Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 110: Fighting?

"Otsutsuki---Yinji Bigaluo.

This unfamiliar name appeared in Liuyu's heart as chakra lost control. Although the name is unfamiliar, this chakra is not.

"It's really haunting!"

In the empty spiritual world, Liu Yu's figure slowly emerged, looking towards the void in the distance. Under Liu Yu's gaze, the source of all this turmoil slowly emerged.

In the real world, as Liuyu temporarily lost control of his body, Liuyu's body fell uncontrollably toward the sea.

As Liu Yu's body fell, countless white chakra light strands overflowed from Liu Yu's body and continued to interweave and weave. At the end, Liu Yu's entire body was wrapped in a jade cocoon made of countless chakra light threads.

Returning to the spiritual world again, under Liu Yu's gaze, the void suddenly broke open, and a black figure wrapped in black haze appeared in front of Liu Yu.

The chakra exuding from the other party was full of malice, but it felt very familiar to Ryūyu, because it was part of Ryūyu's chakra, or more accurately, it was part of the demon's chakra that Ryūyu had absorbed. But at the same time, this is an extremely mixed chakra, which seems to be integrated with many people.

The face exposed by the black shadow, the broken antennae on his forehead and the empty eye sockets also vaguely explained his identity.

Looking at everything in front of him, Liu Yu thought for a moment and understood what was going on.

There is no doubt that the Otsutsuki who appeared in front of him---Yinbigaro is the owner of the golden reincarnation eyes that carry him across time and space to thousands of years ago.

My feeling when I first saw those eyes was correct. Those eyes were indeed malicious towards me. On the one hand, it was due to the instinctive disgust between the two bloodlines, and on the other hand, it was because there were still traces of them. Holding Otsutsuki---part of the soul power of Yinbijiara.

The survival of this soul power, as well as the golden reincarnation eye that can carry the power of time, also shows that Otsutsuki's status in the Otsutsuki clan is definitely not low.

Of course, it is possible that this part of the soul power of Otsutsuki-Yinjibikara was left behind intentionally by the ancestors. After all, leaving part of the soul power can help to better exert the power of the Golden Samsara Eye and allow for better connection. Different time and space.

During the gestation process of the monster, in order to speed up the monster's growth, the ancestors invested their own collection of samsara eyes as feed. These powers that once belonged to Otsutsuki have indeed helped the demons grow rapidly, but after all, the Otsutsuki clan has been a race that has long been hostile to the Kusasen clan, and their power is not that easy to digest.

If Liu Yu's guess is correct, the birth of the demon's independent consciousness stems more from the reluctance of the remaining Otsutsuki people above the Samsara Eye.

During these thousand years, the sprites continued to die and resurrect, and the remaining wills of the Otsutsuki people gradually merged with the sprites' original will, thus making the sprites break away from the form driven by instinct. The demon consciousness that has great resentment towards the Cao Qian clan has formed.

It's just that the will of this monster, which has been combined with countless people from the Otsutsuki tribe, is still fragile after all, and it can't even fight against himself who has absorbed the chakra fruit.

However, the remaining Ōtsutsuki on the Golden Samsara Eye became an accident due to the power of Nibikara. When Ryūyu traveled across time and space to a thousand years ago, the Golden Samsara Eye and the demons worked together as a bridge to connect different time and space. Perhaps from that time on, Otsutsuki's remaining soul above the golden samsara eye had been eyeing him.

The will of the demon is filled with the unwillingness of countless people of the Otsutsuki clan. Coupled with the source of the demon's power, it is still possible for Otsutsuki to do some tricks due to the control of the demon's consciousness.

But, is he too confident in himself? Does he feel that he can deal with him in this posture at this time?

In this duel, the only thing Otsutsuki Yinjibagaro can rely on is the resentment of countless Otsutsuki people and the partial advantage of the current location.

After all, this is my own spiritual space, and the monsters are part of my power, so I am subject to some restrictions here.

However, after all, I am a transcendent person who has absorbed the complete chakra fruit. In this state, even if Otsutsuki is completely resurrected by Denebikara, he will not take it seriously.

Thinking of this, the corners of Liu Yu's mouth raised slightly, creating a curve. He stretched his right hand slightly, and Mikazuki Munechika appeared in his hand with a cold light.

Feeling the cold light flickering on the opposite blade, Otsutsuki instinctively felt a trace of fear in Nibikara's empty eyes and shrank unconsciously.

If he had any other choice, he would not be willing to launch it at this time, but this was his only chance.

After Ryuyu absorbed the chakra fruit, she would only continue to assimilate the chakra she absorbed by virtue of her constitution and bloodline from the Kussen clan. The unwillingness of the people of the Otsutsuki tribe that could still remain in the body of the demon before will only be gradually worn away as time goes by, until it finally disappears completely.

Therefore, there are not many choices left for Otsutsuki Yinjibagara. The earlier he activates, the greater his chance of success. Previously, he needed Liuyu to find space nodes to return to the real world in the turbulence of time and space, but now, it is his last chance.

Mikazuki Zong slashed down, and the wind blade that was more than ten feet long broke out and struck directly towards Otsutsuki Injibikara.

Otsutsuki did not dodge because of the attack, but stretched out his right hand to plan. Judging from this posture, he was actually planning to directly catch the attack.

The wind blade accurately struck Otsutsuki Injigaara's right hand. The wind blade that was supposed to kill everything stopped and could not move forward one step further. At the end of the wait, Otsutsuki crushed the wind blade to pieces with a sudden force from his right hand.

"As expected!"

Liu Yu wasn't too surprised by this. It was just an appetizer, so he couldn't expect it to have much effect. However, this knockdown helped Liu Yu confirm his suspicion just now.

Under the impact of the wind blade just now, although it failed to cause any substantial damage to Ōtsutsuki Injibagara, it did dispel the black haze that shrouded Ōtsutsuki Injibagara's body, revealing the Ōtsutsuki. The true form of Mu Yin Ji Bing Jia Luo.

Otsutsuki's lower body, if you can use the word "lower body" to describe it, gave Ryūha the intuitive feeling of nausea.

On top of a huge flesh ball, staring at the head of Ōtsutsuki Injibikara, and that huge meat ball is the lower body of Ōtsutsuki Injibikara.

On top of the huge flesh ball, there are countless pale human faces, with expressions ranging from anger to fear. But they all have one thing in common, that is, they have broken corners on their foreheads and empty eye sockets.

Just as Ryuha guessed, the Otsutsuki Inkanjigara in front of him is not a pure Otsutsuki Injijiara, but a fusion of countless Otsutsuki people on the basis of Otsutsuki Injijiara as the main body. Remaining will.

The human faces that appeared on the flesh balls were officially the Otsutsuki tribesmen who were killed by their ancestor Kusanagi Lanyi in a long process and had their eyes taken away.


Liu Yu felt extremely disgusted when he thought that he still had such a lump of cum inside his body.

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