Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 131 Uchiha and Shadow

After getting rid of the artistic duo of Deidara and Scorpion, Gen Uchiha led a group of people back to the Kingdom of Demons non-stop, because at the border at this moment, the situation between the two Iwazuki villages was far from stable. .

Later, Uchiha Gen received a secret message from inside Iwagakure Village and learned of Ohnoki's movements. After making arrangements for the others, Uchiha Gen took Sasuke to the border, planning to meet this living fossil of the ninja world for a while.

It has to be said that even though I had a certain understanding of Onoki's basic situation before the war, I knew that the other party's Dust Release was a "blood successor elimination" that exceeded the "blood inheritance limit", and made certain preparations for it.

But Uchiha Gen still underestimated Ohnoki, and never expected that Ohnoki could push himself to this point. Even Susanoo's full body could not completely suppress the opponent.

If Ryuha-sensei has absolute defense, then Onoki's Dust Release is the absolute offense in this ninja world. Pure defense methods cannot resist Dust Release at all. Even Susanoo is like paper in front of him. .

At the end, Uchiha Genneng felt that Ohnoki still had some strength left, but he himself

Looking at the world in front of him that was once again blurred by three points, Uchiha Gen showed a wry smile.

Sure enough, is the power still not enough?

At this moment, with several strong winds blowing, Uchiha Izumi also rushed to the battlefield. After carefully looking around to make sure there was no threat, Uchiha Izumi walked straight towards Uchiha Gen.

The current Tsukiyakure Village is not at peace. Although Uchiha Gen successfully succeeded to the throne and became the second generation Tsukikage, the situation in Tsukiyakure Village has not yet settled down.

First, the attack on Yuyin Village failed, and then Yanyin Village took this opportunity to stir up trouble at the border. In addition, a series of follow-up actions against the Akatsuki organization, everyone in Yueyin Village was busy running around during this period.

But no matter what, Gen Uchiha is now the second generation Tsukikage of Tsukiyakure, and everyone in Tsukiyaku will never let anything happen to him at this time. Therefore, Uchiha Izumi rushed to the battlefield as soon as he got the news. After all, the only people in Tsukiyakure Village who can be called "kage" level combat power are her and Uchiha Gen, who have activated the Mangekyō Sharingan. People.

The moment he saw Uchiha Izumi appear, Sasuke's eyes were in vain, and he directly opened the three magatama's Sharingan state, showing an obvious alert posture.

After all, the man in front of him killed Uchiha Itachi!


"It's been such a long time!"

Seeing Sasuke's guarded posture, Uchiha Izumi didn't pay attention. In her impression, Sasuke was still the little kid who followed Itachi.


Seeing the nonchalant attitude of the other party, Sasuke seemed to be deflated all of a sudden. He opened his mouth to say something, but found that at this moment, he didn't know how to face her.

The moment he learned the truth from Gen Uchiha, Sasuke seemed so unable to accept it.

All of a sudden, everything he had insisted on in the past was shattered, and all the efforts he had made in the past for revenge were like a joke.

Itachi betrayed his clan, but only managed to save himself.

Especially after thinking about the surviving Uchiha clan members besides himself, Sasuke didn't know how to face them. After all, in a sense, they were abandoned by their brother. If Kusanaruha hadn't intervened, they would have been killed by his brother himself, and he would really be the last Uchiha.

What Itachi did made Sasuke unable to find his own identity. The intertwining of the Uchiha legacy and Itachi's younger brother's dual identity made Sasuke wonder where he should go next.

Sasuke couldn't judge Itachi's original decision.

As a Uchiha legacy, he should make it his duty to kill Itachi and revive the Uchiha clan, and this is what he has been doing in the past few years. But as Itachi sacrificed his family in exchange, he didn't seem to have the qualifications to stand up and accuse Itachi.

His existence suddenly became so ridiculous.

Under this conflicting decision, Sasuke's target of hatred gradually shifted to the top management of Konoha.

If it hadn't been for the step-by-step pressure from the top management of Konoha, the Uchiha clan would not have gone astray in the coup, and Itachi would not have been in a dilemma, and finally embarked on the path of genocide and rebellion. new

And now Uchiha is not the only one, he can also call his tribe together

"Do you want to take revenge on the top brass of Konoha?"

