Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 120 Six Shadows Conference!

There are obvious traces of human excavation in the volcanic cave in the center of the island. At this moment, a large group of researchers in white coats were surrounding the experimental table and conducting various analyses.

The experimental platform is mainly divided into two parts. One part is the huge culture tank in the center, which is filled with light green nutrient solution.

In the center of the culture tank, a huge embryonic cocoon can be clearly seen. If you stand close enough, you can even feel the beating heart, as if it is pregnant with some extremely terrifying monster.

On the periphery of the cultivation pool, there are densely connected pipelines, and the pipelines are covered with esoteric runes. Depending on the situation, they seem to be transporting something to the cultivation pool, and most of them are collecting It was bundled on another test bed.

The scale of the other test platform is a bit smaller. In the center of the platform is a crystal jade cocoon that is two meters high. Just by getting close, you can feel the violent chakra fluctuations coming from the cocoon.


The bald researcher headed by him glanced at the various facilities and then ordered. In fact, according to his true intentions, he was unwilling to start inputting chakra so quickly to cultivate the ultimate psychic beast.

But the current situation in the ninja world is becoming more and more turbulent. Under the threat of war, the top management has given them an ultimatum, requiring them to cultivate the ultimate psychic beast within a limited time. Now he can only hope that everything goes well!

"The values ​​are stable, everything is normal, and chakra input can be carried out."

The researcher on the other side looked at the stable wave line on the instrument panel, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and reported to the leading researcher.

"Then, let's get started!"

Seeing the researcher's reply, the bald researcher nodded slowly and slowly gave the final order.

But for some reason, the bald researcher suddenly felt a little uneasy. Then he glanced to the other side, looking at the woman's long red hair, as if seeking some comfort.

Following the order from the leading bald researcher, the researcher next to the instrument also pressed the final button, officially starting the creation of the ultimate psychic beast.

Then, there was a flash of light, and the crystal jade cocoon on the smaller experimental platform suddenly erupted with a burst of intense light, and the already violent chakra fluctuations intensified again.

The various pipelines that were originally bundled under the platform began to work at the same time, relying on the control of the runes to gradually peel off the chakra that originally belonged to the jade cocoon and transport it to the embryonic cocoon in the culture tank.

The land of thunder!

Among the towering peaks and forests, clouds and mist filled the air, and deafening thunder echoed from time to time.

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But at this moment, a roar overwhelmed the rumbling thunder, as if it was about to tear the sky apart.

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage Ai looked at the Kumogakure ninja who had returned from Yunlei Gorge in shock, his eyes filled with disbelief, and the anger on his face seemed to have solidified. Then he swung out his right hand and hit the wall accurately, successfully destroying the wall with a burst of explosions. Debris, broken stones and stones flew away, scaring many passing Kumogakure ninjas into hurriedly avoiding them.

The Fourth Raikage Ai was a little unable to accept the news that had just been sent back.

The Cloud Raid Gorge was breached, and all the Kumogakure ninjas stationed here were wiped out. However, the whereabouts of Kirabi, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, were unknown. The only things that could be found at the scene were Kirabi's broken sabers.

"Lord Raikage"

The secretary Mabuyi on the other side was also looking at everything in front of her with a headache. At this moment, she was not in the mood to persuade Raikage to calm down, because even she herself was a little unable to digest the bad news that was coming one after another.

Needless to say, there was no need to mention the sprites. Although the movement was very loud, it actually did not cause any substantial harm. But first Yukito, the two jinchuriki of the two tails, who went out on a mission, was suspected of having a confrontation with the Akatsuki organization, and then lost contact.

Now news has come back that Yunlei Gorge has been breached and the whereabouts of the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki are unknown. It can be said that Kumoyin Village has completely lost all the tailed beasts that are the symbols of the five great nations.

More importantly, the mastermind behind these two incidents seems to be the mysterious Akatsuki organization. Although Kumogakure is one of the five great ninja villages, it does not have much useful information about the Akatsuki organization.

"Lord Raikage, please calm down first. Anger is useless in this situation. We must respond as quickly as possible. Only in this way can we save Yuki and Kirabi!"

After barely clearing his mind, Mabuyi began to perform her duties as a secretary. Although she no longer had any hope of rescuing Kirabi and Yukito at this time, she had to say this.

"Mabuyi, what do you mean?"

Despite his anger, the Raikage had to regain his senses. As the Raikage, he must think about the problem from the perspective of the village and never let anger go to his head, even if the missing person is his brother Kirabi.

"We can propose a Five Shadows Conference, no! Not a Five Shadows Conference, but a Six Shadows Conference."

Mabuyi said after considering it, then rejected his original idea and changed the Five Shadows Conference to the Six Shadows Conference. As for the sixth kage added by Mabuyi, he is naturally the second generation Tsukikage from the Tsukigakure Village in the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Although I doubt whether the current Yueyin Village is still qualified to recommend the president after Kusachi Ryuha's death.

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A shadow, but Mabui added it anyway.

After all, in the recent period, Yueyin Village's actions have seemed too abnormal.

On the one hand, the Oni Kingdom and the Swamp Kingdom, which seal the flesh and spirit of the sprite, are both within the Yueyin Village's sphere of influence. Although Kusanagi Ryuha successfully sealed the sprite, the commotion caused by the sprite's resurrection this time was far beyond the scope of the influence. historical records. On the other hand, there was the strange battle between the joint forces of Yueyin Village and Otoyin Village against Yuyin Village.

Especially now, after Kusanagi Ryuha and the demons died together, the second generation Tsukikage elected by Tsukigakure Village turned out to be a member of the Uchiha clan who was said to have been exterminated.

In short, from Mabuyi's point of view, there are advantages and disadvantages to bringing Yueyin Village into this negotiation.

"The ninja world is really not peaceful!"

Outside the gate, Shiranui Genma was mumbling to himself with his signature Senbon in his mouth.

"No need to mention things that everyone knows!"

Gang Zi Tie rolled his eyes at Shiranui Genma, but still didn't say what was in his heart. Although Shenyun Chuyue on the other side did not roll his eyes, Gang Zitie was sure that the other person's inner thoughts were consistent with his own.

Is the ninja world not at peace?


Now a normal person can see that the ninja world is not peaceful!

If there was peace in the ninja world, the superiors wouldn't send a special jounin like you to guard the gate with the two of us.

Under normal circumstances, it was the chuunin's duty to guard the village gate. After all, we don't have many high-end resources like Jonin, and good steel still needs to be used on the blade.

But the recent situation is obviously not peaceful. First, the monsters are resurrected, and a blanketing haze has enveloped the entire ninja world. All major ninja villages have entered a state of war readiness. It happened that at such a juncture, news came out that the Kingdom of Ghosts and the Kingdom of Tian were joining forces to attack the Kingdom of Rain.

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building!

Although no one likes it, the premonition that the Fourth Ninja War is approaching has appeared in the minds of many people.

Gangzi Tetsu and Kamigumo Izuki are four to five years younger than Shiranui Genma, so both of them were lucky enough to avoid the brutal fighting of the Third Ninja World War, but this also shows that the two are far more vigilant. It's not as good as someone like Shiranui Genma who struggled out of the pile of dead people.

At this moment, two figures ran over quickly from outside the gate. The gray and white outfits on the opposite side clearly showed the identity of the other party's Kumogakure ninja.


Seeing this, Shiranui Genma spit out the thousand books in his mouth. His previous laziness disappeared, and his whole expression suddenly became serious.

ps: The protagonist is coming back!

(End of chapter)


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