Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 393 I will always protect you!

Preface: What is the difference between The End that has not filled the hole and The Eunuch?

"bring it on!"

"Let's end this together!"

The power of destruction spread out from the center of the battlefield. The monster wanted to escape, but was unable to escape at all. He could only watch the blade slowly swinging down in front of him!

On the one hand, with the passage of life and the self-burning of the soul, Liu Yu could feel that his body became weaker and weaker, but on the other hand, the blade became increasingly full of destructive power.

This blow contained all the power of Liu Yu's body. Using the power of Liu Yu's blood as a guide, this blow will completely destroy the soul and body of the monster.

The essence of the sprite is a pure aggregation of chakra, which only destroys the sprite's body and soul. If the destination of this chakra is not solved, the sprite cannot be destroyed at all. As long as this chakra is still dispersed in the ninja world, the monsters can be resurrected without limit.

Therefore, Liuyu will completely solve the demon problem this time at the cost of his own life. This is different from the previous generations of witches who sealed monsters at the cost of their lives. Although shrine maidens of all ages have sealed the monsters, they have not been able to completely solve the problem of their resurrection.

And Liuyu's strike will end all of this.

Ryūha poured the power of her soul into Mikazuki Munechika. When the blow was struck, she would seal her soul and that of the demon into Mikazuki Munechika, and then exile Mikazuki Munechika into the turbulence of time and space. During this time, she will leave this world completely with the demon's chakra.

She will fight endlessly with the demon's soul in that blade for generations. A bit like the Shikon no Tama) and this is the last thing she can do for this world!



Savior stories are always great!

But as the savior, when Liuyu was doing these things, she didn't think too much about the future of the world. Instead, what flashed through her mind were those she cared about and the people who cared about her.


Will you save the world according to the original story?


Will you take a different path as an Uchiha?


I hope you don’t let hatred fill your entire life!


You will be a qualified clan leader!

Either sustenance or expectation!

At this last moment, she was still entangled in these "mundane things"!

And as Mikazuki Munechika slowly swung down, the rhythm on the blade became more and more intense. If Liu Yu could understand it carefully, he could find that Mikazuki Munechika instinctively resisted all this, and seemed to be unwilling to make such a decision.

But unlike the last nostalgia in Liuyu's eyes, the fear in the eyes of the demon is getting stronger. He can feel that the woman in front of him is different from the previous generations of miko.

After the woman struck this blow, it seemed that she would no longer be able to wait for the chance to be resurrected!

Suddenly, Liu Yu felt a surge of power in his already lacking body. This power forcibly stopped Liu Yu from burning his life and soul in exchange for strength.

And what is the source of this power?

Mikazuki Munechika!

After stopping Liuyu's suicidal behavior, this power began to repair the wounds left by Liuyu's previous self-burning life and soul. And Mikazuki Munechika, who relied on Ryūha to burn his life and soul, also stopped waving the blade.

It seemed as if a lifetime of sighs came to my ears, and the sighs were mixed with endless pity.

"This is?"

At this moment, Liu Yu had the illusion that someone was holding her hands and lifting Mikazuki Munechika, preventing her from doing the next move.

But soon, Liu Yu was sure that this was not an illusion, because someone really held his hand and held Mikazuki Munechika again.

Liuyu lowered his head and looked down. A delicate hand covered his right hand that was holding Mikazuki Munechika. A faint blue chakra glow was exuding from the soft catkin.

"Silly boy, you don't have to be like this!"

Words came to Liuyu's ears again, with a hint of helplessness in them, like a mother's gentle reproach to a child who had returned from trouble.


Hearing this voice, Liu Yu's heart suddenly felt sour, and crystal drops began to gather around the corners of his eyes uncontrollably. Liu Yu's shoulders also relaxed, and the pressure that had been on his shoulders seemed to be shared.

Although he had never seen the person behind him, Liu Yu immediately deduced the identity of the person behind him. A person whom I have never met, but who has always cared for me.

Chihana Kusana!

My biological mother!

Only this power from the mother can his body accept without any defense, allowing this power to repair his body and soul.

But Liu Yu didn't dare to turn his head, fearing that all this was just a vain dream, just an illusion created by the monster to shake his determination.

As if she sensed the worry in the heart of the person in front of her, Kusanagi Hana sighed softly, turned Liuyu around with force, and randomly hugged her into her arms.

She had been looking forward to this scene for too long.

As a mother, she is undoubtedly derelict in failing to accompany her children in their growth. But her love for Liu Yu is by no means less than any mother's love for her child.

When Ryūha was held in his arms, she felt the warmth and could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, so she sobbed softly in Soka Hana's arms.

Liu Yu has always been burdened with too much. The expectations of her tribe, the pressure of the village, and even the survival of the world are all tied to her shoulders.


Such a choice only flashed through her mind for a moment. She had too much burden on her shoulders and could not choose to escape.

Now, finally having someone to rely on Liu Yu made her feel a little relieved. Only in front of Kusana Hana could she completely let go of her defenses.

Time just stands still!

The two figures were close to each other. Kusana Hana gently stroked Liu Yu's hair, with indescribable love in her eyes.

If possible, she would like to stay with her children forever.

A jingling bell sounded again, and then the soft purple light emitted by the bell slowly gathered and gradually transformed into a figure.

"You kid!"

A hand gently placed on Liu Yu's shoulder that was slightly swaying due to sobbing, and a voice filled with worry sounded, awakening Liu Yu from her mother's warm embrace.

"Aunt Maitreya!"

Hearing this voice, Liu Yu hurriedly broke away from his mother's arms and wiped the tears from his face. His face was slightly red, but he looked very embarrassed.

Liu Yu had never shown such a posture in front of others. Only in front of these two elders would Liu Yu show this child-like posture.

In front of Kusanagi Arashi and Maitreya, she is no longer the first-generation Tsukikage who dominated the ninja world, but is just a child protected by her elders.

PS: My writing skills are not up to par, I always feel like I’m a little bit behind!

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