Looking at Sasuke's twinkling eyes, Uchiha Izumi directly pointed out Sasuke's inner thoughts. The current Sasuke is still too immature for him. It seemed that Itachi needed to keep those eyes for a while longer.

"Don't you want to?"

Sasuke asked loudly, with a slight tremor in his voice. He didn't understand where he should go in this situation. The goal of revenge has always been like a joke. Even Orochimaru, who covets his own body, no longer needs him.

In this situation, revenge on Konoha was the only thing Sasuke could think of and the only thing he could do.

Itachi was loyal to Konoha, but that didn't mean he was loyal to Konoha. The tragedy of his clan and even Itachi was caused by Konoha, why couldn't he take revenge.

Hearing this, Uchiha Izumi shook his head slightly, as if denying Sasuke's naivety.

The next moment, a strong wind rose, Uchiha Quan suddenly protruded, his right hand formed a claw-like grip on Sasuke's neck, and pushed him to the rock wall behind him.

Looking at Sasuke's angry and slightly puzzled eyes, Uchiha Izumi said: "Want revenge? Let's talk about this issue when you have the power to surpass these eyes!"

While speaking, the three magatama in the scarlet pupils slowly rotated, and then restrained into a large cross star pattern.

Similar words came into his ears again, and at the same time looking at the unique pupil lines in Uchiha Izumi's eyes, Sasuke was stunned. At this moment, he already knew how to open the Mangekyō Sharingan. He needed to kill the people closest to him before he could obtain the cursed Mangekyō Sharingan.

The other party can obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan, which means that the suffering the other party endured at the moment of killing Itachi is definitely beyond what he can understand now.

Facing this person who killed Itachi but was also the leader of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke fell silent for a moment, not knowing how to reply to him. On the one hand, she accomplished what she had always wanted to do, and on the other hand, it was because she opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The opponent has great power, but

"You don't understand Itachi, and at the same time you think of all this too simply."

At this moment, Gen Uchiha spoke. In the past, he always looked at Uchiha Itachi with an incomprehensible attitude, unable to understand why Uchiha Itachi would make such an extreme choice between the village and his clan.

But when he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and succeeded to the position of the second generation Tsukikage, he began to slowly understand what the original Uchiha Itachi had planned. Although he would not agree with Itachi's actions now, he would not deny Itachi as worthless.

At this moment, he was the second generation Tsukikage, and no longer an ordinary Uchiha clansman. When he thinks about problems, he must consider everything from the standpoint of Yueyin Village. Although he also wants to kill Danzo, he is definitely not able to do it now.

As for Itachi?

Can you think like Naruto at the age of 7?

Thinking of the Third Hokage's evaluation of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Gen's lips slightly raised and he shook his head in the negative.

Shadows are also different from each other. The third generation's evaluation of Itachi is based on the so-called "will of fire". However, Gen Uchiha does not recognize the will of fire mentioned by the third generation. In other words, Gen Uchiha believes that the third generation himself has failed to implement the so-called "will of fire".

Every member of the ninja clan is not limited to sacrificing only for the interests of the clan, but must put the overall situation first and contribute to the village. Protect the compatriots in the village, treat the people in the village as one family, and avoid the barriers and hierarchies between people due to the strong ninja clan and ordinary ninja clan.

This description is indeed beautiful, but when the top management loses their faith in the struggle for power, and the third generation of the shadow is unable to cut off everything, the third generation's so-called will of fire has become a joke.

The Ninja Village was originally established to gather the Ninja clan. When it pushed the clan to the end for power and even refused to let the children go, such a Ninja Village lost the necessity of existence.

It can be said that in terms of his responsibilities and understanding of the shadow, Uchiha Gen is closer to Uchiha Madara who ran away from the village.

And now, what Uchiha Gen is practicing can be more appropriately described as the so-called "will of the moon" formed after receiving Ryūha's teachings!


I have previously replied to readers that Danzo will be killed before chapter 500. Now I would like to ask, at the hands of whom do readers want Danzo to die.

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