Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 317: The Power of the Tailed Beast and the White Rat!

Under the setting sun, a huge mud turtle-like monster lay on the lake. And under the slanting sunlight, the white figure on it was stretched infinitely.

"Is this the power of this woman? This power is really exciting!"

Seeing the three-tails being subdued in an instant and unable to resist, Orochimaru licked his lower lips excitedly. Then he stepped onto the lake and ran towards the three tails, obviously preparing for the final step. But no one knew. Was Orochimaru referring to Ryūha or the Three-Tails in the second half of his sentence?

"Next, it's time to confirm my suspicion."

Turning his head to look at Orochimaru, who was coming over, Liu Yu raised a confident smile on his lips. Then he no longer paid attention to Orochimaru, but gently placed his right hand on the three-tailed armor, and gently closed his eyes, obviously preparing to have a good "communication" with the three-tailed one.

On the other side, Orochimaru is also following Liu Yu's footsteps, preparing to witness this historical scene.

As Ryūha and Orochimaru closed their eyes one after another and invaded, the three tails, which had calmed down under the water dragon's restraint, instantly started struggling again and roared to the sky, appearing to be extremely painful. The huge body kept struggling, and the three tails behind it also moved with the trend, trying to break free from the stranglehold of the water dragon. In the three-tailed mental space, as soon as Liuyu entered, he encountered the three-tailed man who was ready to attack.

"It's time to be honest!"

In response, Liu Yu just raised his right hand slightly, and then shook it hard. The originally empty mental world of the three-tails suddenly protruded with dozens of sharp bamboos. The three-tails that was preparing to pounce forward were also blocked by the sharp bamboos. There was no possibility of moving forward. In the end, the three-tails could only let out a helpless cry towards Liu Yu. roared.

And as Liuyu restrained the three-tails in the mental space, in the real space, the water dragon that had already restrained the three-tails used his strength again to subdue the three-tails again.


"As expected of you, you don't even notice the power of tailed beasts like Three Tails."

Several crisp sounds rang out in the empty mental space, and Orochimaru kept clapping his hands and praising him as he moved forward. Until finally, Orochimaru came to the three-tails, completely ignoring the angry eyes of the three-tails, turned his head and said to Liuyu.

"It seems like the show is about to begin!"

"You're right, it's time for the show to begin."

Liu Yu was noncommittal about this, after all, they came today to control the three tails. Moreover, Ryūha has no intention of making friends with the three-tailed beasts. She has no interest in resolving the hatred between the tailed beasts and humans.

"Damn humans!"

Listening to the conversation between the two people who didn't take themselves seriously, Sanwei's eyes were filled with anger, and he wanted to trample the two people in front of him into a pulp.

"The power of the tailed beast!"

Ryūha sighed as she approached the restrained Sanbi. Once upon a time, Sanwei was still an insurmountable mountain in front of her. But now, if he wants to subdue the three tails, he can only do it in a matter of seconds.

"Orochimaru, are you ready to accept the power of the Three-Tails?"

After arriving in front of Sanwei, Liuyu turned to one side and asked.

By studying the resurrection process of the Three-Tails and the special chakra resonance between the Three-Tails and Yukimaru, Ryūha has figured out a new way to control the tailed beasts, and now is the time to verify whether his method is correct.

"Of course! But it's already here, aren't you going to tell me how you control the tailed beast?"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes filled with excitement. However, snakes are wary by nature, and Orochimaru would not do anything he was not sure about.

"Of course, I said I would help you obtain the power of the three tails, so I won't break my promise."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, not paying attention to Orochimaru's confusion, but continued to explain.

"If a ninja wants to control the power of a tailed beast, there are two methods known to the world. One is to use the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan like Uchiha Madara to forcibly control the tailed beast, and the other method is Seal the tailed beast into the jinchuriki's body."

"But there are very few ninjas who can reach the level of Uchiha Madara. Therefore, the major ninja villages that control tailed beasts generally adopt the second method, which is to seal the tailed beasts into the jinchuriki."

