Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 352: Statue of Ancestors!

On the yellow sand, footprints were left one after another. What this means is that the two of them are constantly approaching the ruins.

The huge rock hiding the ruins is circular in shape, with a diameter of about a hundred feet and a height of dozens of feet. It seems quite abrupt in this desert filled with yellow sand.

However, not many people have ever been interested in this huge rock. This place is located in the uninhabited land in the northern part of Earth Kingdom. Except for ambitious explorers like Orochimaru, there are usually no people at all. Coming here; secondly, this huge rock doesn’t look strange from the outside.

Even though Liu Yu had extraordinary perceptual abilities, he couldn't sense anything strange around him. If he hadn't gotten closer to the giant rock, the chakra in his body would have become more restless. It actually resonated faintly with the dragon veins here, and Liu Yu would Do you have to wonder if Orochimaru lied to yourself?

However, the chakra in his body resonated with the underground dragon veins, which Orochimaru probably did not expect.

But at this moment, Liu Yu had no time to think about the changes in her body, because it was not just the chakra in her body that resonated with the dragon's veins.

"It seems that you are the only one who can open the door to this ruins!"

Orochimaru did not notice any changes in the chakra in Ryūha's body, but it was not difficult to detect the strange movements in Mikazuki Munechika on Ryūha's waist.

At this moment, the Mikazuki Munechika on Liu Yu's waist was making regular rhythms, and it actually seemed a little urgent, like a wanderer who hadn't returned home for a long time.

"Let's take a look at the mystery of this so-called dragon vein, shall we?"

Liu Yu's slender hand gently caressed the blade and comforted her softly. And as Liu Yu's soft voice fell, Mikazuki Munechika calmed down like a child being caressed, no longer as irritable as before.

Naturally, everything Liu Yu did fell into Orochimaru's eyes, and Orochimaru's response was a trace of greed flashing in his eyes.

When they arrived in front of the giant rock, Liuyu first stared at the giant rock and thought for a while, and then he teleported to the east. Orochimaru looked at Liuyu's movements and secretly said, "Sure enough."

"This is it!"

Looking at the rock wall in front of him that was not much different from the surrounding ones, Liu Yu confirmed his intuitive judgment. Then Liu Yu's right hand gently touched the rock wall. As his chakra circulated, a faint blue color gradually appeared on the palm of his right hand.

With the disturbance of Liuyu's chakra, the rock wall in front of him seemed to resonate with the chakra in Liuyu's palm. The space in front of him began to distort continuously. Finally, in a burst of ripples, the rock wall in front of him disappeared, revealing a Blue-grey stone door.

"Is it really an illusion?"

Liu Yu was not surprised by everything. There was an illusion barrier guarding the entrance to the ruins, and the entrance would move irregularly with the barrier. This information was recorded in Orochimaru's notes.

However, Liu Yu was slightly surprised to find the entrance to the illusion barrier so easily this time. After all, even the last time Orochimaru explored on his own, he only successfully found the gate after a long search or by chance.

And yourself?

He found the entrance to the illusion barrier almost by intuition, as if there was a voice deep in his heart guiding him. It seems like what Orochimaru said, if you want to unlock the secrets of the ruins, you really have to do it yourself.

As soon as the illusion barrier was lifted and the blue-grey stone door was revealed, an ancient aura came to face him. The slate-gray stone door was engraved with the emblem of the Sosen clan with overlapping leaves, which once again confirmed what Orochimaru had said before.

The blue-gray stone door is not closed at this moment, but is open wide, as if to welcome the arrival of Liu Yu, the destined person.

The stone door was not opened by Orochimaru. According to Orochimaru, the stone door had been opened long before he came.

However, this stone gate is only an external guardian, and the seal imposed on it is not strong. Even if it is not opened in advance, I believe it will not be difficult for Orochimaru, a scientific madman in the ninja world.

But even so? Liu Yu also had to care about the person who opened the stone door in advance.

who is she? ? ?

It was not difficult for Liu Yu to guess, but when that figure came into his mind, a trace of hesitation flashed subconsciously in Liu Yu's heart, and he actually seemed a little at a loss.

"Let's go!"

Orochi didn't pay much attention to the hesitation in Liu Yu's heart. At this moment, the dragon vein was about to unfold in front of him, and he was already extremely excited.

Beyond the blue-grey stone gate is a passage of several hundred steps. The sides of the passage were polished quite smoothly, and were engraved with various mysterious patterns, with traces of pure chakra flowing on them.

"It seems a little different from last time?"

Looking at the mysterious patterns on the stone wall, Orochimaru looked extremely excited. During his last self-exploration, he entered behind the stone gate. Because he could not break the inner seal, the mysterious patterns on the rock wall became the biggest gain of that exploration. He originally thought that was all these mysterious patterns. , I didn’t expect that these mysterious patterns would actually change.

At this moment, Liu Yu had no interest in the mysterious patterns on both sides that might contain various mysteries. Instead, he strode forward past Orochimaru. The calls from the depths of his heart came one after another, guiding Liu Yu to move forward.

Although Orochimaru was very interested in the new mysterious patterns that appeared on the stone walls on both sides, he also did not forget the true purpose of his visit this time, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and followed Ryyu's pace again.

The distance of several hundred steps was not far, and it could not be reached in a blink of an eye with the strength of a ninja's feet. When the passage gradually disappeared, Liu Yu felt suddenly enlightened.

This rock mountain with a diameter of nearly a hundred feet is actually hollow inside, and the internal space directly accounts for most of the volume of the rock mountain.

Logically speaking, most of the spaces located inside the rock mountain appear dark and gloomy, but this place is completely different. The interior is extremely bright, and there are lush flowers and grass above the ground, and there is even a small bamboo forest in the middle.

On the grass, there is a gravel path paved with black stones. At the end of the path is a jade-like cylindrical black stone in the center. On the black stone, there are many mysterious runes carved on it. Judging from the material, it is quite similar to the black stone boundary monument of the Caoqian clan.

The runes on the black stone are intertwined, and there is a faint flow of pure chakra on it. Finally, the runes converged towards the center point. Starting from that center point, a chakra light beam with a diameter of ten centimeters went from the ground to the top of the rock wall, forming a high-density chakra giant ball with a diameter of nearly meters at the top of the rock wall.

It is precisely because this giant ball of chakra emits energy that the interior of the rock mountain appears so full of life.

But Orochimaru has already been here once, so he doesn't pay much attention to everything around him.

As for Liu Yu, as early as the first moment he entered, his whole body and mind were focused on the nearly three-meter-high stone statue in front of the altar.

The stone statue was carved into a woman with a beautiful face, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she had a faint smile, as if she was welcoming Liu Yu's arrival.

This is the ancestor of the Caoqian clan - Caoqian Lanyi.

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