Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 360 Payne’s Six Paths Ginseng!

"I know a lot of things! I even know you will die here today.

Faced with Pain's doubts, Liuyu started making up nonsense. There was no guilt in my heart, on the contrary, there was also a sense of inexplicable excitement.

After all, if you say that you are a time traveler and you already know the development of the ninja world before time travel, then this is too shocking. However, according to his current strength, if he works hard, it is really possible to end Nagato's life here.

"You are just using your tongue!"

Facing Liu Yu's provocative answer, Payne stretched out his right hand, took out an ink-colored scroll from his sleeve, and then stretched it out.

Now that the matter has reached this point, it is no longer useful to think about what is there and what is not. The top priority is to deal with the troublesome woman in front of him.

On the scroll, black runes were cast into five psychic talisman arrays, and in the center of the talisman array were written "Human World", "Hell", "Hungry Ghost", "Animal", and "Shura" respectively.

"Penn's Six Paths Ginseng!"

As a burst of mist specific to psychic art dispersed, the remaining five Pain appeared in front of Liu Yu. What's even more interesting is that the five Pain summoned by Tiandao Payne with the help of a psychic scroll also made a pose with Tiandao Payne as the center.

Nagato originally planned to use the other six paths as a back-up, but Ryūyu had directly revealed the existence of the other paths, so there was no point in trying to hide them any more, so he simply summoned them all. What's more important is that this woman's threat has reached a point where it cannot be checked or balanced without the full force of the Six Paths.

"Finally out!"

Looking at the complete Six Paths of Pain in front of him, Liu Yu's eyes were condensed, but there was a hint of excitement. The Six Paths of Pain in front of him represents the highest-end combat power in the ninja world, and is also one of the few beings that can pose a threat to him.

However, the Six Paths of Pain that appeared in front of Liuyu were slightly different from the Six Paths of Pain that Jiraiya met in the Hidden Rain Village. The other five paths were fine, and the only difference was concentrated in the Animal Path.

The male beast Dao who Jiraiya met was originally a ninja from the Fuma clan. He had fought with Jiraiya before his death. He scratched a scar on his forehead with a kunai and ran away in a hurry. His whereabouts are unknown.

However, in this life, with the establishment of Yueyin Village by Liu Yu, the declining Fuma clan finally had its own new affiliation, and no longer had to rely on Orochimaru, a guy who regarded his subordinates as tools.

In the original plot of Naruto, the guy who was made into a beast is called Fuuma Shimokaku. He is the uncle of Fuuma Sasame and one of the Jonin of the Fuuma clan. After the formation of Tsukigakure Village, Fuma Shimokaku once participated in the battle to destroy Kusugakure Village and resist the invasion of Iwagakure Village. He is still alive and well as a Tsukigakure Village Jonin.

Since the wind demon was still alive and well, the corpse of the beast Dopein in front of him was naturally that of the unlucky chuunin "Hydrangea" who was sent to perform an S-class mission and unfortunately died in the line of duty. And this can be regarded as one of Liuyu's impacts on the development of this world. However, regardless of whether the Hell Path Pain on the opposite side is the Wind Demon's End, it will not affect Liu Yu's next battle.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start!"

Liu Yu thought silently in his heart, and his long green hair automatically turned into an ink color at the roots. After all, the opponent is a BOSS in the original work of Hokage, so when he comes up, Ryūyu chooses to use full firepower and directly enter the sage mode.

Thanks to absorbing the power of the dragon vein, Liu Yu can now enter the immortal mode almost instantly, and the original time limit of the immortal mode is almost no longer there. And this is exactly what gives Liu Yu the courage to challenge Pain's Six Paths now.

The moment Liu Yu entered the sage mode, the Shura Dao on the opposite side had already raised his hand, and several missiles with a diameter of about 20 centimeters had already rushed towards him.

The combination of technology and chakra?

However, facing the powerful missile, Liu Yu made no attempt to dodge, and just stared blankly at the missile approaching him. The next moment, the missile hit Liu Yu accurately, but unexpectedly it did not explode, but just passed through his body.

On the opposite side, Liu Yu's figure, which was penetrated by the Shura Dao missile, slowly dissipated, and it turned out to be an afterimage left by the extremely fast movement.


The six paths of Pain on the opposite side were not surprised by all this. At the same time, they quickly formed a path with the Heavenly Path as the center, the Shura Path, the Human Path, and the Lolita Path (ah! It's the Animal Path) as the first guardians, and the Hungry Ghost Path and the Hell Path were guarded first. Defensive formation behind. The hell realm has the ability to resurrect several other realms, so it is the focus of defense.

"Ninjutsu, Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!"

When Liu Yu appeared again, Liu Yu had already reached the sky above Pain's Six Paths, and the sharp blade in his hand shone with a terrifying cold light under the sunlight. On the left and right of Payne's six-man group, there was also a figure of Liu Yu rushing in with a knife.

This is the move that Moonlight Hayate used against Sunagakure Maggi in the original work. The Moonlight Clan and the Kusanagi Clan are distant relatives, and the Mikazuki Dance is one of the ancestral secrets of the Kusanagi Clan. Ryūha has no idea about this. One move is as familiar as the Rasengan.

"Shenra Tianzheng"

The repulsive force opened up again, and this time Tiandao aimed his target at Liu Yu who was suddenly coming from above. Shura Dao on the left directly raised his wrists and used "Strange Bullets and Fire Arrows" to eject them, aiming at Liu Yu who was attacking from both sides. On the other hand, Zhu Shengdao quickly formed a seal and then slammed his right hand to the ground, obviously preparing for his signature psychic technique.

It has to be said that Payne's six-way response was perfect, and the defensive counterattack was completed in one go. If it were a different person, he would definitely not be able to receive such a blow.

Frontally, Shinra Tenzheng's repulsive wave was about to hit Ryūyu. On both sides, the strange bullets and fire arrows shot out were also about to collide with Liuyu's clone.

But just when Shinra Tianzheng's repulsive wave was about to hit Liu Yu, Liu Yu disappeared in mid-air.

"here we go!"

Withdrawing his eyes from Zetsu, Obito turned his gaze again and looked at the deserted desert in the distance again, murmuring something like this in a low voice.

As the direct promoter and behind-the-scenes controller of this battle, Obito's expression hidden under the mask was far from as calm as he appeared.

In fact, if conditions permit, Obito doesn't really want to talk to Ryūyu. But there is no way, Liuyu has surpassed the five major countries and become the biggest threat to the Eye of the Moon plan.

Obito actually has a very clear understanding of his own existence. Nagato is a puppet in his hands, and Uchiha Madara, who has long since passed away, regards himself as a puppet in his hands. Even in order to control one's own behavior, one must leave behind such an "incarnation" of "will" after death.

"The incarnation of will"

Thinking of this, there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Obito's mouth under the mask. He is Uchiha Obito, not a puppet in Uchiha Madara's hands. As for the plan to resurrect Uchiha Madara and use the Eye of the Moon, Obito never considered it at all.

This desperate ninja world will usher in its savior, but there can only be one savior. This person would not be Nagato, nor would he be Uchiha Madara, who had long since turned into withered bones in the grave.

This savior can only be himself----------Uchiha Obito.

To save this desperate ninja world, we must clear the obstacles in front of us!

Thinking of this, Obito gently raised his right hand and shook it slightly, as if feeling the power contained in it.

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