Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 236 The undead reappears!

"Nagato is just the leader of the Akatsuki organization on the surface, and there is another guy in the Akatsuki organization who really controls everything behind the scenes.

Seeing that the situation in the venue was tending to quarrel again, Gen Uchiha spoke again.


"Your Excellency Yueying, do you have any information that you haven't finished speaking?"

Hearing this, Mifune hurriedly spoke and said that although he had a premonition before the meeting that the venue would not be too peaceful, the smell of gunpowder was still beyond imagination. At this moment, he was happy for someone to change the topic, but also wanted to know. Who is the hidden leader of the Akatsuki organization?

Mifune's words also brought the focus of the venue back to Uchiha Gen. However, Uchiha Gen did not speak. Instead, he stretched out his right hand and tapped the table lightly.

Da da da-----

One after another, it seemed to hit everyone's heartstrings, making the atmosphere in the venue more and more tense. Everyone couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Uchiha Xuan Gourd, but they had the good sense not to disturb them.

The venue fell into an eerie silence, but Uchiha Gen didn't speak or make any other extreme movements as if he was waiting for something.

In the midst of this silence, the open space in the center of the meeting table suddenly opened, and a white figure wrapped in a dozen dark green spikes emerged from it.


"Hello you all------"

At the same time, these arrogant words also echoed in the hall. Bai Jue's full of funny attributes also added a bit of lubrication to the tense atmosphere.


At the same time as Bai Zetsu's words sounded, this thought flashed through Gen Uchiha and Sasuke's hearts at the same time.

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted by Bai Zetsu in the center of the venue, a ripple in space quietly spread behind Gaara.

When Gaara sensed something was wrong, Obito had already come to reality from the alien space, stretched out his right hand, and pounced directly on Gaara.

When feeling the powerful suction, the sand had already activated its automatic defense. However, in the face of the power of space, the barrier formed by the sand was completely unable to stop Obito's attack.

Gaara wanted to continue to defend, but when his eyes met the scarlet blood pupils behind the mask, his whole person suddenly fell into the illusion and was no longer able to resist.

Quick, this happened too fast.

When Gaara's figure began to twist, Ma Ji and Chiyo who were guarding him reacted at this time, but time did not allow them to react.

Just when Obito was about to succeed, sharp thunder rang out, and the overlapping sounds were like the resonance of a thousand birds. A lightning spear protruded and penetrated directly through the arm of the masked man holding Gaara.


As if he was surprised, Obito turned his head, and what he saw was a huge skeletal arm sweeping towards him, with thunder and lightning swirling around it, carrying an aura of destruction. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

In desperation, Obito had to let go of Gaara. After letting go of Gaara, Susanoo passed through Obito's body unexpectedly, and Uchiha Genya took this opportunity to take Gaara back.

In just a few moments, amazing changes occurred in the venue.

With the help of White Zetsu's appearance to attract the attention of everyone present, Obito launched a surprise attack on Gaara. And Obito once stepped into the door of success, of course, the premise is that there is no Sasuke's Chidori Spear and Uchiha Gen's Susanoo.

By the time everyone reacted, the brief confrontation was almost over.

Then Maki hurriedly came to Gen Uchiha, took Gaara, and began to unlock the genjutsu for him. The guards present dispersed to block all exits of the venue and prepared for battle.

Looking at the mysterious masked man wearing red clouds and black clothes on the field, Ohnoki glanced at the two people who reacted first from the corner of his eye, and he already vaguely understood that this might be the leader behind the Akatsuki organization.

When the furious Raikage saw the damn figure in red clouds and black clothes, his whole body was completely released. The thunder escape chakra mode unfolded, and his whole body protruded at an absolute speed.

This damn Akatsuki organization, he must make them pay the price!

But all this is in vain

As he was chopping hard, he passed directly through the figure of the masked man as if cutting through the air.


After glancing at the alert postures of everyone present, Obito let out a subtle, but just right, taunt that fell into everyone's ears.

No matter what Obito was thinking in his heart at the moment, his appearance at this time was that he didn't pay attention to everyone present at all. After scanning, he turned his attention to Uchiha Gen and Sasuke.

"That's great! I didn't expect that there would be two such outstanding seedlings among my descendants!"

As if he didn't notice the gnawing anger in their eyes, Obito pretended to be an ancestor and his words were filled with relief.

"You guy!"

As if unwilling to give in, Sasuke charged out again, and the Kusanagi sword passed through his neck.

It still passed directly as before, but I don't know whether it was because of Sasuke's Uchiha status or because Sasuke's speed and strength were not as good as the Raikage's. After Obito was slashed this time, his right hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Sasuke's neck as if it had completely lost the influence of the previous Chidori Spear. (I just want Sasuke to be beaten!)


Sasuke's neck was tightly grasped and he could hardly breathe. His face turned red and he struggled hard, but to no avail.

"Even if you are my junior, you can't be so presumptuous in front of me."

Lifting Sasuke in front of him and looking at the other person's three magatama Sharingan, Obito's words were full of warning and arrogance.

After saying that, Obito had no intention of absorbing Sasuke, but instead threw him directly. Because he knew that as a disciple of Ryūha, Uchiha Gen must know the weakness of his divine power that must materialize when absorbing or releasing other objects, and would not give him the opportunity to take Sasuke away.

On the other side, Akizawa Yata was not slow in his movements, controlling Sunako to catch the thrown Sasuke.

And Sasuke had no time to thank Akizawa Yata, his eyes were still staring at the figure opposite, the three magatama slowly rotating, as if there was endless power gestating in them.

"This guy is difficult to deal with."

After watching the masked man easily dodge the attacks of Raikage and Sasuke, and have enough energy to counterattack, this idea appeared in the minds of everyone present at the same time.

After all, they are the essence of each ninja village. Almost at the same time, everyone began to reflect on how to deal with such a guy.

Among the people who were thinking, only Ohnoki's eyes flickered, as if he remembered something.

"Who are you, this guy?"

At this moment, Mifune once again displayed the professional ethics of an excellent host and asked everyone this most wanted question.

Obito looked at the wary crowd and spoke in his cold voice.

"I am the undead soul of Uchiha!"




Can you please reply more so that I can have the motivation to keep writing!


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