Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 375 The wind is blowing!

"It's over!"

Stretching out his hand, feeling the touch of raindrops hitting his hand; looking at the continuous rain in front of him, Liu Yu said with emotion, with a hint of inexplicable emotion in his words.

Liuyu knew that through the rain, Nagato could sense his arrival, but he just didn't know if he was ready to face the fate he had arranged for him.

I have been in this world for more than 20 years, from Caoyakure Village to Konoha Village, and now to Tsukiyakure Village. Step by step, I have grown to where I am now.

Now, as long as he is willing, he can rewrite the development trajectory of the ninja world.

"I never thought you had such a sentimental side?"

Hearing Liuyu's words, Orochimaru seemed a little surprised. After all, Liuyu had nothing to do with this in his impression.

"You don't understand! You will never understand again!"

Liu Yu shook his head slightly. His emotion was not something that Orochimaru, a native of Hokage, could understand, nor could anyone in this world understand it.

As a time traveler, relying on Dragon Vein Chakra, Bamboo Escape Blood Succession Boundary, and the Immortal Techniques of the Thorn Forest Sea, I have now become a powerful force in the ninja world, and my destruction of the original plot has reached an unprecedented level. .

The destruction of the Akatsuki organization under the control of Nagato and Obito is imminent. As long as today's battle ends, the chaos in the Naruto world will stop here!

The so-called Fourth Ninja War will not happen!

Of course, this is not certain. Maybe the war started by himself and Orochimaru was the beginning of the so-called Fourth Ninja War. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Seriously injured Payne, disintegrated the Akatsuki organization, sent troops to attack the Akatsuki organization's base camp, and then found an opportunity to deal with Obito and Black Zetsu. Once this series of things is completed, the trajectory of Naruto's original work will completely change. What’s more important is that you have the power to do it all, rather than just leaving it at the idea stage.

As for the Samsara Eye, which is the most important part of the Eye of the Moon plan, it is not surprising that it will fall into his hands after this battle is over. Madara Uchiha also wants to be resurrected by relying on the "innate art of reincarnation", so he would have to consider himself soft-hearted if he didn't spread his ashes.

Defeating Pain's Six Paths, annihilating the Akatsuki organization, fighting for the Samsara Eye, and raising Madara Uchiha's ashes. If it were my previous life, I would be so excited just thinking about these things. And now, he is about to turn all of this into reality.


Orochimaru didn't dwell too much on this issue, he just followed Liu Yu's gaze.

Opposite the two people's sight, steel buildings were rising from the ground in the gray rain, and steel pipes were winding. It was obviously a large-scale town.

And this is the home base of the Akatsuki organization - Yuyin Village! ! !

Behind the two men were thousands of ninjas. Among them were the Tsukigakure ninja who was wearing a black standard vest, and the Otogakure ninja who was wearing a gray linen shirt.

However, compared to the orderliness of the Tsukigakure ninjas, the Otogakure ninjas seemed a lot more messy. On the one hand, this is because the Otogakure Village suffered heavy losses in the last attack on Konoha and has yet to recover. On the other hand, it is because Orochimaru did not pay much attention to the affairs of the Otogakure Village and established the Tsukigakure Village with Riyu. It was completely different to then have a methodical war plan.

"This time, it may be the prelude to the Fourth Ninja War. After that, the old guys from Konoha, Kirigakure, and Iwagakure who can't stand loneliness will probably wait for the opportunity to join the war."

Turning around and taking a look at the army behind him that was preparing to attack, Orochimaru once again looked at the Ame Hidden Village in front of him. Orochimaru said with the same feeling.

A single move can affect the whole body, and the Kingdom of Rain is bordered by the three major countries of Earth, Fire, and Wind. It was an important battlefield in the first two ninja wars and was the well-deserved gunpowder of the ninja world. bucket. He and Liu Yu have stirred up a powder keg here, and it is impossible to expect the surrounding countries to remain motionless.

Ame Hidden Village is not a strange place to Orochimaru. This is where he, Tsunade, and that idiot Jiraiya faced off against Sansho Hanzo, known as the "Demigod of the Ninja World".

And it was here that the three of them tenaciously withstood Sansho Hanzo's attack, thus gaining recognition from the other party and being awarded the title of "Konoha Sannin".

In the past, Orochimaru still quite recognized the title "Konoha Sannin". After all, the person who bestowed this title was Hanzo Sanho, known as the "Demigod of the Ninja World", who was recognized as the pinnacle of the Ninja World at the time.

Back then, that idiot Daimyo of Ta'no Country was able to agree to establish the Moon Hidden Village in Ta'no Country and provide financial support. He also took a fancy to his reputation as the "Sannin of Konoha".

Among his subordinates, I believe there are also many who choose to follow him because of the name of the so-called "Konoha Sannin".

But now, Orochimaru felt a hint of ridicule towards the title of "Konoha Sannin".

After seeing the power of a real "god", Orochimaru realized how ridiculous Hanzo's title of "Ninja World Demigod" was. Naturally, the so-called "Konoha Sannin" awarded by Hanzo could no longer make Orochimaru proud. Being able to compete with demigods as a "Konoha Sannin" used to be an honor, but now, it is a shame.

This guy Sansho Hanzo is obviously known as the demigod of the ninja world, but as a result, he has not been able to unify a small rain country for so many years. Although there is a reason for the competition among the powers of the major powers, it also happens to show that Sansho Hanzo, the so-called "demigod of the ninja world", is not worthy of his name.

Especially now, after being killed for so long, no news has spread.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Orochimaru's lips, and he didn't know whether he was mocking Sanho Hanzo for not being worthy of his reputation as the "Ninja Demigod", or he was mocking his own past.

"The Fourth Ninja War?"

Liu Yu muttered this word gently. In the original work, it was Obito who started the Fourth Ninja War. However, compared with the continuous strangulation of the previous Ninja World War, so that the villages with severe blood loss had to send their teenage children to the battlefield, the losses in the Fourth Ninja World War, which only lasted for two days, were not serious. .

Payne brought unity and peace to this divided country and village, but he was about to add murder to this place. Thinking about it this way, Liu Yu felt like he was a villain.

However, there is no point in arguing about the so-called good guys and villains in the world of Naruto. If the war is not ignited in Amegakure Village this time, maybe it will burn to Riyu's Tsukigakure Village next time.

To the ordinary people affected by this war, Liu Yu would say "I'm sorry", but he would never stop.


After thinking about it, Liu Yu chuckled, and it might be a good choice to make the storm more violent.

"Fight those old guys if you want. It just so happens that I have some things that I haven't finished yet!"

After laughing, Liu Yu's words turned cold in vain, with a bit of murderous intent in his tone. It is also time to resolve some of the vengeance that deserves revenge.

"Haha, his wind is over, now it's your turn!"

Orochimaru looked at Liu Yu's firm eyes and unconsciously licked his lips with his long tongue, looking a little excited. In the past, Orochimaru wanted to turn into the wind himself and drive the windmill, but now Orochimaru experienced the joy of waiting for the wind to blow.

The windmill of the ninja world has been stagnant for too long, and now it is time to start turning again.

And Liu Yu was the wind that he believed was about to blow the windmill!

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