"However, although there are many backup candidates for the second method, it is equally difficult to completely control the tailed beast in the body so that the tailed beast does not go berserk. There are only three-tailed predecessors in the world, the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura and The Eight-Tailed Kirabi of Cloud Hidden Village are two successful examples.”

"It seems you have mastered the third method!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with excitement, and there was uncontrollable excitement in his words. He was not happy about the power of the three tails he was about to obtain, but because he was about to witness the third method of controlling tailed beasts. After all, for a scientific madman like Orochimaru, powerful power is far less important than exploring the secrets of the ninja world.

Here, Orochimaru took it for granted that Ryuyu also used her so-called third method when he controlled the four tails last time. And Liuyu didn't explain it deliberately, after all, she needed Orochimaru to confirm Orochimaru's conjecture. Orochimaru, who had been experimenting all his life, probably never expected that Ryūha would actually use him as a guinea pig for the experiment this time.

"Uchiha Madara relies on the Mangekyō Sharingan's exclusive pupil technique to control the tailed beasts, and the way I control the tailed beasts is through the intrusion of chakra to cause resonance."

A glimmer of light flashed in Liuyu's eyes. While explaining, he stretched out his right hand to touch Sanwei's body. This method was derived by Liu Yu from looking through Orochimaru's research results in Orochimaru's lair these days, and combined with the special case of Yuukimaru.

Following Liuyu's movements, the three-tailed tail that was already restrained began to scream in pain. At the same time, blue chakra visible to the naked eye began to emerge from the three-tailed body. And Liuyu also has chakra that is constantly emitting from his body, echoing the chakra on the three tails.

The chakra emerging from the Three-Tails' body belongs to the chakra of Yukimaru that was absorbed by the Three-Tails when it was resurrected. This time, Ryūha used her own chakra that was highly homogeneous with Yukimaru's to forcefully invade the Three-Tails' body and cause resonance.

Seeing that the chakra of the three tails resonated with his own chakra, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that his guess was correct. Then he turned to Orochimaru and continued to explain:

"My method is actually very simple in theory. First, use absolute strength to subdue the tailed beast to avoid resistance from behind. Secondly, use your own chakra to invade the tailed beast's body, and take root and fuse with all important parts of the tailed beast's body. Eventually, a de facto chakra connection is formed, just like the relationship between Yukimaru and the Three-Tails."

"Tailed beasts are the aggregation of chakra in nature, so it is feasible to forcibly integrate your own chakra into the body of tailed beasts."

"The advantage of this method is that you can establish a de facto chakra connection with the tailed beast without sealing it into the body, and you don't have to worry about forming a symbiotic state between the tailed beast and the jinchūriki. In forming a de facto chakra connection After the carat is connected, you can use the psychic blood contract to complete the control of the tailed beast."

"But this also has a disadvantage, that is, the controller himself must maintain the suppression of the tailed beast with absolute strength. After all, this kind of control is a forced manipulation that goes against the will of the tailed beast. Once an accident occurs, the tailed beast may backlash. Just like the three-tailed attack on Yukimaru before.”

"This is really exciting!"

After hearing this, Orochimaru licked his lower lip excitedly, which was almost his signature move.

To be honest, although it is difficult to forcefully sign a psychic contract with a tailed beast, there are some powerful people in this ninja world who can do it. But except for Uchiha Madara, no one in the entire ninja world did this. That's because although these strong men can defeat the tailed beasts, they have no way to control the tailed beasts. After all, the tailed beasts are proud and will never obey human instructions. In this case, it would be better to directly seal the tailed beast into the body of the ninja to create a jinchuriki.

But now, Liu Yu's words seemed to have opened a new door, and Orochimaru became more and more excited as he listened. Ryuyu's method is theoretically feasible, and since Ryuyu has successfully controlled the Four Tails, Orochimaru has no doubt that this is a mature method. It was completely unexpected that Liu Yu was crossing the river by feeling the stones, and even regarded himself as a guinea pig for an experiment.

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