Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 386 The future of Uchiha?

In the deserted forest, several tall buildings stood abruptly. Different from the endless rain in the Land of Rain, it seems clear and fresh here, and you can even hear a few crisp bird songs occasionally.

And on the outer wall of the building in the center, a huge fan fan is engraved on it. This was once the family home of the powerful Uchiha clan in the ninja world, but after joining forces with the Senju clan to build the Leaf Village, it was basically abandoned.

But today, here will usher in the fateful showdown of the Uchiha clan.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer!

"You came!"

The man sitting quietly on the stone seat straightened his figure and looked at the figure gradually approaching him. There was a hint of relief in his words.

"Yes! I'm coming!"

She casually lifted the hat on her head, revealing her beautiful face. Looking at the man in front of her, the woman responded softly, with a hint of relief in her words.

How many years!

The moment finally arrived.

"What exactly is the future that your Sharingan sees?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at the blurry figure in front of him and squinted his eyes hard, as if he wanted to see the face of the person in front of him clearly.

This battle was not originally in his plan, but it was his fate. The other party was also the person who inherited the name of Uchiha, and he could not escape all this.

In Uchiha Itachi's original expectation, Sasuke would complete the task of killing himself, the Uchiha traitor, activate the Mangekyo Sharingan and return to Konoha as a hero, and then revive the Uchiha clan and bring the Uchiha clan back to life. The family's past is completely cut off.

But things did not develop as he expected. Although through some stimulation, Sasuke chose to seek strength from Orochimaru.

But all this was not enough. Orochimaru could not give Sasuke enough power. Sasuke was still too weak, too weak to be able to walk in front of him, too weak to be qualified to walk on the path he had envisioned for him.

After all, people are not dolls that can be controlled by others. I have spent too much energy on envisioning Sasuke's future path. What decision the Uchiha lineage of Yueyin Village will make is no longer something that I can interfere with.

The path envisioned for Sasuke may be cut off, but he still wants to know what kind of path Izumi, who may be regarded as his "lover", has set for the Uchiha clan.

Among the paths Uchiha Izumi planned for the Uchiha clan, the one Uchiha Itachi cared about most was undoubtedly Sasuke. No matter how much he said it, Sasuke still had the blood of the Uchiha clan flowing through him. The existence of the Uchiha clan in Tsukiyakure Village was also a topic Sasuke couldn't avoid.

"The future I see?"

Uchiha Izumi first asked himself, then shook his head, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled as if he was mocking himself.

In the original work, Uchiha Itachi also asked Sasuke a similar question about how far he could see. Sasuke's answer was that he saw Itachi's dead image.

But Uchiha Izumi naturally wouldn't answer like this. From the beginning, the things she carried were heavier than Uchiha Sasuke. Although what she wants to accomplish is the same as what Sasuke shouted in the original work, there is an essential difference between the two.

"Is that kind of thing that important?"

The moment the words fell, the scene around the two people suddenly changed. The blood moon hangs high in the quiet moonlit sky, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood. Lying on the ground are Uchiha tribesmen in different postures. Their expressions may be unwilling, or doubtful, but more importantly Mostly anger and hatred.

And this is exactly what happened on the night of the Uchiha massacre. This situation and scene are familiar to both of them.

This was the illusion effect created by Uchiha Izumi. Uchiha Itachi did not stop it and even actively immersed himself in it. He wanted to know what the future of the Uchiha clan looked like as seen by Izumi.

Time may dilute many things, but there are also many things that will become deeper and deeper with the precipitation of time.

"What kind of future did you see when you did all this?"

Instead of answering Uchiha Itachi's question, Uchiha Izumi dropped the topic again.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed again. The tragic image of the massacre was gone, replaced by a huge blood pool on the ground. In the blood pool, countless Uchiha tribesmen were struggling to crawl towards Uchiha Itachi, seeming to want to drag Uchiha Itachi into the blood pool for burial, or rather They also want to know what the future is like that Uchiha Itachi sees?

To this day, Quan is still puzzled. What kind of considerations did Itachi make when he made that choice?


Or a clan?

Is it really necessary to take such extreme measures for the sake of peace?

It was obvious that Uchiha Izumi did not agree with what Uchiha Itachi had done.

Regarding the question of choosing between a village and a clan, Izumi Uchiha, who trained and studied with Ryūha, has his own answer to this question.

Liu Yu once told her that order maintained by violence cannot be considered peace at all. The original intention of establishing Konoha was just to give children a place where they could grow up in peace.

These two sentences were not Liuyu's original words. Liuyu also clearly told Quan that these were the principles followed by the two Uchiha clan members.

It was also difficult for Uchiha Izumi to tell whether Ruiyu's original intention of establishing Tsukigakure Village was influenced by these two people. But she knew that, to her, Moon Hidden Village was far more worthy of protecting than Konoha Village.

Liu Yu said that the prerequisite for protecting the village is that the village can protect the clan. It is a shinobi village that is a gathering of ethnic groups. When it loses its true nature due to power disputes, it is stupid to hold a incomplete concept of peace.

She didn't want to argue about what was right or wrong in her duel with Uchiha Itachi, she just knew. Uchiha Itachi did what he thought was right back then, and now, she has to do what she thinks is right.

She, Uchiha Izumi, is the twenty-sixth generation leader of the Uchiha clan after Uchiha Fugaku. Today, I will personally kill this traitor to the Uchiha clan.

"The future?"

Itachi Uchiha lowered his head slightly and glanced at the blood pool underground. Looking at the figures covered in blood struggling and squirming towards him in the blood pool, his expression changed slightly, as if it evoked a painful memory.

He was no stranger to those people. As an elder who had watched him grow up, he could even clearly name everyone.

Once upon a time, the eyes of these people were full of care and pride. They regarded themselves as the pride and "future" of the Uchiha clan.

Later, as the conflict between the village and the clan became more intense, there was distrust in the eyes of these people.

In the end, the last image these people left in their memories was the disbelief and anger, or hatred, on their faces.

"The future?"

His lips squirmed slightly, and he subconsciously said the word again. Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but reveal a wry smile. This question was really difficult to answer!

That night, his father, whom he considered his biggest enemy, did not resist. He just wanted to see the different future in his eyes.


The question about the future was once again placed in front of him. He was just like when Shisui left, and he could only rely on his Sharingan to see the future clearly.

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