed to think of something when he heard Yangyan Village. The name seemed a bit familiar, right?

"Yes, it was the Village of Sunfire that caused Konoha a huge loss during the Second Ninja War. However, it began to decline after being hit by Konoha one after another, and was finally destroyed by the nearby Tan Ninja. The surprise attack on the village led to its destruction. It was from that time that the Asanobu clan and the Uzumaki clan embarked on the road of exile from the ninja world.

Orochimaru continued to explain, with a hint of nostalgia in his words. But it makes sense to think about it. After all, Orochimaru made great contributions to Konoha during the Second Ninja War, and it is not surprising that he fought with the ninjas of Kagero Village.

"It's just history repeating itself!"

Hearing this, Liu Yu snorted coldly. From the destruction of the Whirlpool Kingdom and Sunfire Village to his own destruction of Kusanagi Village, this kind of thing seems to have been happening all the time. It is conceivable that if the war in the ninja world does not stop in the future, this situation will continue.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning slowly penetrated, but it could not penetrate the thick fog on the lake.

"This is it!"

Looking at the huge lake in front of him with an area of ​​about tens of square kilometers, Orochimaru gestured to Riyu who was standing aside.

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, three tails? It’s been a long time!

You know, when she and Orochimaru first met the Three-Tails, they were still on the front line of Yuno Country fighting Kirigakure Village. If it weren't for the overwhelming strength of the three tails that suddenly appeared, the war would not have turned into a rout and the Kirigakure Village would have invaded the Fire Country itself.

But now, in the eyes of the two of them, Sanwei is a bargaining chip that can be traded at will.

"Okay, now it's time to see what all this is about!"

Orochimaru looked at the lake in front of him, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes. After all, they were not here to reminisce with the Three-Tails today. Liuyu slowly walked up to Yuukimaru and glanced at Yuukimaru with a firm look. Perhaps because of the high similarity in chakra between the two, or because Ryūha's image was more friendly, Yukimaru subconsciously chose to rely on Ryūha.

Looking at Liu Yu's firm eyes at this moment, Yuukimaru nodded slightly, and then gently came to the lake and prepared to summon the three tails. Liuyu took advantage of the situation to follow Yuukimaru and put his hand on Yuukimaru's shoulder.

She needs to know how Yuukimaru affects the three-tailed body. After all, someone like Yuukimaru who can resonate with the tailed beast and control the tailed beast's actions to a certain extent with the chakra in his body can still tolerate it. An example of Jie Tou.

You know, even the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, the reincarnations of the two sons of Six Paths, do not have this ability. They control the tailed beasts by relying on their own blood inheritance boundaries and powerful strength. Even if the Uzumaki clan is naturally suitable to be a jinchuriki, it only targets the tailed beasts that have been sealed in the body, and it cannot affect the wild tailed beasts.


Following Yuukimaru's slightly painful groan, a large amount of blue chakra spurted out of Yuukimaru's body in an instant.

But Liu Yu, who was behind Yuukimaru, looked serious at this moment. Because the chakras are highly similar, Ryuki can clearly sense the chakra fluctuations in Yuukimaru's body, which is very helpful for her to understand how Yuukimaru operates the three tails.

Following Yukimaru's actions, the originally calm lake surface instantly became turbulent, and a heart-stopping force was slowly gushing out from the bottom of the lake. When Orochimaru saw this scene, he seemed even more excited.

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the center of the lake, followed by a large amount of water mist that filled the entire lake. Vaguely, a huge gray mud turtle-like monster could be seen breaking through the water. Behind it, three long and flat tails were waving gently.

The three-tailed Isofu appeared in front of Ryūha again!


After the three-tailed Isobutsu appeared, he quickly turned his attention to Yuukimaru and Liuha behind him, and then let out a beast-like roar, and a huge air wave mixed with a large amount of water vapor came straight towards everyone.

When Liu Yu saw this, he stretched out his left hand and raised his palm gently in front of him, and dozens of broad stems and leaves broke out of the ground and stood in front of everyone.

After the impact dissipated, Ryūha took his hands off Yukimaru's shoulders and at the same time removed the stems and leaves blocking his face.

"How? Is there any result?"

Orochimaru licked his lower lip excitedly, looking at Ryukyu with a hint of exploratory enthusiasm in his eyes.

Liu Yu stared at the three tails in the distance intently, his eyes filled with thoughts. After a while, Liu Yu turned around and said to Orochimaru on the side, "I think! I should know what all this is about!"

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