Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 116: Entanglement!

Above the empty sea, a huge ship is sailing. In the middle of the hull, there are several huge metal cages, from which a unique roar of a beast can be heard from time to time.

If you look closely, you will find that these are psychic beasts that are bound by seals. The chakra fluctuations coming from each psychic beast are not weak. If it weren't for the sealing runes wrapped around their bodies, they would definitely go berserk immediately.

On the periphery, there are several researchers wearing white coats. While observing the reactions of the restrained psychic beasts in the cage, they are recording something in their research notes without paying any attention to the vigilance of the psychic beasts. The resentment emanating from his eyes.

"Now the only issue left unresolved is the chakra issue."

"I hope it will be successful this time!"


Listening to the discussions of the researchers around him, and looking at the top-secret research information purchased from Orochimaru at a high price in his hand, the bald man who was obviously the leader of the researchers felt a little worried for some reason.

Although the Third Ninja World War has ended for a long time, this does not mean that the Ninja World has ushered in peace. Peace has always only belonged to those big countries.

As for small countries caught between big countries, if they want to survive better, they can only strengthen their own strength. The inherent limitations of national resources determine that the number of ninjas in their village is limited. In this case, they can only work in other directions.

In addition to the strength of the Konoha Sannin, the role of the psychic beasts of the three holy places cannot be ignored. Under such a situation, not only small countries, but also some big countries have focused on psychic beasts to strengthen the strength of Ninja Village.

If there is demand, there will be a market. When the captured natural psychic beasts could no longer meet the needs of the ninjas, artificial psychic beasts combined with genetic technology began to appear on the stage.

This time, their goal is to combine the excellent genes of the previously captured psychic beasts to create the absolute ultimate psychic beast, which will have the ability to continuously devour and evolve.

However, the bald man felt a little bit worried about all this. This artificial psychic beast was powerful, but it lacked effective means of restraint. Whether it could be controlled and put into the battlefield was a question. But unfortunately, the mission goal assigned to them by the top management was to create the ultimate psychic beast that could rival the tailed beasts. As a researcher, he could only carry out the order.

But then the man looked at the woman at the bow of the boat, and the worry in his eyes faded a bit. As a survivor of that village, she can definitely help them control the situation!

The woman who had high hopes from the bald researcher was standing at the bow of the ship, quietly feeling the sea breeze, completely unaware of where she would go next.

The woman's upper body is wearing a purple sleeveless kimono top with a traditional large yellow decorative belt tied with a long flowing bow. The lower body is matched with a white skirt, but the most important thing that cannot be ignored is the woman's outfit. long red hair

The woman has no intention of resisting these people. For her, it is very satisfying to be freed from the long-term wandering and to be able to work in a job that is needed.

"Look, what is that?"

At this moment, a very surprised call disrupted everyone's thoughts. Both the red-haired woman at the bow of the ship and the researchers couldn't help but look at the person who exclaimed.

Following the discoverer's instructions, a group of researchers also discovered anomalies on the sea at this moment.

On the calm sea level, a jade cocoon exuding crystal white light floats on the sea, without rolling around with the waves.

At the same time, although the people present were not ninjas, they who had been engaged in psychic beast research for a long time could also feel how huge a chakra the jade cocoon contained. From their widened eyes, it was easy to see that the chakra fluctuations emitted by this jade cocoon were beyond their knowledge.

Such chakra fluctuations!

Perhaps only the tailed beast, which is regarded as a symbol of a great power by the five great powers, can rival it! (Tailed beasts: It’s not me, I don’t have it)

At the same time, they also discovered that the psychic beasts on the ship that were originally restrained and seemed manic were much quieter now, as if they instinctively sensed the abnormality.

"Pick it up!"

Finally, the bald man in the lead gave such an order, and he had already made arrangements for the jade cocoon in his heart.


Within the Jade Cocoon, Liu Yu is fighting a final life-and-death struggle with Otsutsuki Inin in the spiritual world. Liuyu came back from a thousand years ago, but she didn't intend to collapse in such a place. She still had many things to do.

As his mind turned, dozens of chakra chains emitting pure white light protruded from behind Liu Yu, pointing directly at Ōtsutsuki Yinjibikara. However, Ōtsutsuki did not dodge because of the yinjibikara, and was directly hit by the chakra chains. penetrated.

The next moment, endless black mist overflowed from Ōtsutsuki Injibikara's body again, and began to erode the chakra chains that penetrated Ōtsutsuki Injibikara's body. The chakra chains that originally exuded pure white brilliance also began to change. Get turbid and black.

After that, the black mist eroded along the chakra chain in the direction of Liu Yu. The faces of the Otsutsuki tribesmen who were missing their eyes and roaring ferociously were also eroded towards Liuyu with the black mist, just as they wanted to seize control of this body.

"Is this your method?"

Looking at the endless black mist eroding towards him, Liu Yu had a trace of ridicule on his lips.

If the person facing him was Otsutsuki Yinjibikara's complete consciousness, Liuyu might still be a little wary, but the person facing him was just a trace of Otsutsuki Yinjibikara's residual thoughts mixed with the remaining resentment of countless Otsutsuki clan members.

In this state, Otsutsuki cannot even completely retain his own original consciousness because of the daggers. Now as the tug-of-war between the two sides unfolds, he is already developing in the direction of madness.

Facing an enemy like this, there is no way he will lose!

After finding out the details of the opponent, Liu Yu felt relieved. She was convinced that the opponent would not pose any threat to her. Her only trouble now was to completely refine the chakra with Otsutsuki's aura. It takes a certain amount of time.

Thinking about all this, Liu Yu also raised his right hand slightly, increasing his chakra output. The white light on the chakra chain became three-thirds stronger again, blocking the erosion of the black mist, and began to push back towards Otsutsuki Indabagara's body.

After the resentment of the Otsutsuki tribesmen who eroded along with the black mist suffered the counterattack of the white light, their already ferocious and terrifying faces roared loudly, obviously suffering endless pain. At the same time, the head The face with empty eye sockets also began to disappear under the illumination of white light.


The most idle person at Station B, Mogikawa Shimoyama, ranks Susanoo's height. Sasuke's complete Susanoo is 87 meters tall, Uchiha Madara's complete Susanoo is 89 meters tall, and Senju Hashirama Bokuto's height is 3. Kakashi's complete Susanoo height is 54. In addition, there are thousands of real hands with a total height of 33 meters, a total of 1206 hands.

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